Chapter 39

Amy walked around the hallway. Passerbys were surprised to see her alone. In most cases, she would've been with either of the redheaded siblings or with her rival.

She ignored the weird gaze and focused on her destination.

As expected, Amy was immediately called by his highnesses as soon as their lunch break came.

She already had the idea that they were informed by Carl.

Not bothering to knock, she entered the council room without any hesitation.

"I'm here." She announced as she closes the door behind her. She examines everyone and was surprised to see the complete cast inside.

Rohesia, Catherine, Milivoj, Carl and the twins were there.

All tenants gazed at the lady as they all sported a frown.

"I'm surprised at the complete attendance. Was this intentional?" She asks towards the twins, feeling a bit irritated that Rohesia and Catherine were involved.

As if understanding her gaze, William spoke his reason. "Yes. Rohesia has been suspicious for a while now, Catherine came directly and spoke about the incident in the training ground." He crosses his arms as he matches the light user's gaze.

Henry spoke next. "We came to a decision to tell the two about our situation."

Amy hummed. She didn't like it but knowing the two ladies, she's sure they'd continue to pester them for answers.

"I don't mind explaining the situation but it's best if we do this at Royse's place." She announced.

The twins frowned. "It seems there's a reason for his absence." He looks towards the eldest redheaded sibling.

Rohesia noticing his gaze spoke. "Ah, Rosey said he needed to stay home because he was meeting with a guest." She explains.

'So that's the excuse they decided.' Amy thinks.

The twins then gazed at the light user, aware of the fact that she knew the truth.

As if understanding their gaze, the light user sighed and nodded her head. "Yeah. Royse informed me beforehand that he'd be taking an absence from school to meet with someone but I'm sure Royse wouldn't mind if we continue this meeting inside his place." She explains.

They all became confused by her statement.

Carl hummed as he crossed his arms. "I'm quite curious who this guest is that made him take leave." He comments.

The light user simply smiles. "I'm sure you already have a person in mind." She replies as she studied the brunette's expression.

The twins frowned as they listened to the conversation. They gazed at the brunette in the room who simply chuckled.

"You're not wrong."


"Juli-senpai..., do you think it's ok for us to do this...?" The redhead whispers out of breath, feeling his knees lose strength.

The older male softly smiled as he grasped Royse's waist, supporting him. "I don't mind, but I also wouldn't like Royse to force himself." He assures.

The redhead averted his gaze away from the older male.

He nods his head. "It's fine. I can bear it..."

Royse took a deep breath as he allowed the older male to do his job. Juli grasped the redhead's wrist. The two gazed at each other before looking away.

"Then, tell me if it's too much." Juli whispers.

Royse nods, preparing himself.

The redhead flinched as he could feel the older male continue. He stabled his breath, trying to focus instead.

The two of them felt their sweat trickle down their cheeks.

"Hn..." Royse groaned, closing one of his eyes.

"Are you ok?"

The redhead weakly nods as he panted, face flushed.

"I'll exert more ok?" Juli announced.

The redhead could feel the immediate change. If weren't for the arm on his waist, he would've collapsed by now.

He bit his lips as he focused on his part. He looks up, seeing something from his blurry view.

"Oh! To think the both of you succeeded." Damien commented as he clapped his hands.

There in front was a floating device taking form.

It was something that Damien suggested they create.

The redhead did his best to stabilize the mana that was being transferred to him.

What they were doing was something people only advised to do when in a situation.

Mana transfer. It was something done by people who were in an emergency. It allowed a person to use another individual's mana to protect themselves or to fight back against an enemy.

But it could be dangerous if someone without proper mana training attempted this.

Each person's mana differs from one another. They can synchronize with others but transferring to another individual was a different topic.

The body would try to reject the foreign mana and make the body react. A few signs were fever, lack of strength, shortness of breath and others more.

And Royse was feeling those side effects. If he wasn't well trained, he probably would've felt like he was dying.

At first, he was surprised to see how compatible their mana was with each other, but when they continued, Royse started to feel the difference.

The first few minutes was easy for them. Their mana was in harmony, dancing along with each other, but when they went to the part where Juli's mana would transfer, well, Royse had a difficult time controlling it and using it as his own.

He closed his eyes, focusing as he continued. With his stretched arm, the device continued to take form.

"A little more." Juli announced as he looks at the device.

After what seemed hours, they finally succeeded. Juli immediately stopped his job and caught Royse before he fell to the ground.

The redhead panted, tired from what they did. The older male guided him towards the couch, assisting him as he sat down.

Juli gave him a glass of water which the redhead gratefully took. He downed it and placed it on the coffee table after, finally catching his breath.

The older male grabbed his handkerchief and wiped the beads of sweat on the redhead's cheeks.

Damien walked towards the floating device, humming as he examined it. He sported a smirk as he turns to the two.

"I had my doubts that you two would succeed. Colour me surprise." He comments.

Royse was silent, trying to remove the remaining foreign mana in his body. He turns towards the older male and sees him frowning.

"Are you ok?" Juli asks.

The redhead sent an assuring smile towards him. "Yeah. I expected a worse side effect but this much isn't concerning."

The older male nods before turning towards the half-blood in the room.

"Is the device correct?" He asks.

Damien nods, smiling as he takes the tool. "Yes, there's no mistake. Although the appearance is different, I can tell by the aura that's it's the same." He explains.

Feeling his strength returning, Royse sat straight. "I'm confused that we needed to use mana transfer to create it. What does it do anyway?"

Damien grinned as he tossed the device, making it float once again. "This is something that is capable of draining Xena's mana." He explains.

Now that was something the two didn't know.

"Huh. So it's only possible to create it with this method?" Royse continued.

"Yes. Although the 2 of you took the riskier way." Damien informed. "It would usually take at least 6 people with level 8 skills to create one. Not to mention that rather than transferring their mana to another person, they'd transfer it to a different device, since if they don't, the person might die from an overdose of mana transfer."

Somehow the redhead was familiar with it. He remembers reading an article about a newly invented device that could store mana of many people and then use it to create more magic tools.

Royse sighed. "At least inform us about that. Here I thought I had no choice but to take the transfer..." He trails.

Juli frowned, agreeing to what Royse said.

Damien shrugged. "Sure it was risky but the 2 of you are more than capable enough to handle it. And it would've been more of a hassle if you decided to use that device they'd use. You'd need to buy one before you could create this." Damien reasoned as he pointed towards the floating cube device. "You guys saved a lot more time with this."

Damien did make a point. But it still irked the two that the white-haired male forgo the risk and went and suggested them to do that.

Royse glared at Damien, causing the male to be silent.

"Next time, kindly inform us of all options." He orders with a smile that didn't reach his eyes.

The white-haired male chuckled under the redhead's gaze. "Very well. I promise to."

Royse sighed as he leaned on the couch. Juli soon took his seat beside the redhead.

"Are you feeling better?" He asks.

Royse nods. "Yeah. Although it was difficult, I'm glad I was able to understand how the transfer works. I was worried since it was my first time." He informs, leaning his head on the headrest.

Juli blinked in surprise from the words he heard.

"First time?" He says slowly in disbelief.

Damien also stood still from where he was, processing what Royse had said.

"Wait, you're telling me, you've never done mana transfer?" Damien asks, staring at the redhead in bewilderment.

Royse raises his head towards the white-haired male and nods. "Yes. Why the faces?" He asks with a tilt of his head.

Juli brought his hand over his forehead and sighed. Retracting it, he gazed at the redhead with a frown. "I believe it would've been wise that you told us beforehand that you never attempted it before."

Damien nods, for once agreeing with the light blue-haired male. "Yeah. I assumed that you already knew since you're Midnight Terror and all that so I went and suggested it."

Royse huffed as he crossed his arms. "Then I hope you learned your lesson not to assume things."

Damien sighed. "I admit it's my mistake but really, your first transfer? And you created that?" He points his finger at the cube.

Creating the device was no joke. Even experts had difficulties in attempting to create these kinds of tools. They needed years of experience before they succeed, but the redhead had created one on his first try.

"You're more than a monster at this point."

Seriously, he probably should start expecting things like this with the redhead. He continued to surprise him each time. He was starting to anticipate if there were other things Royse was capable of.

The redhead grinned. "Oh? It seems I exceeded your expectations again~" He spoke.

The white-haired male sported the same expression. "Damn well you did."

When the 3 of them sensed a familiar presence nearing the door, Damien rushed towards the closet and hid, deciding not to rely on the redhead to teleport him again.

Soon, a knock can be heard. Royse allowed the person to enter and there his butler could be seen holding a letter.

"A letter from his highnesses has been sent." Mark strode towards the young master and handed the letter.

The redhead took it, thanking his butler before opening the letter and reading its contents.

He sighed. As expected, the twins would be visiting later in the evening. But what took him by surprise was that Rohesia and Catherine would also be joining.

He pursed his lips. It seems the two must've pestered them for answers. As much as he didn't like it, he knew the both of them were bound to notice that something was wrong.

And he's sure Catherine wouldn't stay still for long.

Seeing his expression, Juli frowned as he asks the redhead. "I presume they'll be visiting?"

Royse nods as he placed the letter on the table. "Yeah. I had expected it. I only hope for our meeting to go well." He comments, closing his eyes as he leaned on the couch.

"I have already cleared your schedule for the day young master." Mark informed.

Royse smiles. "Thank you Mark-san. Oh, can you also send in another batch of sweets?"

The butler quirked his brow. "Of course." He walked towards the table and gathered the empty plates. "I must say young master, it's rare for you to snack so many sweets in one day." He comments.

The redhead nervously chuckled. "I seem to have taken a habit of stress eating." He reasons, hoping the butler would buy it. He nervously glanced at his closet, knowing their prisoner was listening intently.

"Then, is there any sweets you'd like to request?" With the plates in his hand, he walked towards the door and stopped as he waited for the reply.

The redhead hummed. "Then perhaps some cakes and puddings."

The butler nods before opening the door and taking his leave.

With the other man gone, Royse heaved out a sigh. Damien opened the closet with a bang, sporting an excited expression.

He walked towards the couch with a grin on his face.

"Cakes and puddings? Been a while since I ate those~" He announced, anticipating the soon to arrive treats. He flopped on the couch, laying comfortable.

The redhead gazed at the white-haired male with a straight face. "This will be the last batch. I'd rather not have you finish our ingredients."

Damien pouted as he gazed at Royse. "Now that's not fair. Is that any way to treat a guest?"

Royse quirked his brow at the statement. "Criminal. Not Guest." He corrects. He huffed as he watched Damien remain nonchalant.

"Seriously. You're a criminal yet here you are acting as if you own the place." The redhead comments.

Damien simply smiled. "Aww, I'm simply happy to be able to taste luxury~"

Royse quirked his brows. "I'm curious. I'm sure your group must've garnered a considerate amount of income, it's odd for you to act like you can't afford sweets and all that." He states in interest.

"Former group." Damien corrected. "And yes, we do have a considerate amount but I'm not allowed to touch it despite being a leader since I was a slave." He explains. "Though I managed to gain income by doing other jobs."

The redhead could only sigh at the explanation. He should've expected the group to act that way.

"Can understand why you didn't want to help them deal with Arabella... Saving your own skin."

Damien smirked. "How terrible, I'll have to inform you that I have trustworthy men under me that I've ordered to escape."

The redhead smiled mockingly. "Ho~. That's a surprise. You sure you didn't threaten them or anything?" He asks with a raise of his brows.

The white-haired male became amused. "Threaten? Why would I? They're the ones who chose to follow." He informed, closing his eyes as he fixed his position.

His words earlier in the evening echoed in Royse's mind. It seems Damien still gave chance to trust others. Though it was best to still be alert of him.

For now, Royse knew this alliance of their's would prove to be useful.

Sensing the same presence from before, Damien stood from his place and strode towards the closet, entering and closing it.

The redhead stifled a laugh as he watched the display. It was amusing to see the half-blood enter in defeat.

And soon enough, a knock can be heard once again. Mark entered with a cart. He pushed it inside the room and placed the new batch of the desert on the table. He also poured them a cup of tea.

Done with his task, the butler bowed before walking towards the door. But before he exited, he glanced at the closet.

He narrowed his eyes, feeling something amiss. His eyes continued to bore on the furniture, wondering if he was simply sensing things by mistake.

Royse and Juli gulped as they noticed the butler's gaze. They stiffened from their place, worried if Mark would try to check the furniture.

When he looked away and exited the room, both Royse and Juli exhaled at the same time.

The closet's door creaked. A mop of white hair peered from the gap revealing Damien's head. He narrowed his eyes as he gazed at the door.

"Your damn butler is too sharp. I could feel his gaze from inside." He comments with a huff. Damien turns his head towards the redhead. "I'm surprised that you can easily sneak out with those kinds of people residing here." He states as he fully opened the closet and exited.

Royse shrugged. "You get used to it. Though there are many times where I was almost exposed thankfully I managed to avoid it."

The topic was soon discarded when Damien immediately feasted on the sweets. He ate it much to his delight and hummed at the taste.

Both Royse and Juli sighed at the display.

The redhead gazed at the time and noticed that academy hours would soon be ending.

"We still have an hour before his highnesses arrive. Not only that, but we'll have a few more people joining in the meeting." Royse stared at the half-blood.

Damien who noticed his gaze halted from taking a bite. "What?"

The redhead held an impassive expression. "You weren't even listening. I said we have guests coming over in an hour so you better be in your best behaviour unless you don't want me to continue our alliance."

Damien saluted before resuming his eating.

The redhead could only worry for what was about to come.

Soon enough, Royse could see carriages heading towards their mansion from his window.

He glanced at the tenants inside the room and sighed from seeing their laidback expressions.

Juli was reading a book as he sipped his tea. Damien lay comfortable on the couch, snoring away without any care in the world.

He knew he was the only one nervous about what was about to happen.

He claps his hand, causing Juli to halt his reading and gaze at Royse. Damien on the other hand blinked in surprise, pulled away from La La Land.

"Guests will soon be arriving." He announced.

Damien groggily stared at the wall clock. "Oh, it's that time already." A groan escapes his lips as he sat up and stretched his limbs.

Royse walked towards the body mirror and fixed his attire to make himself look presentable.

Damien stood from his place, yawning as he strode towards the closet with a cushion between his arms.

He opens the door. "Call me when I need to show up..." He finally enters, leaving the two alone.

Royse gazed in disbelief. He pinched the bridge of his nose, trying to ease his headache.

"Are you ok?" Juli asks.

The redhead retracted his hand and sarcastically laughed. "Haha, never been better. I feel like an idiot for being such a worry-wart." He says with a distant look and a forced smile.

The older male frowned as he brought his hand over Royse's. "Things will be ok." He assures.

The redhead smiles, appreciating the sincerity of Juli.

"Thank you." He murmurs.

The two took their seat on the couch, awaiting their guest.

After a few minutes, a knock was heard behind the door. Royse turns towards Juli and both nodded.


Mark opened the door. Each guest entered the room, noticing them. The butler bowed before closing the door, leaving the group alone to commence their meeting.

The redhead studied everyone and frowned when he sees another individual added.

He gazed at the twins.

"I'm afraid I didn't see any information in the letter that we were to have another individual joining us." He announced.

William noticed Royse but his attention stayed on the other male that sat beside him.

Henry, noticing his younger brother, elbowed him. The youngest of the twin glared at his brother before looking at the redhead.

"Lady Elsie noticed us leave the campus. She had suspicions regarding our situation and asked to join." Was his explanation.

Royse stood from his seat and walked towards Elsie.

The brunette held a determined gaze despite knowing the fact that she meddled in others' business.

"Royse, this is about Amelie-san, right?" She asks, clenching her skirt.

As Royse was about to reply, Catherine spoke next.

"Please don't blame her Royse." She states.

The redhead turns towards the blonde. Catherine frowned as she continued. "We are aware that this situation is only to be talked about amongst his highnesses and his trusted people, but I'm afraid we cannot stay any longer in the dark."

Catherine's eyes locked against his.

"Please, Royse, we need to know the situation." She pleads.

Everyone was silent from the blonde's words.

Royse gazed at everyone in the room, seeing how they all shared one expression.

When his eyes stopped on Amy, he knew he had no other choice but to tell them.

Juli stood up and walked towards the redhead, placing his hand in an assuring manner.

Royse looks up and nods.

Their interaction went noticed by everyone in the room, especially the twins. Henry didn't want to assume while William on the other hand was sporting a dark look towards the light blue-haired male.

"Very well, but I advise everyone to remain calm."

Opening his mouth, he finally revealed the truth.

"Amelie is possessed by a demon."

Tension grew in the atmosphere.

Catherine gasped. Her eyes trembling from fear.

Elsie felt her head go numb.

Rohesia widened her eyes.

Milivoj stiffened.

The twins and Carl had an inkling suspicion that the young Caddel was the targeted victim after her incident in the training ground.

"Royse, h-how are you sure?" Catherine asks in denial. As if pleading him that it was not the case.

The redhead sighed. He looks at the closet on the side of the room. "You can come out now." He announced.

After saying that, the closet burst open, revealing the white-haired male.

Just like that, the twins rushed in front of Royse, drawing their swords. Rohesia stood in front of Catherine while Milivoj stood to protect the lady Wilk.

The cast glared upon the figure who stood.

Damien huffed, already expecting their reaction.

"You!" William snarled. Glowering at the male in hatred.

Henry found himself unable to contain his anger as he tightened his grip on his weapon.

Both twins still remembered the day when they saw Royse back in the training ground. The weeks the redhead was bedridden. All because of this person.

"Is this why you told me to prepare Royse?" Damien asks as he peers towards the redhead, still deciding to smile.

The statement made everyone gaze at the redhead in confusion.

"So we were going to fight~"

"Damien, if you don't quit it with your jokes-" Royse starts.

Amy smirks as she rose her hand, triggering her skill.

The white-haired male could feel the burning sensation on his wrist, making him flinch at the pain.

"You know what's going to happen." Royse reminds.

Damien's smile disappeared, stopping his act. "Just trying to lighten up the mood."

Everyone was confused with their exchange.

When Amy, Juli, and Royse walked towards the white-haired male, everyone in the room widened their eyes.

"This man here will explain the details." Royse informed.

Everyone returned to their position. The twins and Milivoj returns their swords in the scabbard but still remained alert.

"Carl informed us of an earthquake happening in the evening." Henry starts. "I presume that the 4 of you are responsible for it." He informed, feeling his sweat drop as he maintained his gaze over the white-haired male.

The redhead nods. "Yes. I'm sure Carl reported that I planned to get evidence regarding Amelie to support my suspicions. Alongside Amy and Juli-senpai, we were able to find the enemy. We were unable to avoid battling." He reports.

They became quiet.

Rohesia pursed her lips as she spoke. "Then, why is that man here? Rosey, don't you remember what he did to you? To everyone?" She asks in disbelief. Confused at why her brother was standing beside the man who sent him in a coma. Confused at why her brother fought alongside the people beside him.

The youngest of the redheaded sibling frowned. "I am aware."

"Then why did you allow him to be here!?" William snarled.

Royse could feel his anger rise. He was already being patient with everyone. He was already telling them the truth yet William still couldn't control himself and couldn't let him finish.

Amy sensing the changes of Royse was about to calm him but Juli was the first to place his hand over his shoulder.

The redhead looks up, meeting his eyes with the older male.

Juli's soft smile was enough for his anger to dissipate.

Royse relaxed his shoulder, feeling at ease from the warmth that radiated off of the older male's hand.

Seeing their interaction, William could feel himself bristle from rage. If it weren't for Henry whispering to him to stop, he wouldn't have been able to compose himself.

Even Henry was angry not only at their current situation but also at the fact of Royse being in a relationship that they didn't know.

But he knew that this was not important at the moment.

"When the three of us fought the enemy, Damien was there. He knows everything. He is the evidence." Royse continued, returning his attention towards the others.

Silence engulfed the room.

Unlike the twins, Carl, and Milivoj, the 3 ladies didn't have any idea about what was going on.

Catherine was the first to break the silence.

"Then, does it mean that he knows why Amelie is like this?" Catherine starts, walking closer towards Royse.

Rohesia followed after, grabbing her wrist to stop her from getting closer to the white-haired male.

The blonde halts. Tears escaped her eyes as she gazed at Royse.

Unable to contain herself, Catherine rose her voice as she demanded answers.

"Please, Amelie is innocent! Why was she possessed!?"

Everyone sadly gazed at the blonde, knowing the pain she felt as soon as she found out the truth.

Royse pursed his lips.

When Damien huffed, he took everyone's attention.

"She's innocent but her mother isn't." He spoke.

Catherine opened her mouth. "What?" She murmurs.

Damien ruffled his hair, disliking the current situation. It reminded him all too much of his past.

"Your dear cousin wouldn't have been like this if it weren't for her mother."

Catherine could feel her strength leave her legs. Rohesia immediately caught the blonde, supporting her with her arms.

Damien felt no remorse and decided to tell the lady everything. If she no longer wanted to be kept in the dark, then he'll tell her what she wanted.

"The underground group were hired by a baroness that went by the name Isthia. She allied with the baron Monroe. She ordered the virus to spread to the Emor household. She is the one targetting the Emor family." He paused, examing the lady.

"And most of all, she's the one responsible for allowing the demon to let loose."

Royse glanced at Damien, noticing how he left out the part about the 2nd seat. It seems Damien only trusted the 3 of them with the remaining truth.

Hearing it, Catherine held a down-casted gaze. She processed every word, every info, every statement.

She stayed silent.

In disbelief.

The twins gazed at Damien.

"You were with the demon as Royse said. Explain yourself." Henry states.

"The demon goes by the name Xena. She was sealed, assigning me to be the one to guard her until the seal broke."

"Then you too are responsible!" William announced.

The white-haired male ruffled his hair in irritation. He wondered how Royse dealt with these people.

"Sure, I am responsible that I guarded her but it was not me that broke the seal, hell I didn't even know when she'd be released. And let me tell you your highnesses." He mocked. "I too was affected when the seal broke. I'm sure you remember the monster attack in the city." He snarls.

They remember the night when Royse informed them of the client. The night that Royse investigated on his own.

"When the seal broke, it caused the monsters to wreak havoc but not only that, my people as well."

Royse finally understood why Damien was desperate when they fought underground.

The white-haired male wanted to stop Xena from affecting his men.

"Isthia Caddel's plan was for Xena to possess this lady." Damien pointed at Catherine.

"But it backfired. Rather than her niece, the demon took a liking to her daughter instead. I hope that answers everyone's question." He finishes.

Elsie trembled. She opened her mouth, no longer able to stop herself.

"Then-" She spoke.

All eyes went towards the brunette.

Trembling, she continued.

"Then, what made the d-demon take a liking to Amelie-san?" She asks, shaking as she maintained her gaze at the white-haired male.

Why would someone like Amelie catch the attention of the demon?

Damien was about to explain how an individual gets possessed but someone spoke first.

"I think I can explain why Amelie was targeted." Catherine solemnly spoke.
