F&A- Winter, Autumn, and Reece

It was a nice, calm day at the Knight nursery. Winter was in the baby room with Char helping taking care of one of the babies. Winter and Autumn have been together for a while now and they thought it was finally time to tell everyone. So once the nursery closed, Winter gathered everyone for a quick meeting. "Ahem. Autumn and I have gathered you here today to tell you all something very important." He said holding Autumn's hand softly but lovingly. Autumn looked at Winter and got nervous. She grasped his hand tighter. "Uhm...Winter and I...uhm..." Autumn stuttered out. She panicked and walked out. She went into her and Marjorie's shared office.

Winter immediately went after her and saw her having a panic attack. He went next to her and tried to calm her down. "Hey hey hey! Aut, I'm here! It's okay...I'm here..." Autumn was hyperventilating, gasping for air. Winter had her face him. "Autumn. I'm here. Relax" He said softly, holding her face in his hands. She broke down in pure nervousness. Winter embraced her tightly. "It's okay my love...I'm here now..." He said comfortingly. Autumn just cried. She was shaking because of her anxiety but she's never had an anxiety attack before so she was more scared than ever.

Winter picks her head up with his hand under her chin. "Autumn. I'm right here. It's okay now." He says and gives her a soft kiss on the nose. Autumn starts to finally calm down, her anxiety lowering. Her breathing turns normal again and she leans against Winter for comfort. He smiles and gently rubs her back. During their embrace, Reece walked in and cleared his throat. Winter and Autumn looked up and Autumn tensed. Her brother didn't know her and Winter were a thing. Reece cocked an eyebrow. "Care to explain Aut?" He said, not stern but not happy. Winter looked at Autumn confused. "I didn't know you knew Reece. Also I thought I came up with Aut first?" He questioned out loud.

Reece looked at Winter. "Why do you think it's called the Knight nursery?" He asked him. Winter says, "Knight is Autumn's last name." Reece rolled his eyes and groaned. "Knight is my last name too." Winter finally connected the dots. Reece, Marjorie's boyfriend, and Autumn, his girlfriend, are siblings. "Hold on, so you and Autumn are siblings?" He asks just to confirm. Reece and Autumn nod. "This changes everything..." He said to himself. Autumn looks at Reece, his stern look almost glaring into her soul. "Reece...I can explain..." The older man rubs the bridge of his nose. "Autumn do you know how unprofessional dating your employees is?" He says to her his hand on his hip. Autumn instantly gets confused. "I started talking to him outside of the nursery. Also, how is it 'unprofessional' when you are dating the manager to the sister nursery? Isn't that unprofessional?" She says back sternly, poking his chest every time she emphasized something.

Reece took her finger off his chest and fixed his shirt since it got wrinkled from her poking him. "Autumn. How did you know that? Who told you?" Autumn crosses her arms around her chest when Charlotte walks in. "Autumn? Are you-" Char pauses when she sees Reece. Her attitude changes and she sterns up. "Oh so you're the one Marjorie doesn't stop talking to." Autumn raises her eyebrow. "Don't you have a nursery to run, Reece? You have your own things to do and you sit there talking to Marjorie all day?" She says, siding with Char. Marjorie then walks in since it started to get loud. "Right then, what's going on?- Reece?!" Marjorie exclaims. "Hey darling. Sorry for busting in to your nursery." He says, hugging her in the process. She hugs back and looks at Char and Autumn's stern faces. "So what is God's name is going on?" Marjorie asks.


Char, Autumn, Winter, Reece and Marjorie got into a heated argument. At some point, Winter, Char and Marjorie dropped out of it while the Knight siblings continued. Then Reece mentions something he would regret. "AT LEAST DAD LOVED ME!! HE DIDNT CARE ABOUT YOU ONE BIT!!!" Then he stops, realizing what he just said. Autumn's eyes widen and immediately tear up. She dashes out of the office, Winter right behind her. "Autumn?!" He says running after her. Autumn locked herself in the bathroom and cried.

Reece wasn't far behind. "Where is she?!" He asks Winter worriedly. Said man frowns and says nothing. Reece knocks on the door. "Aut? I'm really sorry. I didn't mean it at all! Trust me." He says trying to get her to come out of the bathroom. "Go away Reece..." Autumn says sniffling. Winter knocks. "My love, may I come in?" He asks carefully. She unlocks the door for Winter and Reece bursts in. "Autumn, listen I didn't mean it at all, I promise!" The older sibling says. "REECE GET OUT! JUST GET OUT!! YOU RUINED MY ENTIRE DAY, JUST LEAVE!!!!" Autumn yells at him.

Reece saddens, "Look I deserve that, but can we please talk? It was all a misunderstanding." He says softly and tried to hug her. Autumn pushed him away and ran to Winter, crying into his shoulder. "Oh boy. Here we go again, playing the victim card." Reece mumbled loud enough for her to hear. She walked up to Recce and pulled his hair, like a child. They start fighting, but Reece was starting to use his fists. Winter and the other's quickly broke up their fight. That was when Reece realized he was hurting his own sister. Autumn had blood trickling from her nose and mouth, a black eye, and a broken nose. Reece's eyes widen as Char and Winter took Autumn to the infirmary.

Reece hurt his sister....badly....


963 words
