Chapter 31

Tears trickled down his cheeks.

The older male became alarmed by his tears and panicked. He grabs his handkerchief and immediately wiped his tears.

The younger male couldn't believe the dam finally let loose and escaped from his eyes.

Of all timing, it just had to be with the older male.

Rewinding what happened hours prior to this scene, Royse was spending his day like usual.

He attended his classes, continued to feign his listening to his professors. Made sure to check up on his sister and the rest.

Everything was fine but really, he knew that everything won't go his way.

Just one sentence was the cause for everything to go downhill.

The famous redhead can be seen sitting on the bench. Preoccupied with a book, passerby's knew not to disturb the fellow.

His other 2 friends were the only ones to take a seat beside him.

Royse removed his attention from his book and greeted the two.

"Finished in submitting your reports?" He asks.

Elsie weakly nods. "Yes. I thought that the topic given to me would be easy, but, it seems I still lack the ability to write a good one without Royse's and Amelie-san's assistance..."

The blonde furrows her brows at her friends' words. "Please don't say that. The professor made sure to voice his compliment at your improvement did he not? I believe that is worth for you to be proud of..."

Elsie chuckled. "Amelie-san, don't worry. I am sad at my performance but it just gives me a reason to challenge myself." The brunette smiled, assuring their friend.

Amelie heaved out a relieved exhale and nodded.

"If there's anyone that should be worried, it should be us Amelie'san." Elsie spoke.

The blond tilted her head. "Why so?"

Elsie turns her head in every direction, checking to see if there was anyone near them.

The brunette went closer to the blond's ear and whispered. "Have you heard? Rumours are floating around that the Emor household contacted a virus."

Royse heard Elsie's words and glanced at the two. Despite his unfazed expression outside, the redhead was slowly panicking.

Of all gossips Elsie had to share, it just had to be that one.

Amelie stilled at the info she heard and was in disbelief.

The brunette frowned. "That's why I'm worried if Amelie-san is not feeling well. Please tell us if you feel faint." Her concern was evident in her voice.

"Promise us that ok?"

Amelie regained her composure and lets out a weak nod, still not believing the news she heard.

The brunette turns her head towards the redhead. "That reminds me, I heard rumours of Royse being there with the other seniors."

Amelie gazed at Royse as she also looked at him in disbelief.

Cold sweat trickled down the redheads' nape as he prayed for Elsie to stop her mouth from blabbering any further rumours.

As if adding more to his worries, Elsie spotted the familiar older blond and older redhead walking in their direction.

Elsie was about to wave her hand towards the duo but Royse immediately captures her attention.

"That reminds me. Are the both of you free? I was wondering if you two would like to join me in town."

Royse spoke whatever topic came to his mind all for the sake of not having to interact with Catherine and Rohesia.

Correction, not having Amelie and Catherine interact.

Elsie smiled widely at the invite. "I managed to keep my schedule free, unlike the last time! I'd love to join you in town!" She beams.

Amelie was silent but of course, she noticed her cousin making her way towards them.

The younger blond stilled. To others, it may seem like Amelie's usual expression, but for Royse, he knew she was in discomfort upon seeing Catherine.

Royse gulped as he watches the two stop in front of them. They both greeted the three with a smile.

"Ah, Rosey's friends! How're you guys doing?" Rohesia asks.

Elsie returned the cheerful greeting. "We're doing great Rohesia-senpai! I heard that you took the knights exam."

The older redhead nods. "Yes. Amy-san and Milivoj also took it with me."

Elsie was awe'd in admiration. She nervously chuckled as she scratches her cheek. "Hopefully the mage exam won't be too difficult..."

Rohesia pumped one of her fists. "Elsie has been training and after watching her train, I know you'll ace the exam!"

Flowers blossomed around the two, emitting a fluffy atmosphere.

Royse, already used at the sight, heaved out a sigh. Catherine on the other hand chuckled at the pair.

She notices Amelie being silent and sadly smiled.

"How are you, dear cousin?" She asks, starting a conversation.

Amelie looks at Catherine but couldn't maintain a longer eye contact. "I'm doing fine. Thank you for asking..." That was all her reply.

Catherine looks at Amelie in understanding before looking away.

"That's, relieving to know..."

Royse felt his sweatdrop at the awkward atmosphere.

Escaping from their own world, Elsie finally noticed the older blond. She hesitated whether to ask regarding their earlier topic.

Royse noticing Elsie immediately felt dread.

The redhead opened his mouth to divert the attention to him but Catherine seemed to know what he was gonna do and turned her head towards him.

'It's fine.' Catherine mouthed before turning towards the brunette.

"Is it alright to ask something Catherine-sama?" Elsie asked.

"Please, don't hesitate."

The brunette mustered her courage. "Are you feeling well? I heard that you were quite sick..." She asks as she fiddled with her fingers nervously.

Catherine chuckled. "Yes, indeed I was. Thankfully, with the help of kind people, I was able to heal."

Royse glanced at Amelie and noticed her concerned gaze towards her cousin.

The redhead silently hummed.

This was the first for Amelie to react towards Catherine in a familial way. It seems what Royse assumed about Amelie was true after all.

"That's great to hear! I was really worried if it was a fatal virus. Amelie-san and her family would've also been affected, I'm glad it wasn't that case." Elsie whispered the last part.

But it was apparent that everyone heard it.

Catherine sadly smiled. "Yes, it would've been terrible for more people to become infected." She turns towards her cousin. "Please tell auntie to take care of herself. I know she tends to overwork and I know you too share the same trait, please rest when needed dear cousin."

Royse became pale when he notices Amelie's eyes trembling after hearing the words.

As if expecting what was about to happen, Royse opened his mouth to speak but Amelie beat him first and stood up.

"I am not like her!"

Her loud voice seemed to have captured the people's attention and turned their heads towards the group.

Everyone became stunned at the sudden outburst.

None of them expected Amelie to raise her voice just now.

Blinking her eyes, she looks up as she widened her eyes after realizing what she had done.

Bowing her head, she bids her farewell before rushing towards somewhere else.

Everyone was silent. Catherine was the first to heave out a sigh.

"I've made things worse...again..." She murmurs.

Elsie was confused and stood up. "I'll uh- I'll go and see if Amelie-san is ok..." She spoke before rushing after the blond that left in a hurry.

Royse was about to follow after his friends but halted when Rohesia spoke.

"Leave them Rosey. I'm sure Elsie feels partially responsible for Amelie's sudden change. Give them some time alone."

The younger redhead pursed his lips before nodding his head.

"I thought everything was going well... Amelie seemed to have not known that the Emor household contacted the virus..." Royse remembers her friends' concerned gaze clearly. "She looked worried you know..."

Catherine was surprised at the info and sadly smiled. "I'm glad..."

Soon, Royse was left alone on the bench. His interest in reading his book disappeared as he became occupied with his thoughts.

Stress was getting to him.

He can't fix everything.

That was reality.

He had accepted that fact but it still left a bitter taste in his mouth. But he also knows that he'd need to rely on others.

Remembering Amy's words, Royse tried to organize his thoughts and focus on the brighter side instead.

He was about to stand up when a deep voice spoke behind him.

Knowing that he failed to sense the familiar presence, he knew who the owner of the voice was.


Royse greets as he turns towards the older male behind him. He sees the man sporting a frown.

"Is there anything wrong?" Royse asks, confused by the others' expression.

Juli shook his head and glanced at the people that walked by. His eyes beamed with an idea.

The light blue-haired male brought his hands inside his pocket and showed a familiar ticket.

"Would you like to join me at the concert?"


Royse blinked his eyes in surprise. He remembers the ticket he won with the older male back in the school festival.

He widened his eyes after realizing something.

Then that meant, the older male was actually hoping to ask him to join him in the very beginning.

Royse also remembered his plan on giving the ticket to his sister.

Big oof if he did since he'd be telling the older male that he gave away the prize that they worked hard on.

Yeah, Royse doesn't think he can live with that scene in mind.

"It was today? I forgot about that..." The redhead scratches his head. It wasn't that he didn't want to join the older male but with all the things that happened, Royse thinks that he'd better head straight home to rest instead.

Seeing his lack of reply, Juli sported an understanding expression.

"It's fine if you are unable to. I am aware that Royse is quite busy with his enterprise..." The older male murmured.

Oh yeah, when he gets home, he won't be able to rest due to his work.

Should he accept? At least with this option, he'd have an excuse to skip his work.

The redhead shook his head and smiled. "It's fine. I'll gladly accept your invitation."

Juli immediately beamed. He held a sparkling aura after hearing the redhead's reply.

Seeing the older male's brightened up expression made Royse not regret his decision.

Royse was regretting his decision.

Now, the concert hall was easy to find seeing how it was a freaking landmark in Estrela but why is it that they're taking hours just to get there?!

Oh of course! How could Royse forget!

If you're with Juli, then expect that you'd be like walking an energetic dog who was easily swayed by anything.

Well, the only difference was how Juli was silent.

"Juli-senpai." Royse spoke.

The older male stopped his action and turns towards the younger male behind him. There the light blue-haired male can be seen wearing a weird hat.

Royse sighed before looking at the shop vendor who appeared nervous. The man was clasping his hands, trying to deal with them with effort, knowing that they were nobles.

"Is there anything e-else that you'd like dear sirs?" The man asks, stammering in the process.

Juli was about to speak when Royse went and interlocked his arms towards the older male's arm. The redhead smiled. "Thank you for your assistance but I'm afraid we'll be going." As Royse spoke, his other hand removed the weird hat on Juli, returning it to where it was and pulled him out of the shop after.

And that was just the beginning.

Because Juli was not only swayed by contraptions and gimmicks but especially food.

Having enough of this, Royse placed both his hands over his hips.

He smiles. The one that didn't reach his eyes. "Juli-senpai, we'll be late for the concert if you continue this."

Screw trying to be respectful to your senior.

Seeing his expression, that was all it took for the older male to obey and focus on their goal.

Royse huffed as he saw Juli's last gaze he made towards the food stalls.

He immediately discarded the image of Juli's dog ears drooping.

"If you want, we can grab a bite as we make our way towards the concert hall. The concert lasts for more than an hour, having a light meal should be good." Royse proposed.

That seemed to have brightened the older male's mood. Juli nods his head before the two made their way towards the stalls to buy a quick snack.

Juli each took a look at the menu and wondered which he should order. He was torn between the number of options that he felt overwhelmed by it.

Seeing his situation, Royse chuckled and decided to order for the older male.

The redhead walked towards a stall and ordered something to eat. Something he knew that many nobles liked.

"I'll have this please." Royse spoke.

The vendor widely smiled at his appearance.

"Royse!!! Good to see you! Been a while since ya last visit! Was wondering if you forgot about us!" The vendor joked with a boisterous laugh.

The redhead smiled. "Work in the academy has been piling."

The vendor nods. "Must be rough kid, well, since you're here and all with your friend there." The man looked at the older male with the redhead. "I better give ya guys the best of best."

"Ah, can you please make that to go? We're going to eat it as we go."

The vendor nods before turning his back and preparing their order. "No problem!"

Juli watched how Royse conversed with the vendor as if it was natural. The older male was intrigued by how Royse easily conversed with other people.

Juli was aware that every noble is accustomed to socializing.

But Royse?

Royse knew how to socialize depending on the person he was talking to.

If he was talking to someone older, he spoke with respect. If he spoke with someone younger or a child, Royse would speak in a goofy tone to not frighten the child.

Everything was natural to him.

It may be due to the fact that he was considered an orphan, but one thing he noticed was that,

It's as if Royse was free.

Juli smiled at how the redhead hummed. Rather than seeing Royse being formal like in the academy, he prefered seeing Royse like this.

And he was proud of himself that the redhead was comfortable enough to speak with him in an informal and casual tone.

Their order was finally done. Juli immediately rushed towards the vendor to pay for their order, which took Royse by surprise.

The two argued who would pay, causing a few customers to glance their way.

If it wasn't for the vendor laughing his ass off, the two wouldn't have stopped their bickering.

"You should let him pay Royse. You always pay for others' food, it's good to be treated once in a while ya know."

Royse finally gave in after seeing the vendors grin. Come to think of it, he does have a habit of doing that...

Juli beamed and sported a victorious expression as he paid for their meal.

They both took their meal and bid their farewells to the vendor.

"I'm paying when we eat after the concert." Royse announced as he unwrapped his meal and took a bite.

"How about we half the payment." Juli insisted as he also followed after the redhead and ate his order. His eyes glistened at the taste and silently ate the food.

Swallowing the food, Royse frowned. "You're not backing down are you..."

The older male simply shrugged as he took another big bite. His cheeks were stuffed, making Royse remind him of a squirrel.

Stifling a laugh, Royse shook his head. "Fine, we'll half the payment if you much so want."

Juli smiled. His eyes formed a crescent shape as he focused on the food on his hand.

The walk was silent as they finished their meal. Seeing how Juli was preoccupied with his food, Royse no longer had difficulties in leading the older male towards their destination.

Just in time, when they finished their meal, they had finally arrived at the concert hall.

They threw the wrapper in the trash bin. Royse turns towards Juli. "Have you been to a concert before?" He asks.

Juli shook his head. "No, I haven't. You?"

Royse hummed. "I have." It wasn't his choice to watch. Because he was dealing with business partners, they often send him tickets as a gift. But he only decided to check it out once and then gave the rest of the tickets to his family or the staff worker at home.

"I see. I'm not familiar with this..."

"It's fine, but I'm sure you'd enjoy it. I've heard the ones performing are quite famous for their intriguing genre of music."

Rather than classical, it seems this band was exploring other ways of music.

Which Royse was very happy to see it happening. Though by now he was used to classical and very much appreciated it, (something he never thought he would back in his former world) he also liked seeing the diversity in the music genre.

They finally entered and showed their tickets towards the desk.

Juli was mesmerized by the building and was surprised at the number of people that were inside.

Royse was the one to lead them to their seat. Juli continued to admire the building's structure and was focused on the stage, anticipating what was to come.

When it began, Royse was impressed by the setup. Unlike the usual, it was evident that this was a different take in the music industry.

The redhead understood why the band was popular. There was even a vocalist that sang beautifully.

There were also some acting involved, seeing how they also made a theatre play.

The redhead glanced at the older male beside him and saw the lights that reflected from his eyes.

Innocent gaze. Like a child seeing a new toy.

It never failed Royse to smile when he sees his friends like this.

Returning his focus on the stage, Royse smiled the whole duration.


The redhead stretched his arms. The concert finally ended and the two of them was now outside the concert hall.

Royse turns his head towards his friend and noticed his distracted gaze. "Seems you enjoyed it."

Juli looks at him and smiles. "Yes."

The redhead checked his watch and noticed the time. "I guess we can grab a bite. Though we wouldn't want to spoil our appetite later in dinner back home." Royse states as he retreated his hand on his side. "What do you want to do Juli-senpai?"

The older male hummed as he thought about the options. "Town? I'd like to check out a few shops."

"Sure." The two started walking towards the town square seeing that most establishments were there.

"Is there anything you plan on buying senpai?" Royse asks as they passed by the crowd.

"Yes. I placed an order a while back. I've received a letter that it can be collected."

The redhead hummed. He was curious what object Juli had ordered but knew it was unnecessary for him to pry any further.

Arriving at the familiar town square, Royse turns towards the older male. "Which shop is it?"

"We can visit it the last. I'd like to check the other shops first."

The redhead nods and surveyed the shops and wondered if there was anything he'd need to buy.

He was stocked up with the necessities he needed for a battle. Except for the tracking device that he used for the incident. He needed to find another one soon.

Other than that, was there anything else? Since he's here and all, better to buy the stuff he may need.

While he was busy thinking, he failed to notice the older male start walking towards a shop.

Only did the redhead realize that the older male was now in the distance when he turned his head to ask a question.

Royse grumbled as he manoeuvred around the crowd to catch up.

Finally catching up, he enters the shop and searched for the older male. Seeing how tall Juli was and mind he say, eye-catching, Royse easily found him and walked towards his side.

He glanced at the light blue-haired male and saw him checking out the objects that the store has to offer.

In Juli's hand was a box that held the content of a beautiful fountain pen. He notices how the older male's expression sported a torn one. Already knowing that he was thinking about buying the item or not.

"It looks beautiful. Is it a gift perhaps?" Royse asks.

Juli nods his head. "For my brother..."

Ah, for Moran.

The redhead hummed as the image of the other male appeared in his mind. He raises a brow. "Moran-senpai doesn't give me a feeling that he's a studious type."

Hearing his words, Juli sighed. "He isn't..." He returns the box from where it was before and checked his other options.

Seeing the older male struggling, the redhead decided to help him find something that would somewhat suit his brother.

"What about this?" Royse asks as he showed a simple container in his hand.

Juli furrows his brows as he imagined his brother using the item. He squinted his eyes when he couldn't picture Moran using it.

He shook his head, making Royse return the object to its place. The redhead continued to browse their selection. After a while, the two knew nothing in the shop fits their criteria.

"Let's check the others out. Perhaps they may have something." Royse suggested as they left the current shop to move on the other.

Needless to say, finding a gift for Moran was a headache. Both Juli and Royse would find something, but both would also imagine Moran using the item and knew it would just be wasted on the guy.

Royse already met with Moran a couple of times and already knew what type of person he was.

Juli and Royse came to an agreement that Moran was a troublesome sibling.

After hours, the two felt their stomachs grumbling.

Sighing at the same time, the two held a tired expression. They gazed at the passerby and noticed the sky.

"You know, let's just go and eat." Royse spoke.

"I agree..."

The sky was slowly turning into an orange hue and soon, street lamps were opening. Other shop vendors started opening up their decorative lighting and soon, the place was glowing.

Furthermore, when they arrived back to where the food stalls were, each stall now had colourful lights. There were also mascots and other decorations that made the place look alive. This was the appeal of the place that Royse was aware of.

When he visited this place for the first time, he was reminded of the time he visited Dotonbori. Well, compared to that, this place was less modern, but the vibe was the same. The number of colourful lights, many people from afar,

Yep, this was one of Estrela's tourist spots.

Juli was mesmerized by the view despite his expression not being obvious.

Royse knowing what was about to happen grabbed the older male's arm and stopped him from walking.

"Juli-senpai, I must inform you that in this place you can get lost easily." The younger male informed.

"I apologize..." Juli nervously chuckled. He allowed the redhead to drag him knowing Royse was more familiar with the place and trusted him.

Of course, as Juli was being dragged, he also examined the area.

He used to sneak out to a different place back when he was little but never did he think of sneaking out in town.

He always prefered solitude. Somewhere he could sleep in, somewhere that would calm him.

But this was place was different.

It was a contrast to the places he loved.

Yet despite the crowd and the noise, he found the town to be appealing. Even more so at night.

Perhaps he too would also grow to love this.

They stopped by a different vendor than earlier. Juli saw the posters that had a drawing of an octopus holding a rectangular bowl with round objects(?).

"Ah! Royse dear! Rare to see you at this time of the day!" The lady behind the counter beamed as she saw the redhead. When she noticed the other male by his side, she smiled. "Introducing your friend to dishes again, I see." She grins.

Royse breathes out a laugh. "Of course, it's a waste to not have them taste the delicious treats that the place has to offer."

The lady laughed. "You said it! Do you want the usual?" She asks.

"Yes, oh, and please add more bonito flakes."

The lady gave him a thumbs up before going to the pan.

Juli peers towards the lady and saw her taking the same round thing from the poster and putting it in the rectangular bowl. After putting 8 pieces each, she took a bottle and squeezed it. Sauce came out of its nozzle as it drizzled on the food. She took another bottle and squeezed another type of sauce before putting the bonito flakes. Finally done, she took a toothpick and placed one each.

"Here ya go! 2 order of takoyaki!"

Both Juli and Royse brought their wallet at the same time and paid their share.

"Thank you."

The two of them took the food. The older male examined the weird-looking dish and wondered what it was.

He glanced at the younger male and saw him use the toothpick to pick up a piece. Royse blew the steaming ball and ate it in one bite.

The redhead blew and smiled as he relished the taste.

"That's hot." He comments after swallowing. He noticed Juli staring and smiled. "I suggest being careful. Takoyaki's are really hot. Careful not to get your tongue burned."

Juli simply nods as he took the toothpick and picked a piece. He gazed at the sauce and took a sniff.

Opening his mouth, he did what Royse had done moments ago and ate the takoyaki in one bite.

The older male didn't seem fazed by the heat and instead became surprised by the taste. He whips his head towards Royse with gleaming eyes.

"Delicious right?" Royse asks, unable to stop the smug grin from showing on his face.

Juli nodded his head vigorously as he swallowed and took another piece.

Both the redhead and the lady laughed at the appearance of the older male.

"As expected of Royse, you never fail to impress people with your ridiculous dishes." The lady commented.

"Ridiculous is a bit much..."

Juli nods his head at the words. "This is delicious." He states. He poked his toothpick at the garnishing. "Is this the bonito flakes?" He asks.

"Yep! Royse here loves that!"

The redhead became silent as he ate his food.


They fully enjoyed their food. As they finished, more people arrived at the place. Customers started to pile.

Royse bid their farewells towards the lady and left. They walked side by side as they admired the lightings that further illuminated from the now dark skies.

Juli took his time to watch the place become busier by the moment. He looked at how the people cheered towards a group that was performing. Watched how kids play with trinkets and ran around with a smile on their faces. Many people walked by them with food in their hands.

None of the two spoke as they opted to stay silent to gaze at everything.

Juli opened his mouth.

"Estrela is beautiful..." He murmurs.

Royse had heard the words and smiled.


The redhead glanced at the older male and saw him sport a solemn expression.

"Is there something wrong?" He asks.

Juli shook his head and lets out a small smile. "I'm simply reminded of something." He explains.

"I see."

"Is the place always this busy?" He asks.

"Yes. Each part of the city is different. Many in this district hold street performances. Street foods are also an attraction along with the light decoration." Royse explains.

The redhead examined the older male's expression.

"Is Juli-senpai not from here?" He asks.

The older male blinked his eyes. He opened his mouth to speak but closed it, having second thoughts about what he would say.

"It's alright if senpai can't answer. Many students also came from afar to study." Royse assured, not wanting to rush.

"I- No. I stayed here a couple of years ago, but I was from a different region..." He explained.

Huh, Royse had thought they stayed only after enrolling. It seems the Hubel family is also strict in maintaining a low profile.

As expected of a military family.

The redhead became silent. He smiles as he looked at Juli. "I hope Estrela makes you want to stay longer then." He states.

Juli chuckled. "With the number of things it has to offer, I may as well stay as a resident."

The redhead laughed. "Is the place where Juli-senpai was originally from not like this?" He asks.

The older male had a thoughtful expression.

"Yes, but not so much as this. The citizens are a rowdy bunch and aren't as cheerful..." He trails.

Royse quirked his brow at the words. He remained silent, wondering how he would reply.

Before he could speak, Juli further explained.

"You are aware of the incident in Sko Cria right?" He asks.

Royse became surprised at the sudden topic.

Sko Cria?

He knows of it but not every detail. Only the casualties but the reason for the country to be in a battle, that he didn't know.

Security about information was tight. Any info of Sko Cria was difficult to get hold of. Seeing how they are dragonoids, it was better to respect the want of the king to keep the topic a secret instead of angering him.

But if Juli brought it up, then did that meant he was from Sko Cria?

Then the Hubel family must've adopted him when they visited the place. And seeing how Dex Hubel was involved in the incident, it's not weird to think about it.

"Yes. They suffered a huge loss..."

Juli nods at the words. He frowns as he continued to explain. "Many lives were broken due to the attack. Because of that, many of the citizens are wary. We- They're still recovering from the attack."

"I see. Indeed, it takes years for someone to heal..." Royse murmurs as he looked away.

The two stood by, not uttering a word.

"Is Juli-senpai ok?" He asks.

The older male held a sad smile.

"I am. Though I wasn't years ago. I was a young child back then." He closes his eyes as he reminisces. "I was unable to protect the people dear to me..."

Royse frowned.

The image of his future battle came into his mind.

He was aware of the aftermath it would create. He was aware that people will be affected, perhaps similar to what happened in Sko Cria.

In the end, it will come to him. Whether he accomplishes his goal or not, Royse prepared himself for the casualties that would come.

And after the battle, many lives will be broken.

He didn't want this to happen. He'd use everything of his capabilities to save everyone.


He knew he couldn't.

Amy's words echoed within his mind.

He wasn't alone.

Yet he felt as if everything relied on him. The pressure of him saving everyone. The fear of failing.

If he failed to defeat the demon, then more people like Juli will appear. People would feel as if they failed to protect their loved ones when in truth it was Royse who failed.

Tears trickled down his cheeks.

The older male became alarmed by his tears and panicked. He grabs his handkerchief and immediately wiped his tears.

Royse's remained still, surprised at the timing. Never did he break down in front of someone.

Much less someone who he only met a couple of months back.

He allowed Juli to wipe his tears. Concern was the only thing that the older male felt.

He felt as if it was his fault for causing the redhead to cry. He disliked seeing the tears that trickled on Royse's cheeks and wanted to console him.

Have him in his arms.

But he knew better than to do that...

Soon, Royse lowered his face and wiped his remaining tears instead.

"Apologies, I don't know what came over me..." He spoke.

Juli retracted his hand and shook his head. "No, it should be I to apologize. It seems I have ruined your mood..."

Royse looked up. "You didn't do anything wrong senpai. I was just crying because you've been through a lot."

The redhead sadly smiled as he spoke his next words.

"It must've been difficult."

Juli became wide-eyed by his words.

So he was crying for him.

Juli's eyes shone by the unshed tears.

Smiling at the redhead he spoke.

"Thank you."

After Royse's sudden breakdown, the two soon became even more comfortable in speaking. The two would share their stories but unlike before, they felt freer while speaking.

Juli showed his concern and continued to ask for the redhead's feelings. Royse was grateful and spoke with honesty that he was feeling better.

The two knew that they became closer.

As they enjoyed their conversation, Royse was surprised to stop in front of a store.

"This is the last shop that I placed an order in." Juli spoke.

They soon entered the building.

Royse recognized it as an antique shop and saw many items that were no longer sold on display.

Clocks, wall decorations, paintings, many of that stuff filled the shop.

"Feel free to look around. I need to speak with the shopkeeper for a while." Juli spoke.

Royse nods and went off his way, admiring the displays.

He used his appraisal to check for the item's description and was surprised with a few that held historical information. Of course, some were also described as 'useless'.

Juli walked towards the desk and greeted the old man behind it.

"Hello, I was the one who ordered a few months back."

The old man examined his outfit and smiled.

"Ah, the fellow from before. Give me a moment while I get the item."

As he waited, Juli glanced at Royse and saw him inspecting an item. When the redhead pressed a button, a toy sprung up, taking him by surprise.

The older male chuckled and smiled fondly towards the younger male.

"Here it is." The old man returned with a small wooden box.

Juli took the item and opened it. He smiled at the finished work and was satisfied.

"The melody is one of a kind. Is it some sort of lullaby?" The old man asks.

Juli nods, a memory appeared inside his mind.

He glanced towards the redhead.

"Yes. A fond lullaby for me and my friend."

The shopkeeper also turns towards where the young man was looking and saw the redhead that walked around the place.

The old man smiled. "You know, there's a performance a few minutes from now. It's one of the best that Estrela ever implemented."

Juli blinked and returns his attention towards the shopkeeper. "Really?"

"Yes. It's in the town square. Make sure to check it out."

Juli nods before thanking the old man and bidding farewell. He tucked the box inside his pocket before walking towards Royse.

The redhead noticed Juli. "Got your order?" He asks.


"It seems you're satisfied with it." Royse smiled.

The older male blinked as he tilted his head, wondering about his words.

"You have a satisfied expression that's why." He explains.

Juli opened his mouth. "Oh. I am satisfied with it." He chuckled.

The two soon left the shop and started walking around in town.

Royse checked his watch and noticed the time. "I guess we should head home. It's pretty late now." He spoke.

"Ah, there's another stop I'd like to make."

The redhead looks at the older male and nods. "Sure, I don't mind."

They soon arrived at their destination. Only a few people stood at the place, seeing how it was still the weekday.

Royse, not realizing the place, just gazed at the shops.

Juli on the other hand was excited by what the shopkeeper said. He was curious what performance would take place.

As the seconds ticked by, the two remained silent.

Royse, wondering why they were just standing, turns towards the older male to ask when just in time, a fountain of water came rushing.

The two gazed at the dancing fountains that illuminated various colours.

The redhead realized that the place they were in was where the famous fountain dance was held. He forgot that it would start at this time.

The scene was beautiful.

The water moved gracefully and reached till the sky. Lights of all colours illuminated and made the water sparkle.

All people were silent as they take in the sight, not wanting to miss a thing.

Royse was satisfied to end the day by seeing this. He feels his stress diminish by the sight. He didn't regret joining the older male.

A tap on his shoulder took his attention.

Turning his head, he sees Juli staring at him with a smile.

The light from the fountains illuminated the older male's face, making him seem as if glowing.

His eyes gleamed with excitement as he continued to gaze at the redhead.

"There is something I'd like to give you." He spoke.

Juli took the box from his pocket and gave it to Royse.

The redhead took it and examined the object.

It was a simple yet elegant wooden music box. It was smooth to the touch, and when he opened it, the lower part of the lid held a white label with the name 'Our Lullaby'.

The lower part held a clear glass that showed the gears.

A hand appeared in his view and showed a small key resting on the palm. Royse took it from Juli and used the key to start the music box.

After a few turns, it finally played its tune.

It was beautiful.


And Nostalgic.

This was the first Royse heard of it yet it seemed very familiar. As if he heard of it years ago, back when he was little.

He feels himself becoming lost by the sound and felt a throb in his chest.

He looks up.

"This is..."

Juli smiled.

"A gift for you. I've been wanting to give you this for a while. I hope it's to your liking." He smiles.

Royse felt himself mirroring the older male's expression.

"Yes. I'll treasure it."


He walked as he continued to play the music box.

Juli and Royse parted ways. It was already late and the two knew they needed to return home for tomorrows school.

Royse didn't feel the need to call for a carriage and instead, opted to walk.

He gazed at the object and hummed alongside the melody.

It was odd for him to be so familiar with it, yet he paid it no mind.

The melody was beautiful and gave him peace of mind.

Of course, before he could further appreciate his gift, a familiar presence made him turn his head.

There he sees Amy grinning at him.

"You were following us." The redhead spoke with an unimpressed tone. He closed the music box and put it in his item box.

"Correction, I happened to see you and your friend. I didn't follow you on purpose." Amy huffed as she starts walking towards her friend. When she stopped in front of him, the grin on her face widened.

"It seems you received a gift."

Royse smiled sarcastically. "Well thank you for noticing."

Amy laughed. "The two of you were quite chummy back there. Am I missing something? Cause I sure as hell know you've never been like that with anyone before."

The redhead became silent. When he processed his friends' words, he blushed a crimson red.

"Is it wrong to be close with someone?" He retorted.

Amy shrugged. "Just saying. You know, whatever happens-" She brought a thumbs up. "I support you." She says with a wink.

Royse almost threw his fist towards his friend.

"You do know I'm aware of what you did."

Juli sighed. "Are you going to tell father?" He asks.

Moran shook his head. "You didn't give out too much information and I understand why you're becoming desperate." Moran furrows his brows.

"Are you sure you can handle the repercussion?"

Juli sadly smiled.

"If Royse gets engaged to the princes', it's something I cannot stop. As long as he's happy and safe, that's more than enough."

Moran wanted to argue but decided against it.

"Well, if you ever feel the effects too much to handle, we're going back to Sko Cria to have you checked up." Moran states before leaving the room.


Fun fact, Author-dono based this chapter on their parents. Author-dono's parents used to spend their dates watching theatre, concerts, and then doing food trips after.

With that reference, I wanted to implement it cause why not. Author-dono is envious and also would like to watch plays and eat good food.

As for the music box, I created a melody for it but I have no idea how to post it, so instead, feel free to listen to the alternative melody I picked at the top of the chapter.

Design of the music box.
