A to F- Marjorie helps Autumn

It was a normal day at the nursery. Autumn was a bit nervous about the fact that today was the day of the Nursery Takeover. Her brother was mentally prepared, Marjorie was ready, Mia was already ready, but Autumn was the only one who wasn't ready. 

She paced around her room while Winter held her cup of coffee. He watched her pace. Then he got up and pulled her to him by her waist. "My love, you need to calm yourself down. You are too stressed." He says, rubbing her waist. 

She nodded and kissed his lips, "Thank you my darling." She said. She grabbed the keys and they went to the car. Autumn started driving and sort of calming down as Winter put his hand on her thigh. 

Once they got to the nursery, they kissed each other goodbye and went their ways. Autumn to the office, and Winter to the Pre-school room. Once Autumn sat down, her leg started bouncing with anxiety. 

Her breaths were ragged and very short. Her heart rate quickened as she started hyperventilating. She dropped her stuff and put a hand to her chest, grasping her shirt harshly. She fell to her knees right as Marjorie walked in. 

She saw what was happening to Autumn and rushed to her side. "Autumn! Hey hey calm down! I'm here." She grabbed Autumn's hand and took it into her own. She held up 5 fingers. "Okay, I'm going to need you to breathe in for 5, hold it for 5, and out for 5. Okay?" She said to the panicked woman.

Autumn nodded and followed exactly what Marjorie said to do. Her breathing went back to normal after a little while. She leaned against Winter since Marjorie told him about her panic attack. They sat there with each other until Reece came and helped her calm down. 

But the good thing is..........

They won the takeover.

But Roger.....

was pissed...

hi :3

321 words
