Chapter 2

Brittany's Pov:

I woke up the next morning and noticed Piccolo was gone. that didn't matter right now because I found myself running to the bathroom getting sick. Trunk was walking by my room and had heard me get up and run.

"Brittany? Are you okay?" He asked as he stood next to me. I flushed the toilet and sat back. "I don't know Trunks." my face was pale and I looked like shit. "I'll go get mom." he said and ran out. soon Bulma came back by herself.

"Come with me Brittany." I nodded and followed her to her medical room. she checked and made sure that I wasn't pregnant but I ended up being sick. "Bulma, I need to tell you something." "what Brittany?" She said looking at me.

I felt tears come and said," when Freezia captured me 10 years ago..... he had..... raped me." tears now fell off onto my thighs. Bulma gasped and hugged me tightly and I hugged back.

"He did what to you?!?!" Vegeta yelled as he walked in. "he raped her." Bulma said as we let go. Vegeta walked over to me and held my hand. "Brittany? I will go straight to hell and beat his ass up again." he said and I smiled at him.

He kissed my cheek and left to go train Trunks for me since i am sick. I went into the living room and Bulma went and got me a pillow and blanket. "Thanks Bulma." she nodded and headed to work.

"Hey sis. Bulma came and told us you were sick but I only came cause Goten and ChiChi went clothes shopping." Goku said as he came and sat next to me. I smiled and leaned against his arm.

"Freezia raped me when he captured me 10 years ago." "I know. Bulma told us that too." he said and I just turned the TV on. "Grandpa!! Grandma!!" Pan yelled as she came running into the living room.

She sat next to me after she hugged me and Goku. "hi sweetie. how's your day been?" I asked but Gear-ru landed in my lap and looked at me. "Gear-ru Gear-ru. Brittany!!" I smiled and hugged the little robot.

"Come on Pan. Gear-ru you too." Gohan yelled from the front door and pan hugged us bye and left with Gear-ru. I felt so much better and the color was back so I don't look like no damn vampire.

"I'm gonna go run for a little bit by myself." I told Goku and he nodded and we hugged and I changed into a black laced up dress that came down to my knees. I love it when my dresses flow in the wind when I run. I put my boots on and they were the same ones as Vegeta's.

I crawled out my window and started running in the woods. my hair flowed into the wind as I ran but I ran into someone and fell on top of them.

Piccolo's Pov:

I was running to Vegeta's house because I heard Brittany was sick and wanted to see why. as I ran someone ran into me and fell on top of me. I looked to see that it was Brittany. she sat up while straddling my waist. She looked down at me and blushed.

She noticed our position and got up. I got up and my cheeks heated up. "I'm sorry Piccolo." she said I just looked at her as she looked off to the right. "don't do it again or I'll have to teach you a lesson." she just looked at me and our eyes locked in contact with each other.

My hand reached up to her cheek and she frozed. she took her hand and put it on mine. I snapped out of the trance and let go. she snapped out of it too. "sorry." we said at the same time.

She started giggling when that happened and it made me smile. "Hey beautiful!!" Master Roshi yelled as he came to us with his swimming trunks on and my smile dropped. "what are you doing here master Roshi?" Brittany said and he was checking her out. I stepped closer to Brittany to where her waist touch the top of my leg.

"The Z fighters are having a little party at the lake where the waterfall is. so come on you two love birds." he said and heat rosed to both of our faces.

We followed him and saw Goku, Vegeta, Trunks, Bula, Goten, ChiChi, Bulma and Gohan. Pan and her mom went out of town for two months. I looked at Brittany and saw her smiling.

She flew off and came back in her two piece. it was green with black stripes. she flew up to the very top of the waterfall and jumped in. once she surfaced they guys started cheering except for Vegeta.

And hour passed and Brittany came swimming over to where I was. I had my legs half way in the water. "come and swim with us." she said looking at me and I shook my head. I felt something rubbing up my leg and saw it was Brittany's hand.

"Please Piccolo?" She said but I shook my head again. this time I felt something between my legs. Brittany was between my legs and had her arms resting on them. heat rosed to my face. "if you won't swim with us then will you swim with me?"

If I don't do it then she'll keep doing this. I sighed and took my shirt off. Brittany moved and I got in. we swimed out to the waterfall and I felt her legs touch me.

The guys were playing chicken fight, the girls were tanning and Master Roshi was checking them out. I looked at Brittany and saw her getting tired and about went under.

I grabbed her and held her by her middle. she looked at me and she started blushing. I turned her around so she was facing me. "don't get used to this kid." she nodded and she layed her head on my shoulder so she could rest real quick.

She soon got out of my grasp and swimed to the waterfall. I followed her and she stood under the fall and ran her hands through her hair. "Piccolo? I know it's weird and your my mentor but I.... think I like you." she said and heat rosed to my face.

We swimed to each other and i had her follow me to the other side of the lake. there was a rock there and I had her sit on it. I looked at her and said,"i do too." she blushed and I did too. I put my hands beside her legs and leaned in closer to her.


I'm kidding but something good will happen in chapter 3!!
