Chapter 4

Goku's Pov:

"You went and made Brittany breakfeast." I said into Piccolo's ear. Brittany told me to watch him while she went to get Bulma. She had knocked him out when they were training.

"Kakarot. Piccolo is gonna hurt you for whispering things about him and Brittany kissing and things." Vegeta said as he walked up to me. "How will he know it's me?" "Because I just heard everything Vegeta just said." Piccolo said as he sat up.

"Sis must have kicked you really hard in that spot." I said to Piccolo but earn a glare from him. "That was priceless!!" Vegeta laughed but was punched in the stomach by Piccolo.

"Bulma disappeared." Brittany said as she walked up and giggled when she saw Vegeta lying on the ground curled up in pain. "Who punched Vegeta?" She asked and I said,"Piccolo did."

Brittany looked at Piccolo and smiled. I could of sworn I just saw him blush. "I'm leaving." Vegeta said and just flew off without saying bye. "Jerk." Brittany mumbled. Me and Piccolo chuckled at her. She looked at Piccolo and blushed. "I'm going to go back home. Bye sis." I said and hugged her and left.

Brittany's Pov:

Goku left and now it's just me and Piccolo. I went and sat down under a tree and Piccolo just stood.

"Sorry about knocking you out Piccolo, I guess that means that all that training has really paid off." I said to him and he looks at me. "Yeah, I guess it has but there is still more training." He said and I sighed and earned a little glare from him.

I looked away and he sighed." I guess.... I'll be nice and let you take a break from training for tomorrow." I look at him with confusion.

'Something isn't right. He never says that. What's going on here?'

"There is nothing going on Brittany." He says and my eyes go wide."Stop getting in my head at times like this Piccolo!!" I yelled at him and he sits and meditates.

'Geez. A man.. well in this case a namekian needs to start listening to me when I talk sometimes.'

'Hey Brittany'

'Nail?! You stay out of my head.'


I sighed and Piccolo didn't do anything.. as always."Are all namekians like this?" I ask and he didn't answer me. Must be talking to Nail or even worse... Kami. I crossed my arms and shuddered at that thought.

This was when Piccolo decided to acknowledge me."Don't tell me your cold in the middle of October." He said to me and I shook my head no. "It was a thought I had." He look at me and said,"what did you think about?"

"You talking to Kami." I said and he just stared at me. "Kami creeps me out a little not as bad as Mr. Popo does." I swear Piccolos mouth just twitched like he was trying to smile.

He chuckled and got up and walked over to me and sat down next to me. "You were talking to Nail." He said looking down at me. I looked up at him and said,"well at least he doesn't live in my head." He glared at me and I stuck my tongue out at him.

He looked away from me. Did he just blush?

Piccolos pov:

'Why is she doing this to me. She so beautiful yet.... Wait what am I saying?'

I looked back at her. " it's time to go home." She nodded and we got up and flew to Vegetas house because it was getting dark.

'Well I personally think Brittany is hot for a female saiyan.. and this kinda sounds weird coming from a namekian doesn't?'

'Shut up Nail'

'Kinda does but it's your opinion Nail..... Plus we're inside Piccolos head so you couldn't be with her'

'I.. well you and me kinda would be with her if Piccolo and her get together.. Right Kami?'

'You have a point there Nail'

'you two shut the hell up'

Brittany look at me as we landed at capsule corp. We went inside and to her room. I shut the door and looked at her. She look down at the floor.

" do you think we can visit Namek?" Brittany asked now looking at me. "I don't know... In a couple of months." She nodded and grabbed her clothes and went to the bathroom to change.

I took my weighted clothes off and shoes. Brittany came and looked at me. "I wish I had the same gi as you." She said and then crawled into bed.

I sighed and turned the light off before I sat in the chair at her desk."Goodnight Piccolo." Brittany yawned. "Night Brittany." She fell asleep and I eventually fell asleep in the chair.

'We're kinda screwed here Kami'

'why is that Nail?'

'Piccolo fell asleep in the chair and I'm gonna laugh when he falls out of it.'

'i thought I said shut up'
