Chapter 21

Royse sighed as he circled his shoulder, relieving it from the soreness. He spent his day in school being busy with the paperwork that was handed to him by the teachers.

It was odd from the start and upon asking why to them, the teachers laughed at his question and explained the documents came from the student council.

Oh no wonder.

The twins must have already told the teachers their decision or perhaps William to be exact. It's no surprise why they've been looking at Royse with a proud gaze lately.

He'll need to speak to the twins seeing how they disregarded his opinion. This time he needed to stand firm and refuse their decision. He won't allow himself to be pulled around just like that.

He navigates his way towards the student council office. Arriving, he knocks on the door and entered when he hears a reply.

What greeted his view was the members. They all look at him with a smile.

"Hello Royse." Catherine was first to greet.

The redhead bowed. "Greetings to the student council. I would like to speak with the president for a moment if possible."

William smiles and stood up. "There shouldn't be a problem to speak to us." He replies.

Royse felt his anger bubbling but decided to calm down. Losing his temper would do no good after all.

He looks up with a determined gaze. "I have heard from the faculty members that I am to join the council." He informs.

They all blinked in surprise and turned towards William, all except for Catherine.

William chuckled. "Yes. I apologize for not informing the rest. I believe Royse is someone who will be a key member of our academy. That is why I spoke to our professors regarding my decision."

"Your highness." Royse calls.

William's brow twitched at the title. Even if they agreed for him to call him with that title when they're in public, he still didn't like hearing it.

"I would like to refuse the offer."

The members became surprised at the straightforward answer of the redhead. Even if it was known that the young Frostenden was close to the princes', it would still take a lot of guts to speak frankly when outside.

Tension rose in the atmosphere as the two had a heated gaze. William simply lets out his usual smile, somehow amused with the current situation. Henry feels his headache rising. He had hope for a better location to speak about this matter. His brother always rushed into action which was something that annoyed him.

"And why is that?" William asks.

Royse didn't falter and remained adamant. "My opinion was not taken to consideration. A privilege indeed to be offered, yet a noble myself cannot agree with the idea that others are to decide for what I am to do. And that includes abruptly joining the council without a proper discussion." He reasons.

William allowed Royse to speak while other people were inside the room, then so be it. He'll prove his point either way.

The members felt their sweatdrop with the way Royse spoke. Despite being young, Royse spoke with a mature tone, something they realized he gained in his experience with his work.

A part of them was also in awe with his display of courage. For him to not buckle in fear from the icy gaze of the prince, they knew the future of the redhead was something they would fear.

After a moment of silence, William lets out a chuckle. "Very well. I would like to offer my apologies for my hasty decision. Would you like to schedule our discussion regarding the matter?"

Henry glanced at William, relieved that his younger brother had not lost his composure.

"Gladly, your highness. I will have my butler send you the letter." He bowed and finally took his leave.

Catherine simply smiled at what happened and continued her task. Henry shook his head and focused on his work. As for the other members they took a peek at the president and was surprised to see him frowning.


When Royse had asked for a scheduled discussion, he had expected for it to take place in his office.

He didn't expect the prince to change the location of their meeting to the castle.

Royse did his best not to crumple the letter and pinched the bridge of his nose. Henry was tolerable and had a better personality, William on the other hand is too forceful.

Royse was starting to see how the game William was. He was stubborn and Royse pitied the in-game Catherine. It must be absolutely troublesome to have such a fiance.

But he wasn't Catherine. Royse is the interest of the twins, meaning they had to be careful with their actions. Everything will be taken into consideration if they want to successfully woo him.

Royse snorted at the thought. No matter how hard they tried, Royse vowed that he wouldn't fall for the targets. He appreciated their company but as a romantic partner, it was something he can't envision.

He places the letter down on his desk as he collected his thoughts.

He already knew what he was gonna do in the future and knew that having a partner would just hinder it, what more breaking their heart once they see for themselves Royse's decision.

He shook his head and focused on his piled-up work. Grabbing his quill, he starts reading and signing the documents.

Just like that, the day of his visit to the palace came.

As he exited his carriage, a knight and butler had greeted him with a bow. "We are here to escort you, young master Royse."

He gave his reply and followed after them. Maids and staff workers bowed as he walked along the path. Some peeked and could only become tranced on Royse. Many saw Royse grow up and always liked having his presence within the place.

They finally entered the palace and walked through the hall. How many times had Royse visited the place, probably more than he could count.

When they stopped in front of a huge door, the butler opened it for him and stood on the side for Royse to enter.

When he did, he felt his cold sweat trickle down his cheek.

Official members sat at the meeting table as their gaze was directed towards the new entree.



Royse screamed in his mind. This wasn't what they agreed upon!! He asked to discuss the matter about joining the student council, he didn't mean about the 'actual' council!!

Mark coughed pulling Royse out of his daze. With a nervous expression, Royse took his seat that a maid pulled out for him.

He eased his nerves as he decided to use this as an opportunity to gauge everyone in the room.

Everyone had a high level of mana and skills. It was evident that they spent many of their years' training as it was a necessity for them to reach this status.

Amidst them, Royse became confused with why he was invited here. It was questionable to have someone like him seating amongst these people. The people in the room didn't seem to mind him and simply remained quiet as they waited for the remaining people.

The door opened and revealed the twins. William smiled as he sees Royse while Henry sported an apologetic look.

This was the reason why Royse preferred Henry over William.

Taking their seats, the meeting finally commenced. A butler proceeded to distribute documents to each of them.

Royse could only become confused when he was handed one. He wonders what William's agenda was in bringing him here. When he looks at the blonde, William simply flashed him a smile and turns his head towards the others.

Royse frowned and looked down. Seeing he had the paper in hand, he decides to read it and recognized it as reports throughout the month. He rose a brow as he skimmed through the paper.

This was odd. These reports had a few missing information. This was the same as what he would receive yet what he had consisted of more records and statements. He turns the paper and checked the next page just to be sure. Confusion was subtly plastered on his face as he reread the records.

"As you can see, these are the number of visitors that we received for the month. The recent incidents greatly affected our situation." William started. "With the knights preoccupied, our security has not been the best. I'm afraid a few outsiders have entered."

Royse knew what these 'outsiders' that William referred to. They were the ones that were capable of smuggling in items that were sold in the black market. Even he was irritated that it was mixed with his merchandise. If he didn't check it himself, then his business would have suffered a lot.

Now he knew why William invited him here. Experiencing it first-hand, Royse could offer his opinions.

"With the continuous supply of items, I'm afraid that our situation will continue." He finishes.

A member rose his hand. William nods, allowing him to speak.

"I believe we can send in our new graduates to help ease the worry of our citizens and our visitors. That way, there are more to handle the matter of keeping those people from entering."

Royse frowned.

Were they not aware? The black market has a wide range of items not limited to ingredients but magic tools as well.

Rather than keeping them from entering, they should focus on how they would stop their escape. It wouldn't be weird if they have a teleportation tool. With how Estrela, their capital, is one of the richest countries, it wouldn't be weird to think if the black market has its way of travelling to keep them safe.

Royse was aware of the situation. Years of spying and monitoring the state of the country, he knew the people became more and more capable. They needed more people to handle the situation separately, not the knights but the kingdom's emissaries.

Which irritated him since they were only a few in numbers. There's a limit with how much they could handle. Credits to how the emissaries often visit their household and only reported a few information.

Not to mention, the ones who are usually talented in handling those missions would be the adventurers guild. They have a bigger number than knights, giving them an advantage in this situation.

They can freely move through places without problems. The kingdom isn't making use of their options and resources available.

That was why Royse had targeted most of his consumers to be ladies and adventurers. Adventurers were different to citizens. They've encountered many life-threatening situations and had a different view of life. They didn't have any care if they were to buy this or do that. That was why gathering many connections to them was essential to his business. The amount of information you can gain from them was a lot compared to the emissaries.

Of course, it still had its cons as most would easily give in to the temptation of riches.

Seeing his expression, William calls him.

"What does Royse think?"

All eyes were on him at the sudden call of his name. The redhead remained a calm expression and glanced at the documents in his hand.

"If I may be frank, these reports are missing a few." He frowned.

William smiled along with Henry as they ushered him to continue.

"The victims are mostly citizens and innocent bystanders. The reports I received had stated that several victims were found by adventurers who happened to be visiting."

"Are you saying we are to ask the adventurers guild to help ease our situation?"

"Yes. I would like to share with you my received records." Royse looks at Mark and nods. His butler proceeded to hand over his copy and distribute them to the members.

The people in the room read the content and became surprised. It was way more detailed and summarized.

"Rather than keeping them from entering, I believe keeping them from leaving would be a good choice of action. Adventurers are not limited to one place."

"What are you implying young man." Another member spoke with narrowed eyes.

"We lack manpower." Royse tapped the paper. "Emissaries cannot handle the amount of work given. But adventurers have quite a number of members. Especially with the A-rank adventurer currently residing in our city."

Everyone realized and became bewildered. They couldn't believe they forgot about the famous adventurer that had just recently arrived in the city.

For Royse, it was normal for him to be updated with any talented individual entering the country. Studying about their appearance, personality and anything regarding about them. You never know when you'd encounter them after all.

"Emissaries cooperating with the adventurers guild will ease our situation. Furthermore, gathering the needed information where the source of items are coming from and the people distributing them. Knights will be able to focus solely on the citizen's safety and the outsiders within the city." Royse finishes.

Everyone was deep in thought about what he proposed. They knew of the rumour of the redhead being knowledgable but to see actual proof, Royse was talented for his age.

It made sense why he offered such an option. Though this will be needed to discuss furthermore, they prefered it out of all the ideas they have thought.

They look up at the redhead and noticed his earnest expression. Royse was young but had a mature aura.

The tension slowly disappeared as the members voiced their opinions and gave their approval.

Both the twins looked at Royse with a proud gaze.


"William-sama, I believe it would be better to return to the others." Royse states.

"My older brother is capable enough to handle the people. I am not needed."

Royse felt his sweatdrop at the older male's words. He just passed his responsibilities to the other and pulled him away from the crowd.

Now they walked down the hall and headed towards the palace garden. Royse was quite tired if he was being honest. The meeting took most of his energy as the members continued to ask for his opinions regarding some matters.

The meeting ended up taking longer just because of it. He was glad that William pulled him out of the room but he felt sorry for Henry being left alone to handle the aftermath.

Though being alone with William wasn't something he liked.

Royse heaved out a tired sigh.

William frowned. "Are you feeling ok?" He asks.

"Oh." Royse looks up at the taller male. "Just tired." He replies.

The walk towards the garden was silent. None of them spoke as they suddenly felt awkward with one another.

Finally arriving, William leads Royse towards a bench. With a thanks, Royse took his seat and watched the scenery before him.

Breeze wafted by the two, calming them. Royse feels the tension in his body leaving. He finally relaxed in his seat as he thinks of other stuff.

William was the first to break the silence.

"Royse, about your decision." He starts.

The redhead knew the peaceful atmosphere wouldn't last with the topic suddenly brought up. But he waited for the older male to finish.

"First and foremost, please allow me to apologize." William bowed towards the redhead.

Royse was taken by surprise. This was the first that the male actually apologized properly.

From his silence, William continued. "I was focused on keeping you by my side that I had forgotten- no, disregarded your opinion." He admitted.

Royse blinked and returned his focus. "Did Henry tell you to say that?" He asks, checking to see if the male was sincere.

"Henry gave me an earful but I didn't listen to him..." He murmurs. "Upon further thinking, I realized that I had made a mistake after you visited the student council room. I didn't consider your say in the matter."

Royse narrowed his eyes. From the way the older male spoke, it seems he was reflecting action.

Royse looks away.

"I am mad that you just decided on your own." Royse states in a different tone.

William stilled at the tone. He knew Royse only used it when he was upset.

"His highness is stubborn as well."

William felt himself being stabbed.

"Also very forceful."

And another stab.

"Frankly, ignoring someone's opinion is a trait that I dislike."

And a finishing blow towards the blonde.

William furrowed his brow as he became nervous. He didn't know how to handle this situation and he admitted that Henry was the one more knowledgeable when it came to this. He lacked understanding when it came to people's emotions.


William froze, waiting for the next comment.

"I don't mind people who properly admits their mistake." Royse finishes as he smiled towards the older male.

William rose his head and gazed at Royse. Relieved that the redhead had forgiven him.

"Next time, if you ever tried something like this again, I seriously won't attend your invitations." Royse returned his scolding expression.

William breathes a laugh. "I will do my best to avoid it then."

Seeing they finally reconciled, the two smiled and shared their stories.

"So Henry-sama actually was the one who suggested this idea?" Royse asks.

"Yes. Although I didn't wish for it, I knew I have to follow after his instruction." William stated with a bitter expression.

Royse chuckled. He knew William disliked following Henry but he was glad that at least the younger twin accepted his suggestion. It shows that William was making effort.

He could do better but as they say, baby steps.

When they hear heels clacking on the ground, they turn towards the source and saw the queen making her way towards them.

Stopping in front of them, the two bowed and greeted her.

"It's good to see you, Royse. Would you like to join me for tea?" She offers.

"I'm afraid I must get-"

"Not to worry, it will only be us." She smiles.


"What do you say Royse dear?" She ignored her sons refute and continued to smile at the redhead.

Royse gave in and accepted the invitation. They soon left William alone with a few knights escorting him back inside.

He was pretty sure he could hear William making a racket as they left, trying to command the knights to leave him be.

They arrived in a gazebo. The treats and drinks were already prepared and the maids left them be and gave them some privacy.

They both took their seat with the queen ushering him to take a bite of their desserts.

Royse tasted the treats and hummed. It seems the palace chefs have successfully surpassed him.

He held a satisfied expression as he drank his tea. The queen watched him and giggled.

"Is it to your liking?" She asks.

The redhead nods. "Yes. The kitchen workers outdid themselves."

"I'm glad."

The queen took a slice of her cake and smiled. "I apologize for the both of my sons." She starts.

Royse was about to take a bite but halted when the queen apologized. He became surprised and wondered what was happening.

The queen chuckled at his expression and continued. "Henry told me that the two of you often visit the town. I hope he isn't troubling you with it."

Royse flailed his hand. "No, Henry-sama has been considerate." He assured.

"I'm glad. But the twins are quite tiring to handle. Especially William, I hope you truly forgive him. He must've gotten that trait from his father." The queen sighed as she placed a palm over her cheek.

Royse nervously laughed. "William-sama already apologized and I can see that he was sincere about reflecting on his mistake."

The queen smiled as she looked at him sadly. "I'm sorry you have to go through the brother's antics. I'm glad that Royse is very kind, they don't know how blessed they are to have you."

He didn't know how to reply to that.

He knew the queen was fond of him but it felt as if there was something more.

"I'm glad to be their friend. Though I do hope they trust me enough to protect myself." Royse finally replied with a bashful expression. He just ranted to the queen about his thoughts.

The queen considered his words and continued to gaze at him. She opens her mouth to speak.

"You truly are similar to her." She comments with a sad smile.


"Yes. There was someone I met back when I used to be a little girl. Sadly, she left. I wonder how she's doing." The queen gazed at the sky as she reminisces her memories.

The redhead blinked and wondered about her words. Just as he was about to ask, the queen switched the topic.

"Does Royse like children?"


That took him off guard.

"Children? I do find them adorable." He replies with a tilt of his head, wondering why the queen asked such a question.

The lady giggled. "I've heard that Royse is a candidate. I apologize if I have offended you for bringing it up."

Of course, it was this topic.

Royse didn't mind seeing he was quite familiar with the queen. It was normal for her to ask. Though he didn't like it.

"It's alright. Does her majesty want grandchildren?" He asks.

The queen giggled as she covered her mouth. "Yes. I've always wanted to have a daughter but as you can see, Henry and William came out."

The queen sulked as she spoke. Royse found it amusing and remembers the time when he found out his mother from his original world was pregnant, he wanted a little brother but ended up having a little sister instead.

And now he had an older sister to protect.

"I won't be pressuring you Royse dear. But you can't help a mother become excited by the thought." She admitted with a shy expression.

Royse chuckled as he shook his head. "It's understandable."

The queen nods. "Though I do wonder what their plan will be. Royse dear, who do you find more appealing between the twins?" She asks.

He blushed at the sudden question.


Sure the twins looked good but he never thought about them being his type.

If it's about type-

A certain shy male came to his mind.

Royse blushed even further as he shook his thought.

The queen noticed his expression and laughed, making her want to tease the young male. "I just hope they make a decision soon. A polyamory marriage is quite difficult after all."

Royse almost choked. He forgot that they were currently considering that option. Though he is curious if that's what they decided.

Hold on! He didn't like that!! NU-UH!

The queen gave a worried look. "Both the twins are thinking about agreeing on the option." She explains with a frown. "With it, Henry will give up the throne and William will succeed. The twins wouldn't be in each other's throats all the time and the conflict will be settled."

Royse felt uncomfortable with the topic. "Is there anything wrong?" He asks when he notices the lady's expression.

The queen looked at him and nods. "I'm worried for you Royse dear. You will be carrying their children after all if it were to happen. It will be difficult as you will be their birth mother." She explains with a frown.

Now that he thinks about it, if he was chosen then that would mean he'd eat the gender-changing fruit!

The queen looks at him in concern. "It will be difficult, not only to Royse but to his children as well."

Right. There would be a dispute once again.

When he carries William's child, no doubt will the child be the crowned heir. As for Henry's child, it will be challenging. Royse will need to keep a balanced relationship with the two. There mustn't be any favouritism between them.

Thinking about it is enough to make Royse frown and worry. One child of his will be crowned while the other isn't. No doubt will the citizens and people voice their favours towards one of his children.

Another challenge will be the children's relationship with one another. They have different fathers but the same mother. Even if he knew they will be registered as cousins as per tradition, it will difficult as they are also considered half-siblings.

Everything will be complicated and could result in another conflict for the throne.

Seeing his expression, the queen places her hand above his. Royse looks up and noticed her worried gaze.

"You must make the decision yourself Royse dear. I don't want you to force yourself." She states.

He realizes the queen must've also invited him so she could call upon this subject. She must've been worried for him as it will end up putting him in a difficult situation. She knew the challenges that would await him.

Royse always runs away when this topic came. Perhaps taking his time to think about this matter would be appropriate as it relates to him. Especially as the twins will be graduating this year, a partner will soon be declared.

With a small smile, he gazed at the queen. "Thank you, your majesty. Will it be alright if I give my word when the two has finished their academy years?"

The queen opened her mouth to reply but halted. She smiled as she rubbed his hand in assurance.

"Of course. Take all the time you need."

Royse had already made a decision.


Author-dono here! Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter. Just a minor update to our situation.

Currently, everything is going well but by the end of this month, we'll be stumbling upon some problems and in regards to health. I cannot promise if I will be able to weekly update the story.

I started writing this story back in 2019 and I know that it's been taking a while to finish. I would like to apologize and at the same time thank everyone for being patient with this author-dono. I will be sure to finish this.

With our situation, updates may become slow but I will try to keep it weekly as much as possible.

Again, thank you to everyone!!

Regards, author-dono

Le Queen ~
