Chapter 3

Brittany's Pov:

Piccolo started leaning in closer to me and I leaned closer to him. we closed our eyes and he placed his lips softly on mine. I gasped a little and kissed back. he crawled up more so he could deepen the kiss.

He put his hand on my right thigh and I came closer to him in the water. we broke apart to catch our breath and we blushed. he wrapped my arms around his neck and then wrapped my legs around his waist and kept us above water.

He put my back against the rock softly and kissed me again. this time it was a little more rough. he put his left hand on the rock and his right arm around my waist. I broke the kiss because I ran out of air.

He smiled at me and kissed my nose. I giggled and blushed. "Piccolo? What are you doing?" Vegeta yelled at him and I let go of Piccolo and he said," Brittany's top came undone an she ask me to fix it." it actually did come undone.

Piccolo hooked it back and his fingers lingered on my back. He moved his hands done to my waist and threw me up in the air. I did a back flip and dived in.

Piccolo's Pov:

I Threw Brittany in the air and swimed down under to where she was. she started swimming away from me. I swam after her but I saw her stick her tongue out at me underwater.

She swimed up to the top and crawled out and started running. I crawled out and chased after her. Once I caught her I pushed her against a tree. we were still in the opening where the others were but they weren't paying attention to us.

I leaned down to where our lips where only inches away. I moved my hands down to her hips and she placed her hands on my bare chest. I took my knee and lifted her up and she wrapped her legs around my waist. her back was still against the tree and I leaned in more and kissed her roughly.

I bite her bottom lip softly and she opened her mouth and I shoved my tongue in her mouth. our tongues fought for dominance. I felt her smile in the kiss and I broke it to look at her. I tucked a strand of her black hair behind her ear.

"I love you Piccolo." Brittany said and blushed from saying that. it made me smile."i love you too Brittany." I put her down and her brother walked over to us. "were going home. bye sis love you." "bye love you too. she said and hugged him.

We walked back over to the water and got back in. the moon reflected on the water. I kept my back against the edge and watched Brittany swim around. She started swimming towards me and wrapped her arms around my neck and laid her head down.

She fell asleep. I smiled and carried her out of the water and took her home. I picked up my shirt and put it on her and carried her bridal style.

Once I got to Vegeta's house Bulma came and changed Brittany into her pajamas and covered her up. Bulma came out of Brittany's room and said," you and her make a good couple." she left and went to bed and I went into Brittany's room.

I shut her door and changed. once I was done I crawled into bed next to her. She rolled over and snuggled up against me. I laid on my back and she laid her head on my chest along with her hand.
I wrapped my arms around her and went to sleep.

The next morning, Brittany was gone. 'damn it. where did she go?' I heard the shower running and sighed.

Brittany's Pov:

I got up and out of Piccolo's grasp and took a shower. i heard the bathroom door open and I got scared. "Piccolo?" I said and he responded,"yea?" I sighed but felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around and saw Piccolo had stuck his arm in the shower.

I slapped it and said," you pervert." he started chuckling and pulled his arm back out. I turned the water off but didn't get out. I peeked my head out and saw Piccolo staring at me.

"Do you mind? I'd like to get out and get dressed." I said and he just stood there. I growled and reached for my towel. he grabbed it and wouldn't give it back. "give me my towel back Piccolo." I said tryin to grab it.

"Fine." he said and handed it back but he took my clothes. i dried off and wrapped the towel around me and came after him. "really Piccolo?" I said as I almost got him. he tripped over my shoes and I tripped over him. I fell on top of him.

I sat up and grabbed my clothes. I go to get up but Piccolo grabbed my towel. "no Piccolo." I said but he grabbed my waist. "Piccolo. I wanna get dressed." I started kicking and accidentally kicked in the spot.

He let me go and he curled up in pain. I ran to the bathroom and changed. I came back out and saw him sitting at the end of my bed. I walked over to him and sat on his lap facing him. I looked at him but he wouldn't look at me.

"Are you mad at me?" He didn't answer or look at me. I got upset and laid my head against his chest. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to kick you." "it's okay. remember what I said last when you kicked me?" He said and I shook my head. he grabbed my hands and said,"I would throw you in the water again but I think I'll make it a lesson instead."

I gulped when he said that. He leaned down and kissed me. I kissed back and he laid back on the bed and wrapped his arms around my waist. I broke the kiss and looked at him. "We have training today." he said and I growled.

He flipped us over and he leaned down."that can add more to the lesson Brittany." I gave up and he got up. "I'm hungry." I said and Piccolo said," I'll make you breakfast." I cheered and hugged him.
