Chapter 3 - Arendelle?

Jack's POV ~

    "But he's not even interested! Look at him!"

    I fiddled with the strings of my hoodie, pretending not to listen.

    "Bunny, you're gonna freeze. I'm going to say that now. That's Jack's environment. Let him play!"

    Tooth replied to a grumpy Bunny.

    He mumbled.

    "Jack, I know you're listening, what do you say?"

     I turned to a smiling tooth fairy, flying mid-air.

    "Yeah why can't Bunny do it? He loves the kids there. You should let him do it and tell me how it goes, kay?"
    I replied sarcastically.
    I know i'll have to do it eventually.

"Now that you agree with me, i'll let you do it, after all you are the guardian of fun,"
    He doubled quoted with 2 fingers.
    I smirked.

    "Thank you for admitting that, then i'll get right to it! Right after I check something first!"

    Before they could object, I flew off up the stairs, and out of the workshop. I sat on top of the roof and did my little "exercise".
Breath innnnnn,
Breath outtttttt.
    2 weeks ago, Sandy received a message from the man in the moon saying that Pitch was returning to an icy village, Arendelle, to drive more fear out of the royalty. I've heard they're most likely prone to that as they had "bad experiences" but I have no idea! I hadn't visited since last year as I have been training in America for new powers.
    Anyway, one of us, me, has to go and check up on the town and kind of watch over because i'm the only one other than North to handle the cold weather.
    Problem is, why is it cold? It's July.
And before, I felt something shift in the atmosphere that changed and suddenly went back to normal. But I thought it was just me, getting too excited.
   I had watched my little sister get married.
    Did the shift come from Arendelle? If so, now's my chance to find out what exactly is going on in that little town.
    With that, I let the wind carry me to the small Norwegian town where I thought what I thought was true.

Check out the pic of Jack! So cool

Anyway, another short chapter... yayy.... don't worry, an interesting chapter is coming up so stay tuned!

Or read Miranden while u wait u know...
