Who will be her lover

The first thing that Christine did when she got to the room was to lock her high heels pumps on her feet with the small chains and two of the small locks that we had pre-staged earlier that day. Remember, the keys to these locks were lying on the bed in the house. We then proceeded to set up the TV and VCR. We put on one of my videotapes that I had prepared by copying three of my favourite bondage movies. It gave Christine and I about four hours of bondage entertainment to keep us from getting bored.

We then marked the spots on the floor where we were going to be tied up and put two hooks in the ceiling about twelve inches apart. I also had put three other hooks in the ceiling that I had used for past bondage adventures. One was directly in the ceiling over my head, another was in the ceiling about five feet away, and the last was hanging over the bed.

I then placed the keys to our waist belts and the unknown wrist cuff key on the hook hanging from the ceiling above the bed. When our hands were locked behind us, these keys would be out of reach. This setup forces us to walk out to the garage to get the key which is on the floor. The only problem was we did not know whose cuffs the key would unlock. We had a fifty/fifty chance. When one of our hands were free, we could come back into the guest room and reach up to get the other key and remove some but not all of the bondage.

I now took the second set of keys to our wrist cuffs that were attached to a string, frozen in an ice cube and tied the free end of the string to the hook that was going to be over my head. I then attached the ice cube to the other hook that was five feet away. It was attached in such a way that when the ice melted, the keys would swing down to where I could reach them and get free.

This procedure was what we were going to use as a first back up escape method as, I usually call Christine and ask her to come over later that day and use her as a safety monitor. However, since she will be just as tied up as I will be, that method will not work, so therefore I will use the string and ice as a backup method. The size of the ice cube was such that it would melt in about four or five hours. We used this length of time to ensure that the other ice cubes for our nipple clamps would melt first, forcing us to go out to the garage to get free vice spending another two or three hours in such stringent bondage, with nipple clamps still on our nipples. We either go to the garage and take out chances outside or stay in the room and wait for the ice cube to melt still in tight bondage.

We then set up our second safety by attaching the strings that were tied to the buckets of oil, to the hooks above out heads. The strings were looped in such a way that we could both grab the string with our bound hands. However, if we had to use that method to get free, the mess from the oil would take hours to clean up.

The next thing that we did was to thread the strings that had the nipple clamps attached to one end and an ice cube to the other, through one of the hooks in the ceiling. One string per hook. The hooks were small enough so that the ice cube would have to melt almost completely away before it would allow the string to pass through.

This was the technique that Christine and I used to keep us tied up in the guest room, my sex vault for a while, before we would be allowed to walk to the garage. We would be tied to the ceiling by our nipples. When the ice melted on the other end of the string, we would be able to leave the room. But this wasn't it to our self- bondage, there was more!

Both Christine and I attached a set of locking ankle cuffs around our ankles. Before we locked them, we made sure that the lock went through the end of a four foot chain. Each lock was then locked securely. We were now connected by a chain attached to our ankles. The keys to the ankles cuffs were on the bed in the house. With the ankle cuffs locked on, I couldn't remove my boots, so therefore, I too like Christine , will have to wear my high heeled boots and suffer the same foot bondage, all afternoon and evening until I could get into the house and unlock the cuffs.

The ankles cuffs left Christine and I with about four inches of room between our ankles. We were very effectively hobbled, and as some of us may know, trying to walk while hobbled in high heels is a bondage all by itself. Christine and I would have to walk all the way out to the front yard while hobbled, connected by a four foot chain, to get the house key, so that we could get inside to free ourselves from the rest of our bondage.

The next bondage item was the waist belts. Mine was a simple chastity belt which meant it had a leather strap that went around the waist and one that went through the crotch and locked in front. Christine 's was just a black four inch leather waist strap that also locked like mine with a hasp lock.

Attached to both of our waist straps in the back was a large "D"-ring to which our leather wrist cuffs were locked to. Christine put her waist belt on and I did the same with the chastity belt, pulling it good and tight pushing my dildo and butt plug deeper into their respective orifices. However, before we locked the belts on, we ran the locks through rings that were attached to the ends of a four foot wooden broomstick. This would keep Christine and I separated until we got back into the guest room and could get the keys to our waist belts which were hanging over the bed. I will explain the reason for using the broomstick a little later.

I now turned on the TV and the VCR. Christine and I then hobbled over to where the nipple clamps were hanging and got ready for the final stages of our adventure.

It was time for the ball gags. These were specially made for this adventure. The gags included a medium size red rubber ball with a small chain running through the middle. Christine and I picked up our gags and put them in our mouths and then locked the chains tightly behind our heads, under our hair. These gags were a little bigger then what we had been using the whole weekend and they filled our mouths completely.

They were very effective in preventing Christine and I from talking to each other let alone calling for help. Because of the locks, we would have to wear the gags for the entire period of self-bondage because the keys to the locks for our gags were in the house. We would probably be wearing the ball gag along with the ankles cuff and hobbles for about six or seven hours. It would just depend on when Christine and I could make that long trip around to the front yard to get the house key that was sitting in my mailbox.

I checked around the room and made sure that we had covered all aspects of our bondage. I also made sure one more time that our back up escape methods would work if we got in trouble. I made sure that I was standing in the right place to get the keys when they swung down. I had done this many times before, so I knew it would work, it would just take awhile.

Christine and I were now at the point of no return. We both very slowly and carefully attached a nipple clamp to each nipple. We then tried moving around a little bit to see how much play we had. We didn't have much at all. We would almost have to stand in the same place for the whole time to prevent increasing the pressure to our nipples. The strings were short enough that our breast were actually being lifted up by the nipples, but only a little. We could not bend our knees at all as these nipple clamps were the kind that got tighter as they were pulled, so trying to pull them off with the string would only increase the pressure, making matters worse. They were not going to slip off unless we fell or something and exerted lots of pressure. It was time for the final step, that moment of truth. We reached around behind us and put our wrists into the wrist cuffs. We both looked at each other, smiled behind our gags and locked them. Our only hope now was the melting of ice to save us. We were totally bound and gagged, and forced to stay in the room by our nipples. The broom stick kept us far enough apart so that I could not somehow reach over to Christine and release her nipple clamps and vice versa. It also keeps us together, one of us can not leave without the other, so we would therefore have to wait for both of the ice cubes to melt before we would be able to walk outside. That would be about two hours from now. The broomstick also forces both of us to stay still, not only for the discomfort in our own nipples, but for the other person's nipples as well. If I move, Christine moves, and we both pay for it.

For the first couple of minutes, Christine and I tried to get the feel of our bondage. We were good. There was going to be no escape from our bondage until the right time. We just had to try and relax and watch our bondage tapes. Hopefully this would take our minds off the dull ache that was starting to build in our nipples and in our jaws from the oversized ball gags that we had used.

Occasionally, we would try to pull the nipple clamps to see if we could get the ice to break or the clamps to slip off, but all our efforts only made the clamps tighten down harder and increase our discomfort. We would just have to wait.

Christine and I were fast learning the finer points of bondage like tight restraint, helplessness, and loneliness. We could not talk to each other because of the ball gags, and we could not touch or tease each other due to our bondage positions. We had talked about the possibility of something going wrong, forcing us to remain prisoners of our own bondage for God knows how long! That unknown possibility made being tied up all that much more exciting and worth while. It's amazing what thoughts can go through your mind when you are all tied up and are relying on the simple melting of an ice cube for your freedom (what if the string gets caught on the hook in the ceiling after the ice melts?.. What happens if the garage door gets locked by mistake?.. What if someone just happens to come into my backyard and look into the guest room? 

Being tied up is not all that bad if you are tied to a chair or tied on the floor or bed, but being tied up and forced to stand in very high heeled shoes or boots, for over two hours is very hard on the feet and what is worse is when you are forced to remain standing in one place by your nipples, that is worse yet, but exciting! Add this to the fullness of the dildo and butt plugs and the bondage is almost complete. We could have added blindfolds but decided that the absent of sight along with the tight bondage would be too much. With the way we were tied, we would not have been able to help each other if one of us had fallen. Getting up would be hard enough without the blindfold... maybe next time under less stringent conditions.

It is funny how time seems to slow down when you want something to happen so bad. After about two hours of standing there having to remain very still, both Christine and I were ready to be free. You could see it in our faces, we were both drooling down our chins on to our chests and our nipples were very sore from all the tension of the nipple clamps. In addition, our shoulders and feet ached from the tight bondage and high heels. At about the two and one half hour point, Christine 's ice cube melted enough to slip through the eyelet. She was now free but she could not go anywhere because she was attached to me by the broomstick and I was still attached to the ceiling by my nipples. Christine would just have to wait until I was free. Christine teased me by moving me around slightly with the broomstick, causing the pulling on my nipples to increase. I couldn't wait to get free from this clamps and pay Christine back!

My ice cube melted about 15 minutes later and at this point we were both free to move out to the garage and start the second phase of our self-bondage adventure.

The trip out to the garage was very slow. We had first checked the backyard to make sure it was clear and then we headed out. I had to walk backwards because the waist belt would not allow me or Christine to turn around.

It took about 85 steps to reach the garage door. The trip was fairly uneventful. We only had one problem along the way. The string that was attached to Christine 's nipple clamps was dragging along the ground and it got caught on a crack in the sidewalk. This stopped Christine in her tracks. We both knew that if we fell, there would be no way to stand back up. We would have to crawl as best as we could to get to the garage. We would then have to figure out how to open the door once we got there.

Crawling is hard too do when you are tied together and gagged and forced to coordinate our movements without talking. It is also hard to crawl when you have nipple clamps attached to your tits and these clamps have a six foot strings attached to them. Luckily, Christine 's string came free when we backed up in the other direction.

Once we were in the garage, we both realized that it was going to a problem to reach down and retrieve the key off the floor. We did not want to just fall from the standing position because with our hands locked behind us, we would probably get hurt. So we had to very slowly bend our knees until we were both squatting and then carefully lean over until we fell to the ground. Next time we will put the key on a shelf that is waist high. Next time!

Luckily, Christine fell near the key and it was only a matter of shifting our bound bodies a couple of feet in order for her to get at it. Unfortunately the one thing that we did not practice was for Christine to try and unlock the wrist cuffs with leather gloves on. I could see that she was having a problem finding the key hole. It takes a lot of practice. However, after about five minutes, she shook her head in the yes direction trying to tell me that she had the key in the hole, however, as luck would have it, it was the wrong key. It did not fit Christine 's cuffs.

We would now have to reposition ourselves in such a way that I could use the key. This took a few minutes and it was complicated by the fact that Christine was lying on my nipple clamp string and I could not move until she got off it. She did and we got turned around and I got the key to my wrist cuffs and unlocked them. My hands were now free.

The first thing I did was to very carefully remove the nipple clamps from my tits. This turned out to cause more discomfort then leaving them on. They started to sting as the blood rushed back into the nipples. I slowly sat there as caressed them with my gloved hands until the pain subsided. Christine was getting impatience so I next reached over and very slowly pulled on Christine 's clamps. Christine just closed her eyes and bit down on the ball gag. This was here payback for moving me around back in the guest room. The tough part was over.

Once my nipple clamps were off, we just laid on the floor for a few minutes catching our breath. When Christine was ready, I very carefully picked myself up off the floor, then I helped Christine up. We were still kept separated by the four foot broomstick and Christine 's hands were still locked behind her. After a little struggling, we were finally on our feet and ready to head back to the guest room. Before we left the garage, I decided that Christine needed some more pay back. As Christine eyes widen with shock, I carefully tied her nipple clamp string to the broomstick between us, causing her to stoop over. She would stay that way until we got back into the guest room. I'm sure that my turn for punishment was coming!

We first checked the backyard for any signs of intruders, there were none, and we started on that long walk back to the room. Again, I walked backwards mainly because my hands were free and I could better balance myself. The trip was made without any hitches. The trip was a little slower due to the fact that Christine had to stoop over.

Once we got inside, I locked the door and we made our way over to the bed where I then reached up and retrieved the keys to our waist belts and Christine 's wrist cuffs. In a few seconds, I was free from the broomstick and removed my chastity belt. I then proceeded to unlock Christine 's wrists and removed her waist belt. Christine reached up and slowly removed her nipple clamps. What a relief. I could see it in her eyes. We both then removed our leather gloves, they had again served their purpose of prolonging the bondage.

We were now free except for our ball gags, ankle cuffs, and the four foot chain that still connected our feet together. The keys to all these locks, if you will remember, are on the bed in the house.

All we had to do now was wait for darkness so that Christine and I could make that long trip to the front yard and get the key to the back door. It was five o'clock now, so we had only a few hours to kill, we only hoped that our jaws would make it for that amount of time. Since our ankles were still locked together, we couldn't remove the latex panties and thus the dildo and butt plugs would remain with up the rest of the evening.

It was a long few hours to say the least. We couldn't talk because of the ball gags, and we were always at least four feet from each other due to the chain at our ankles. We just spent our five hours watching the rest of my bondage videos and reading bondage magazines hoping that the time would go quick, of course, it didn't. We did manage to take the time for a quick lesbian affair on the bed. It was quite a site. Two women bound and gagged, one booted the other one in heels. Each of us spent time caressing the other's sore nipples and pushing the dildos in and out. Had we not been gagged the noise from the orgasms would have surely awaken the neighbours.
