A woman taken by the wind

Public bondage can be very exciting but for me the game "Solo- Bondage" can be just as fun.

The other game that Christine and I play a lot, is called "Solo-bondage". This particular game involves my favourite subject, self-bondage. Even though Christine and I tie each other up a lot, I still enjoy putting myself in restrictive bondage. The thrill of not really knowing if I will get free without help always makes self-bondage a love that I will never give up. However, now that Christine knows what I do to myself, and that I use her for my safety monitor, I have become more creative in my self-bondage adventures.

The rules to this particular game were simple, I would call Christine when she is at the studio and tell her what time to come over and release me from my bondage. Because I ask a lot of her, Christine gets to add some extras requirements of her own. I would also tell her the type of bondage that I would be in, so that she would have an idea of the amount of restraint and stress that I would be under. Christine knows that if I am trying some suspension bondage on myself, she can't be very late. However, if the bondage involves a chair or bed, well Christine just might take her time in arriving.

Earlier that day, I had called Christine and asked her to come over later that night around eight o'clock. I told her my plans and she then told me that I was to wear a blindfold and wooden clothespins on my nipples. My bondage was now set. With what I had planned for myself and the extras that Christine had demanded, I would be in for an interesting evening of restraint.

The position that I used for this night's bondage adventure came from a bondage movie that I had recently purchased. The idea is to straddle a leather covered saw horse with your hands tied behind you. The fun part comes when you pull your ankles up behind you off the floor. This forces most of your weight to be supported by your crotch. If your crotch is filled a dildo or a vibrator, then the object is buried deep within you with little hope of being expelled. Any movement by you on the horse causes instant reaction to your crotch.

I got home from work around five o'clock and I moved the saw horse from the garage to the middle of my bedroom. It had only taken me a few days to build the horse and cover it with leather, John the bassist and Christine's ex husband had easily been able to supply the materials for it, he had some leftover things from working on his newly purchased boat and I had used the excuse of making a horse, which he had presumed was a rocking horse, since I sometimes did collect childlike things, if only he knew what the horse was really for and what myself and his ex wife would be using it for. 

I then quickly shed all my clothes. I had planned on tying myself up in the nude, but I decided to wear a pair of elbow- length black leather gloves. They protect my wrists from chaffing and make it that much more restrictive.

Next, I attached a pre-measured length of chain to one of my hooks that I had installed in the ceiling. To the other end of the chain, I connected a set of leather wrist cuffs that were lockable. The length of the chain was such that when my wrists were locked behind me and I was sitting on the wooden horse, my arms would be pulled up to about the middle of my back.

Before I went any further, I set up my own safety device. This was done just in case Christine was unable to come over and release me later that evening. In the past, I have had to use the safety device to free myself on a couple of occasions. Christine 's car failed to start one night and I had tied myself up on the bed in a tight hogtie. When Christine failed to show up after a couple of hours the keys to my wrists that I had frozen in an ice cube finally melted, and I had to crawl over and retrieve key. Christine however, still had the keys to my leather collar and my ankle cuffs though which is another part of our little games.

The safety device that I used this time was a #10 can that was filled with water and frozen solid. A key to my wrists cuffs was frozen in the middle of the can . Attached to the key was a string about seven feet long. I now removed the ice block from the can and placed the block up on a shelf across the room. I had also placed the block in a tray to catch the melting water.

The other end of the string was now tied to the same hook that my wrists would be attached to. When the block of ice melted, the key would then swing down to where my hand were and I would be able to get free. To help the string swing correctly, I attached a small weight to the middle of the string.

The ice cube was large enough so that it would take a good few hours to melt. This amount of time forces me to wait for Christine or stay in my self-imposed bondage for a considerable length of time. Thus far, my longest time spent in self-bondage was about two and one-half hours.

I was now all set to begin. I put on a pair of elbow-length leather gloves and then placed leather cuff on each ankle. I locked the cuffs on with two small locks. Attached to each cuff was a small chain about three feet long. I next buckled a two inch leather collar around my neck and also locked it on with another small lock. This collar had a metal "D" ring attached to the front. I was now ready for the gag.

This gag was special. It was known as a "pump gag". It consisted of a wide leather strap that went around the head and buckled in back. The strap had a small hole in the front through which a small rubber tube was inserted. On the inside of the strap, attached to one end of the tube, was a small rubber bulb and on the outside of the strap, attached to the other end, was an inflator, much like the inflator used in measuring blood pressure. The idea is to insert the bulb into your mouth and then buckle the strap around your head. You then slowly inflate the bulb until speech becomes non-existent.

I carefully inserted the bulb into my mouth and then buckled the leather straps tightly around my head and under my chin. I had modified this gag by adding a chin strap which keeps me from opening my mouth as the bulb is being inflated.

I now begin to slowly inflate the gag. The feeling was wonderful. I could feel my speech being deprived with each pump of the inflator. I pumped the bulb up until my mouth was filled with rubber. The chin strap did an excellent job of not letting me open my mouth. Once I was satisfied that I was gagged securely enough, I locked the gag on with another small lock. I should explain about these small locks. The ones on my ankles, leather collar, and gag had a blue dot on them. Christine is the only one who has the key to these locks. The spare key is kept taped under my mailbox out in my front yard. This is just something else to add to the fun. Anytime I use these locks, I always have to wait for Christine to arrive and free me. One time, she left me hobbled and gagged all night long, my hands were free though. I tried to hobble out to the mailbox late that night, but Christine had taken the spare keys and had only left me a note saying she would be back in the morning before I was due at the studio. All I could do was go to bed and sleep with my bondage. I was now ready for the final stage of tonight's self- bondage adventure.

I made one last check of the front and back doors to ensure that they were locked since Christine had her own key. I then turned on the radio to keep me entertained while I waited for Christine to arrive. The time was now 7:05 in the evening, so I had about an hour to enjoy my bondage.

I picked up the leather blindfold and buckled it loosely around my neck. I then picked up two wooden clothespins and carefully attached one to each nipple. Putting them on is not as bad as taking them off. The clothespins on the nipples have always given me a greater appreciation for my bondage. They serve to remind me that the bondage is real, self-imposed or not, in that I can't remove them until my hands were freed. I now picked up the dildo that I had previously lubricated and carefully inserted it deep in my crotch. I then got up on the saw horse and position myself in the middle. The pressure on the dildo was instantly felt in my crotch. I only hoped that I would make it through the evening.

Attached to the top of the wooden horse in back of me was a metal ring and two snap hooks. I very carefully brought one ankle up behind me at a time and attached the ankle chain to the snap hook.

Attached to the horse in front of me, was another metal ring. This metal ring had attached to it, a three foot adjustable leather strap. On the other end of the strap, was another snap hook. I snapped this hook to the "D" ring on my collar and tightened the strap enough to prevent me from lifting myself off the horse.

I took one last look around the room to ensure I had not forgot something and to ensure that my safety would work if needed. You never know when the bondage can become your enemy.

I now buckled the blindfold that was hanging around my neck, tightly over my eyes. This blindfold was a leather strap, four inches in width which had a hole cut out that my nose fit through. The blindfold was lined with fur and did an excellent job blocking out all light. With that done, I reached around behind me and locked the wrist cuffs on each wrists. That was it. All I could do was wait for Christine to free me or for the ice to melt and the key to swing down allowing me to free myself. Again, I was getting to good at my bondage. I could not see or speak. I could hardly move without changing the pressure on my crotch or the pushing the dildo further up my pussy, and I could not reach the clothespins that were pinching my nipples. I loved it! I tried struggling to see if I could get free but it was of no use. The movement only made the bondage that much more uncomfortable, so I just tried to "relax" and let my fantasies take over.

Christine was pretty good at being on time when she wanted to be. Sometimes she would be late just to let me stew for awhile. It all depended on the bondage that I had chosen for myself. Usually when she arrives, she has her way with me. She either tickles me, spanks me lightly, or makes my bondage more restraining. I could only wonder what the night's encounter would bring.

There have been times when she has joined me in bondage and we have had to work together to get free. When we do this, the safety device is always within fairly easy reach since Christine is no longer able to free me. For instance, one time, Christine and I were tied face to face, totally nude with the exception of black leather gloves and high heeled shoes. We were each wearing a black discipline hood, that allowed sight, ball gags, leather collars and ankle cuffs, of coarse the high heels were locked on too. The two sets of ankle cuffs were locked together by a small chain as were the leather collars. Our hands were locked with handcuffs around the back of the other person. We had the appearance that we were hugging each other.

To prevent us from lifting our locked hands over each other heads, the cuffs were connected by a small chain that ran between our legs. It took us about two hours to wiggle our way into the living room to retrieve the key to the handcuffs. It was very exciting to be bound breast to breast with Christine . Her nipples were always hard and they were caressing mine all evening. Needless to say our evening ended with both of us sexually satisfied.

Being tied up by your own hand is exciting but the only way that you get a better appreciation for the bondage is to have a little outside stimulation like a dildo, butt plugs, clothespins on the nipple and other things.  If something is being done to you and because of the bondage you can not make it stop, then the feeling of restraint AND helplessness is that much more rewarding.

After about a half hour, I was beginning to think that I had put myself in bondage a little too early. My crotch was beginning to complain from all the weight and from the dildo being constantly pushed in and out and my nipples were starting to ache from the pinch of the clothespins. When you are blindfolded, bound and gagged, time really seems to slow down. When my grandfather clock sounded in the living room, I knew that it was 8:00 and Christine would be here any minute.

The time seem to drag by. Then the phone rang. It nearly scared me to death. It rang four times, then my answering machine started and stated that I was all tied up at the moment and that I would get back to them as soon as I could get free. The call was from a girl that said she was named Juliette apparently she was a co-worker of Christine 's and sounded a bit like her too. She said that Christine told her to call her and tell her Stevie that she had gotten called away to a meeting in a nearby city and that she would be over to pick you up around 7:30 the next morning. I was in a state of shock. I wanted very badly to rush over to the phone and explain to Juliette my problem. But, I was tied to good. The struggling only made the bondage that much more uncomfortable.

The mere thought of spending the next seven hours or more in this position with a dildo stuck up my crotch was almost to much to think about. Seven hours was how long I had to wait before the ice melted and the key to my wrists cuffs would swing down to my hands. The other problem was that Christine had the keys to my ankle cuffs and the pump gag, I could always go out to the front yard to my mailbox or I could cut the other restraints off.  However, all I could do for now was wait. I was not going anywhere, so I just hung my head down in defeat. If only Christine would come and release me, but to my surprise, it was obviously all another of her jokes.

As I thought I heard a noise in the other room. It was hard to tell because of the radio playing. It must have been my mind playing tricks on me I thought. I then detected a faint whiff of perfume. It was a kind that Christine always wears. There was someone in the room with me. I tried to call out but the gag did it's job of rendering speech impossible. My heart was racing. It was then I felt something cold on my breasts, an ice cube, and someone was gently tugging on the clothespins attached to my nipples. I desperately tried to get away, but I was going no where. 

It was then I felt a pair of handcuffs being placed on my wrists and the leather cuffs being unlocked and removed. At first I heard what was supposedly the voice of Juliette but then I realised from the tender and firm but sensual feel of her hands, it was Christine and she was the only other one with the keys to those locks. Then I felt the ankle cuffs being unlocked and removed as she began to laugh and explain she was just teasing and pretending to be someone else at first to tease me more, kind of like an alter eager. Finally the leather strap that was attached to my collar was unfastened. I was then helped off the saw horse. When that happened, the dildo dropped from between my legs. It was very embarrassing to say the least.

I was then made to kneel on the floor while my ankles were hobbled with another pair of ankles cuffs connected by a twelve inch chain and she attached a vibrator to my already sore clit. At this point I was bound with my hands locked behind me, ankles hobbled, gagged, blindfolded, and still wearing the clothespins on each nipple.

Suddenly, my blindfold was removed and the sight before my eyes was unbelievable. Standing before me bound and gagged, was Christine in a black wig, bright red lipstick, was wearing a black leather mini-skirt, black stockings and garter belt, black leather bustier that pushed her breasts up firm and hard, black leather gloves, and black patent leather opera pump with five inch heels. She was quite the dominatrix. She was also holding the controller to the vibrator in one hand and a cigarette in the other.  "Meet Juliette!" She winked playfully, her voice sounding extra husky and her accent drawling in a very sexy way which made me shiver excitedly, she was never stopping with her surprised and her kinky side. 

That evening stayed with me for several weeks. Just thinking about it gets me excited every time.

One of the things that made the biggest impression on me about that night was the thought that I might have had to stay bound, gagged, and blindfolded by my own hand for a considerable amount of time. The more I thought about it, the more intriguing the idea came. What would it be like to be tied up, comfortably, gagged, and blindfolded for a length of time say, five to twelve hours? After a couple of days to think of a good plan, I decided to give it a try. I had this up coming weekend free so it was a date for self-bondage.

The problem that I had to overcome was a way to ensure that I could get free at the end of a significant period of time. Ice would not work in this case because it would have to have been a large ice cube to ensure that it lasted that long and also there would be no way to suspend a cube that large from the ceiling. The idea that I came up with, came from a bondage magazine that I have. The idea is to use a wind up alarm clock, the kind that has a big key to wind up the alarm with. I glued a two inch square piece of cardboard to the key. This made a large enough platform to put keys on. When the alarm goes off, the key falls off the cardboard as the alarm key turns and unwinds. The alarm can be set for up to twelve hours before it goes off.

I decided not tell Christine about this self-bondage weekend because I did not want her coming over and teasing me even if her teasing and her Juliette persona was fun. I did make sure that she would be home all weekend in case I had to get a hold of her though.

As the weekend got closer and closer, my excitement grew by leaps and bounds... bound for possibly up to 12 hours... could I make it through!
