F- Char is sick, Mia can help

It was a normal day, Char had just woken up and she wasn't feeling good. She rushed to the bathroom and threw up. Mia had woken up to the sound of Char vomiting and she walked to the bathroom to see her girlfriend hunched over the toilet. Mia pulls Char's hair back and out of her face.

Once Char finished, she leaned back, panting. Mia flushed the toilet for her and sat next to her. "You okay, sweetheart?" Mia asked Char, feeling her forehead. She had a fever. Mia picked her up and took her to their bed. She laid Charlotte down and gave her a cold towel. "I will call you out today, my love." Mia said, running her fingers through Char's hair. 

Char nodded and tried to lean into Mia's hand. Said woman smiled and kissed her hair. She pulled out Char's phone and dialed the nursery. "Hello the Knight Nursery?" Marjorie answered the phone.  "Hello Marjorie, Charlotte unfortunately got a stomach bug." Mia said. "Oh no! I hope she's alright. She can stay home until she gets home because I know it takes her a bit long to recover." Marjorie said.

They say goodbye and hang up. Mia walks back to Char and kisses her head. "You are staying home today." Mia said softly. Char pushes herself up into a sitting position. "No...I have to go in today..." She said weakly. Mia lies her back down and says, "Sweetheart, it was Marjorie on the phone. She said you can stay until you get better." Char nods and goes back to sleep. Mia smiled and quietly closed the door. 

She grabbed her keys and made sure Char didn't need anything before she ran to the pharmacy. She grabbed some nausea medication, headache and pain relievers, and some ice packs. She paid and grabbed some of her favorite food. After getting everything Char likes, she headed back home. 

Mia opened the door to see Char sitting at her island staring at a glass of water that was sitting there. "Darling? What are you doing?" Mia asked. Char looked up and limped her way over to Mia. "My head hurts..." She mumbled into Mia's chest. Mia saddens a bit and hugs Char. "I got you some headache relief. Don't worry." Mia says softly. 

She opens the bag and takes out the bottle of pills. She gives Char 2 as instructed on the bottle. Char weakly swallowed them with the water. She leaned back into Mia. Mia smiled and carried her to the bed. Char smiled weakly. She saw Mia run back downstairs to get her breakfast in bed. Char blushed and smiled softly. 

"There you go, sweetheart." Mia said, putting the tray full of food on Char's lap. "Thank you so much Mia. For everything. I mean it." Char said. Mia smiled and kissed her cheek. "No problem my love. Enjoy the food." Mia said. Then there was a knock at the door. Mia went to open it to see Reece with a pot. "Mia." Reece said. Mia smirked. "Reecey. Fancy seeing you here." Mia said playfully, leaning against the door. 

Reece waltzed in and put the pot on the stove. Mia cocked an eyebrow. "It's my day off and I heard Charlotte was sick. So I made chicken soup." He says. Mia opens the pot to smell the food. "Mmmm. I love your food Reecey. It always smells and tastes so good." Mia says. Reece rolled his eyes. "Bye." Reece says, closing and locking the door. 

Mia goes upstairs to tell Char that Reece made food. They got caught up and in conversation and they had a good rest of their day. Mia got a bit sick after taking care of Char, but she didn't care that she was sick as long as Char wasn't sick. Even then, Char stayed home and took care of her. They both lived happily ever after....

or did they?

they did.

655 words
