Wouldn't you love to love her

I had not realized that she was going to come over this early. I could not understand why she was here now, but she was. Christine did have a key to the house. I was out of luck. I heard her opening the door and walking in. I knew that she would come into the bedroom and find me on the bed all bound and gagged. There was no way out now. My secret would be known. I almost died with humiliation. I tried to struggle against my bondage for what reason, I am not sure.

When Christine entered the bedroom, she must have been taken by surprise because she just stopped at the door and said "Stevie, what are you doing?"

She rushed over to the bed and took off the blindfold and tried to take the wrist cuffs off, but found that they were locked on good and tight.

"Jeez, someone sure did not want you to get away did they? Where is the key?" Christine had forgotten that I was still gagged. She then unbuckled the strap that held the ball gag in place, and removed the gag but not the nipple clamps, she did not realize that they were attached to my nipples . I then told her that the key was hanging in the middle of the room. She stared at me for a moment but then smiled and looked at me and asked me if I had done this to myself. I told her yes and then she asked me why.

I was caught, what could I do so I explained that I have been practicing bondage for sometime and I had not found someone that I could really trust to tie me up, so I invented ways to tie myself up and still get out without anyone's help. I told her that this was called self-bondage.

Then she asked me what happens if I can not free myself from my self imposed restraint. I explained that I used her as a safety person. Before I placed myself in some restrictive bondage, I would always call her and tell her to come over later that day or evening. Since she had her own key, she always knew to come on inside and wait for me if I was not home. This way, if something was wrong with my bondage, Christine would eventually come along and free me. I also told her about the bucket method in the closet.

Christine just smiled and got up from the bed and walked over to the piece of ice that held the key to my wrist cuffs and untied it from the string. She then walked into the bathroom and melted the ice cube to retrieve the key. When she came back, she held the key up in front of my face and told me, "I guess that I am that someone now, besides you don't have any choice. " She was right. I was still bound very securely and Christine did have the key. Then Christine surprised me by asking me if I would like to spend the rest of the weekend with her tying each other up. She said that she had always been curious about what bondage was like, but she never really had the chance to try it, now she had that chance. I quickly agreed, besides, what choice did I have?

Christine told me that she had to go home and get some different clothes so that she could stay here for the whole weekend. She also said that we could start tying each other up now and that she would finish retying me on the bed, then go home and get her stuff. That sounded good to me.

I told Christine that I kept the rest of my bondage equipment in a suitcase under the bed. Christine pulled the suitcase out and dumped the contents in the middle of the room. She was surprised at all the bondage stuff that I had.

Christine sat down on the floor and examined each piece of equipment. I tried to explain to her the purpose for each piece. I did the best that I could, tied up the way I was. She tried a few of the pieces on herself such as one of my ball gags, a leather collar, and some ankle cuffs. She then picked out two elbow cuffs, and connecting leather strap.

Christine got up from the floor and sat down next to me on the bed. She was admiring my outfit. She liked my corset and loved my boots. She had always wanted a pair of thigh-high ones but settle for the knee highs instead.. Christine and I can wear the same clothes so it would be fun to help her learn about dressing for pleasure.

Christine then rolled me back on my stomach and proceeded to attach a leather cuff to each arm, above each elbow. She then connected them together was a small leather strap thus forcing my elbows close together. This was something that I am unable to accomplished by myself. I do have ways to tie my elbows tightly together, but if I do, I would not be able to get out without help.

Before Christine got up to leave, she regagged me with the ball gag, pulling it tighter that I had before. This is when she noticed the nipple clips. She just shook her head and caressed each nipple slowly around the clamp. I was in heaven. She then retied the rubber sheet around eyes thus cutting off all sight. She got up from the bed, patted me on the rear, gave me a kiss on the head and said, "Be back in awhile dear, just relax. Oh by the way" she said. "I have the key to your cuffs, if you need to get free you can always use the bucket". I then heard her walk out of the room and lock the door. I was now all alone. I had finally had my wildest dream come true. I had been bound and gagged by a beautiful women, the one I had been secretly fantasizing about who was in complete control over me and who wanted to share some "bondage" with me. I was in heaven. My thoughts switched now to the many possibilities that would arise this weekend.

It seemed like a long time lying there all bound and gagged. My mind was racing with the endless possibilities that could occur this evening. I was very excited but the bondage prevented me from bring myself over the edge. My only hope was that Christine would be so kind.

I finally heard the door being unlocked. I next heard someone walking over to the bed. When my blindfold was removed, I looked up to see Christine standing there wearing tight black leather pants, black leather knee high boots, a black leather bustier that pushed her breasts up firm and high, and short black leather gloves. She was holding a cigarette in one hand and a black and riding crop in the other. The outfit really brought out her blue eyes and her blonde hair just stood out even more as the tips gently cascaded and caressed her shoulders. She was very beautiful, sexy, and very domineering to say the least.

She had quite the body to say the least. Christine, with a perfect shape that would turn anyone's head and to me she was gorgeous when she would wear the more revealing clothes but I had never seen her like this, even though Christine and I have been very close for sometime. We spent a lot of time together, having even lived together and shared rooms on and off over the years and of course share many secrets including our sex lives and different fantasies when we got a little too tipsy or high. We have even had a few lesbian encounters from time to time but just for fun when we were under the influence and I was too shy to suggest anything long term since we both valued the friendship of each other including the touch of each other hands. 

However, we both considered ourselves heterosexual and dated when the opportunity arose, even if the whole hetero aspect seemed to be harder and harder, it felt more of just a front really but that was another story, I was too aroused too even think properly since Christine and I would be on the way to a whole other side of life together, bondage! 

The subject of bondage would come up a few times in passing, but I was never able to tell how Christine would take an out right discussion on the subject. Her finding me tonight was really a dream come true. Christine was more domineering than I was, so she tended to be the one that would lead the discussions or make the big decision for the both of us. That suited me just find. It was not everyday that a girl could find such a beautiful mistress, I hoped in a way that Christine could be my mistress like the ones I had seen and read about. 

After the blindfold was removed, Christine released the strap that secured my elbows. She then removed the ball gag, nipple clips, leather collar, and unfasten the strap that held my ankles to my thighs. When she was finished, my hands were still locked to the chastity belt behind me, my thumbs still locked in the thumbcuffs, and I was still bound at the ankles, above and below the knees. She asked me where I kept the key to the lock that attached my wrist cuffs to the chastity belt. I said it was in the equipment bag. Christine got the key and released the wrist cuffs from the belt but not my wrists.

She then took the key to cuffs and placed them on the floor across the room. She told me that if I wanted to get free, I would have to crawl across the room, get the key, and bring it to her so that she could release me and that I had to bring the key to her in my lips.

I had no choice. I did as I was told. Christine just sat back in the chair, smoked her cigarette, and paged through one of my bondage magazines laughing at me the whole time. I had to first slowly make my way out to the dinning room to get the key that would unlock my thumbcuffs. Crawling was not easy with the bondage and the thigh-high boots that I was wearing.

Once my thumbs were unlocked, I slowly made my way across the floor and picked up the key to my wrist cuffs with my lips and gave it to Christine. I placed the key in Christine's gloved hand and as I did this she held my chin firmly between her gloved fingers and planted a long wet kiss on my lips. The smell of the fine leather, Christine's perfume, and the heat of her kiss was almost to much for me I melted into Christine's arms. Christine then rolled me over and unlocked the wrists cuffs. I released the rest of my bondage myself.

The rest of the weekend, we took turns tying each other up in different bondage positions using the variety of bondage equipment that I owned. We agreed that each of us would spend two hours as bound prisoners of the other.

I showed Christine how the nipple clamps worked, what a leather discipline helmet felt like ,I had two kinds, one with a built in gag and one without, and what chastity belts were for. She wanted to try on everything. She also tried on different articles of my latex collection and my assortment of leather clothes, boots and shoes. She especially like the thigh-high boots, corsets and of course the elbow-length black leather gloves.

Saturday afternoon, I finally got around to showing Christine all my techniques that I use for self-bondage. It was funny watching her trying to tie herself up. She had no problems with the feet or the gag, but when it came to the wrists cuffs and the locks, it took more practice. We decided that Sunday afternoon we would try a detailed self-bondage adventure together and that way we could both be tied up together like some of the photos that were in my bondage magazines.

We got a lot of the bondage positions used that weekend from the large collection of bondage magazines and bondage videos tapes that I have gathered over the years. Christine was amazed that they even made VHS movies dealing exclusively with being tied up. We must have watched every one of them three times that weekend.

One position that Christine wanted to try Saturday night, was where your hands are tied behind you and pulled up by a rope attached to a pulley. This causes you to bend over at the waist and leaves your rear end unprotected. I had not put Christine in any real stringent bondage as of yet, so now was the chance to give her what she wanted, or so she thought.

Christine saw the position in many of the magazines we read. She liked the way the body was put under strain and how helpless the bindee was. In that position, there was access to all the sexual body parts. It was going to be fun introducing Christine to the finer art of restraint. We could hardly wait until the evening.

After supper, which by the way, had to be fed to me by Christine since I was tightly bound and blindfolded to the Captain's chair, it was time for Christine to get her wish and my sweet revenge. She choose to wear only a pair of black latex stockings, garter belt, kid leather gloves, and black patent leather opera pumps with six inch spiked heels.

I helped Christine dress in her latex outfit. After she was nude, I rubbed powder on her legs to make the latex stockings slip on easier. I then attached the stockings to her garter belt. I then slipped the pumps on her feet and helped her to pull on the long leather gloves.

Christine looked very beautiful in this outfit. She found though, that walking in the high heels was very difficult even for her. With each step, her breasts would jiggle up and down. It was very funny and exciting to watch her.

Christine paraded herself in front of my full length mirror admiring the way the latex hugged her thighs. She had to smoke one more cigarette before her ordeal was to begin. The contrast was sharp between her black gloved fingers, and the cigarette.

When she finished the cigarette, I had Christine turn around and place her gloved hands behind her, palm to palm. I then selected a ten foot piece of small nylon rope and wound about half the cord loosely around her wrists and then knotted it leaving two, two foot ends. I then wound the rope ends around the coils holding her wrists. After passing the ends of the rope between her wrists and arms, I pulled them tight thus cinching her hands together very tightly. I then tied her arms very close together above the elbows, again cinching them tightly. Having her elbows touch, caused her tits to stand out straight and made her nipples hard. I couldn't resist the urge to "tweek" them with my fingers. Christine just closed her eyes and slowly licked her lips. Christine was now my bound slave. Her hands and arms were useless to her. I now had her parade around the room for me. This showed her how helpless she was. The six inch pumps would prevent her from moving very fast.

I picked up the red ball gag and had Christine kneel with her back to me. I placed the ball to her red lips and she accepted it without question. I buckled the straps tightly behind her head, taking care to move her hair out of the way. The ball gag filled her mouth completely. To test the effectiveness of the gag, I produced a feather and started to tickle my bound and helpless friend. The gag worked perfectly. All I could hear were moans coming from her gagged lips.

To keep Christine from removing her high heels, I took two small chains and locks and proceeded to lock the shoes on her feet by wrapping the small chain around her heels, crossing the chain in front of her foot and then locking it under the soles. Without the key, the high heels would not come off. The height of the heels served as nice bondage all by themselves, but I wasn't through with Christine yet.

I took Christine to the middle of the room and had her stand under the pulley that was attached to the ceiling. I took the rope that was threaded through the pulley and tied it around Christine 's wrists. The other end of the rope was attached to a small winch across the room. Before I pulled her wrists up behind her, I bound her legs by attaching each ankle to the end of a three foot spreader bar, thus spreading her legs wide apart. It was very challenging to say the least for her to stand with her legs held apart and her feet in such high heels. Now Christine knows the reason why I locked the heels on her feet. Her attempts to kick her shoe off were to no avail. She was a prisoner by her own choice of shoes. I then attached a snap hook to a ring in the center of her ankle spreader bar and locked this to another hook in the floor. Christine could not move from where she was standing.

I walked over to the winch and started to turn it slowly. Christine 's wrists and arms were slowly being pulled up behind her. As her wrists moved up, her head was forced down. When her wrists were high over her head, I turned the winch one more click for good measure. I then locked the winch to prevent it from slipping. Christine looked just the picture in one of the bondage magazines. She looked very beautiful all tied up the way she was. I asked her if she was all right and Christine nodded her head yes. Christine tested her bonds and found that escape was out of the question. As was our agreement for this weekend, she would remain my prisoner for two hours.

I walked back over to Christine and checked her bonds, making sure that all the loose ends were neatly tucked away and out of the reach of probing fingers. As I walked behind her, I gave her a sharp slap on the ass and watched the reaction. It had caught her by surprise, but what could she do? Tied the way that she was, any movement by her, made her breast jiggle. Christine blushed every time this happened and just moaned into her gag and struggled harder.

For the first hour, I teased Christine by using a feather on her breasts and nipples, inner thighs, the crack of her ass and on her stomach. I even used my tongue once in a while. She was very ticklish and all her attempts to get away were useless. I could also see that she was getting very excited by all this and I kept telling her that the second hour would be better. I also told her that I was going to pay her back for making me crawl the day before, when she first found me all tied up.

After the feather came the vibrator. I slowly caressed every inch of her bound body with the vibrating plastic. No parts were left untouched. I even inserted the vibrator deep into her wet pussy, but for just a few seconds. I wanted to keep Christine from having that badly needed orgasm to relieve herself.

I kept up this teasing for about forty-five minutes and then decided that Christine had had enough. She was out of breath and was sweating from all the excitement. She was also drooling down her chin around the ball gag. I took her panties that were lying on the bed and wiped off her face and chin. I then pulled the panties through the wet crotch and then proceeded to pull the panties over her head, thus limiting her sight and ensuring that she would have to smell her own juices. I also allowed her a few minutes to catch her breath.

While she rested, I set out the rest of the bondage equipment that I was going to use on her. The equipment included a black leather discipline hood that had a locking two inch collar, two nipple clamps with a spring and weight attached to each, a leather chastity belt with a built in vibrator, small butt plug, two small balls of cotton, some adhesive tape, and a five foot piece of rope. I removed the panties from Christine 's head and when Christine looked at all the additional equipment, she knew what was coming. She just hung her head down in defeat.
