Chapter 14 - Makin' Memories

Jack's POV ~ How have I not seen her all my years?!

    First her and her reserved giggle, then it was her and her warmth, NOW ITS HER AND HER BEAUTIFUL FACE, LAUGHING.

    Manny, I need some help. Please.

    I was holding Elsa with my 2 arms and even though her heart was nowhere near my hands, I could feel it beating rapidly.
    She was having fun.

    I wanted to reach out my hands and connect them with hers, but, I couldn't because she would fall.

    I smiled down at her waiting to see a hint of her small curved smile. Instead, she looked up at me.
    The full face of happiness spread.

    She looks so could no one love her? Wait, does she even have a boyfriend.
Jack, she is right in front you and you're staring, be cool.

    We both quickly turned knowing how long it had been. I looked up ahead, watching our destination grow near.

    The forest of my memories, lay ahead hidden beyond the great big green.
    And as we began to reach the edge, I slowed down and looked down.

"This...this is where I was...reborn."

    I felt her arms retreat and slowly wrap around my hands.
    Her touch, it was warm, delicate. I have never felt anything like it before. I don't ever want it to leave.

    Elsa, how are you so easy to open up to?
How do you make me feel this way so fast?
How? What is it about you?
    Wait, could it be?
    No, there's no such thing as true love.

Is there?

    We were quiet for the rest of the ride, floating slowly down to the middle of forest.
    As our feets touched the cold snow, Elsa dropped to her knees.

    "Elsa! Are you okay?"
    I fell down to her level and put my hand on her back, trying to find her dipped face.

    It was quiet for a minute before I heard the sound of soft laughter.
    I fell back in relief.
    The sound of her voice comforted me.

    "Oh...woo...that, that was fun."
    She said as she sat down.

"See?! I told you!"

    We laughed in the snow before we recognized the silentness.
    The sounds of distant voices mixed into the quietness filled the air. It was calming.
I glanced at Elsa, just a peek.

She was looking up at the bright moon, tears falling down her cheeks.
But she was silent.
She didn't have the look of sadness or anger, it was just silent tears.

Was she reminded of her past?
What tortured her?
Elsa,...please...what's wrong?

I don't like it.

I quietly crawled and sat next to her, still looking at her.
I lifted my cold hand to her cheek and wiped away the tears.

She was no longer looking at the sky now. I could see her full face.

I knew that face.
I had that face on before.
It was the look of true sadness when you remember you are alone.

Who knew that the girl I shared the same talent and same love with, shared the same feeling, the same torment.

Suddenly I felt arms wrap around me, pulling me into a warm hug.

It was her.
No one's touch had ever felt this warm before.

Her face dug into my hood as I felt her vibrate in silentness.
Of course, I couldn't leave her hanging, I didn't want to.

I wrapped my hands around her small waist and pulled close.

Our bodies touching in the cold made everything hot.

Jack, your heart is beating fast.

So is hers.

Jack, you're pretty close.

So is she.

Jack, you like her.

Do I?

Is this what it was feels like to want someone? To always have them next to you?
To always feel that spark?

Maybe. I hope.

"Thank you...Jack..."
I heard her whisper.

"No problem, snowflake."
I whispered her new nickname.

She pulled away and smiled.
I followed suit,
then we got up, trying to dust off the snow.

"So why'd you bring me here?"

Oh I forgot.

I looked around, trying to get a hint.

Oh that's right!

I quickly ran behind a tree and crafted a perfectly cold, but small snowball.
For extra luck, blew on it.

I eyed her in the distance and tossed it.
    I watched the arc slowly decrease and land perfectly on her hair.
    She yelped in surprise.

    "What was that?!"

    I laughed and threw another, this time protecting it with her hand.
    It still happened to crush onto her hair.
    I laughed again.
    As I prepared to throw another, a giant cold boulder hit me from above, causing me to fall.
    I poked my head out to see her laughing.

    "Oh Elsa Arendelle, IT IS ON!"

    I grabbed a piece from the block and threw it at her, which she dodged and and responded.

    We went back and forth, one hitting the other, laughing, then hitting the other, laughing.

This definitely isn't a kids' battle. She's competitive.

That's not all I noticed.

I noticed that she blinks twice before letting go of the ball.
I noticed how she's a righty.
I noticed how she never fixes her hair whenever it falls in front.
I noticed how she bites her lip when she's concentrating.
I noticed how much I noticed her.

Have I been staring at her? Was I studying her? can't do that. But at the same time, HOW did you that...

I watched her lift her hand, bite her bottom lip, and toss a forming ball.
And not any ball...


I let the giant snow pile on me as I poked my head out again, along with my arms.
I heard her distant laughter behind a tree just across.

You're definitely not getting away with that.

I eyed the tree covering her and imagined a bigger snowball.

This will do.

I whipped up my creation from the top of the staff, and watched it be released.


I saw her dive out in an attempt to escape. It didn't work.
I laughed at the sight.

ELSA!! Oh my god. That was a cute attempt but unfortunately I must win.

Through my pauses for air, I heard her laughing in the other end.
In the end, we were both dying in the cold wet snow.

We said in unison.




    "Thanks for letting me have some fun."

"No problem,"

    I whispered.


I will be taking a week break. So next week there won't be a new chapter but there will be one after.

I lost my grandparents on Christmas eve and I want to start the new year right.

    On a different note:


And im sorry if you dont like it, i'm trying to milk out their feelings.

