
Zelda believed that Urbosa was a gift from the three golden goddesses. She was powerful, courageous, and beautiful—a warrior with class. After her mother passed away when she was much younger, Urbosa became Zelda's motherly figure in her life. She took it upon herself to train Zelda like a Gerudo warrior. The King thought it was a smart idea, to take the young princess to the blazing desert in order to train.

Urbosa stood over Zelda and Link, as the two recovered from the heat they had been unprotected from earlier that day. "You know better, Zelda," she scolded, "and I'm disappointed in you."

Zelda nodded her head sadly. "I know, Lady Urbosa. I'm very sorry."

Urbosa sighed, turning toward Link. "You too. You should have stopped her!"

Link's head hung low. He didn't even try to protest.

Zelda stared at him, knowing that Urbosa was blaming him for what had happened, although it was her fault. She was the one who insisted they come here. She was the one who put Link in danger. She was the one who should be scolded. Not Link.

"What are you doing out here, little bird?" Urbosa asked, her tone now soft and worrisome.

Zelda looked up at Urbosa strangely. Her emerald green eyes reflected the sun that shone in through the window above them. Her hands were folded across her chest, as she gently pressed on, trying to get information from the young queen.

"Mipha has been kidnapped," Link said.

Urbosa looked at Link. "What? By who?"

Zelda shook her head. "We believe—from witnesses—the Yiga Clan."

"Kohga," Link growled. "When I was training to become a knight for Hyrule's guard, there were always rumors swarming through the barracks. How, there was a man, leading a terrible group of ninja-type men who plotted against Hyrule. They despise the Sheikah tribe. They plan to take over the kingdom."

"Those goons are simply not strong enough," Urbosa shook her head. "They are cunning nevertheless. We will make our way southeast of Gerudo Summit by nightfall. We will infiltrate their hideout."

Link furrowed his brow. "Hideout? As in, where they're supposed to be secretly hidden?" He paused. "And you know where they are?"

Urbosa nodded. "They roam around the desert and return to their hideout as if no one is watching. Many people have seen tracks that lead to their hideout."

Zelda held her knees close to her chest. She inhaled, closing her eyes. "What if they didn't take her back to their hideout?" She opened her eyes, trailing to Urbosa. "Mipha, I mean. If Kohga really is working with Philip, perhaps she is at the castle?"

Urbosa placed her palm beneath her chin, looking puzzled. "Possibly. But how do we know this isn't just one of their games? The Yiga Clan love playing tricks on innocent passerby."

Link shook his head, staring at the floor. "Everyone knows Mipha, though," he stated, "throughout the kingdom. Everyone knows you, Daruk, and Revali, too."

"Link's right," Zelda said, standing up from her bed. "This could not have been just a simple attack. They kidnapped Mipha because she holds power in this kingdom, and they plan on—"

Urbosa closed her eyes. "Please, Zelda, do not say such things." Her expression was very painful. Mipha was one of her closest friends and allies. Zelda didn't think about how much this had been effecting her.

Zelda nodded hesitantly. "My sincerest apologies, Lady Urbosa."

Urbosa smiled sadly, sitting down beside the young queen. Zelda leaned her head on her shoulder, sighing. Urbosa raised her right hand and patted Zelda's head, raking her fingers gently through her long, blonde hair. "Thank you for coming to me," she said, her voice soft. "It was dangerous, and you could have gotten yourself killed—but I'm glad you came."

"Why's that?" Link asked.

Urbosa clenched her teeth, smirking. "So that I can be involved in the payback that will befall upon those that have kidnapped Mipha."


"Are we ready?" Link asked, sheathing his knight's sword in the holster at his side. He laughed. "This is nerve-wracking. I've got to admit, I have never done this before."

"What?" Zelda squealed with excitement. "I adore seal surfing! Urbosa taught me how to travel in the desert when I was much younger."

Link smiled nervously. "Is it hard?"

"Lighten up!" Urbosa bellowed, grinning. "You'll learn fast, don't worry!"

Link stood atop a shield he usually kept upon his back. He held a long rope that was attached to the collar of a sand seal. Sand seals were known to live throughout Gerudo Desert, swimming through the sand as if they were swimming through water. They were quite quick creatures. The Gerudo utilized their speed many years ago, making traveling through the hot desert terrain less complicated, and much faster.

Zelda patted the back of her sand seal. She smiled as it's head turned to face the queen. It barked happily, then faced forward toward the path they would be taking. Zelda looked at Urbosa, who nodded her head with excitement.

"You ready little bird?" she called.

Zelda nodded. She looked at Link, who shook his head.

"Off we go!" Urbosa declared, thrusting her Scimitar of the Seven into the air, clutching her strong rope. She shook it quickly, signaling to her sand seal that they were departing. The sand seal took off, and Urbosa cheered as she slid across the desert on her Daybreaker.

Zelda followed close behind. The wind blew furiously through her hair. She closed her eyes, inhaling deeply. And for a moment, Zelda felt free. Free from her new, taxing duties as Queen of Hyrule. Free from her horrible marriage to a horrible man. Free from the worries she held onto moments ago.

And then, she heard Link scream.

Zelda's head turned behind her, and she held back laughter as she watched Link slide in the sand behind his sand seal. His shield was no where to be found. He desperately held onto the rope that was tied to his sand seal's collar.

"You can do this!" Zelda yelled to him.

"Without a shield?!" Link cried.

Urbosa roared with laughter. "Hang on, kid!" she called. She held up her right hand, summoning a shield from what had to have been her available inventory. She tossed it to Link, who caught it immediately.

Link hoisted himself on top of the shield, balancing himself. He took a few deep breaths, steadying his body and focusing on making it across the desert successfully. He coughed up a bit of sand.

Zelda giggled. "Don't fall behind!" she yelled, cupping her mouth with her left hand.

Link smiled, wrapping his rope around his wrist, twice. "Wouldn't dream of it!"

The three rode through the desert, spewing sand at the sides as their shields floated atop the smooth terrain. The silver gleam of Link's shield darted by Zelda and her sand seal. At that moment, Zelda and her competitive attitude became hitched on beating both Link and Urbosa to the edge of the desert. She thrashed her rope, laughing. Her sand seal barked with excitement, swimming faster through the hot sand.

Urbosa yelled something to Link and Zelda, but Zelda was unable to hear against the deafening wind. She closed her eyes, feeling the sensation once again of being utterly free.

"Hyah!" Link yelled, whipping his sand seal's rope. "Zelda! Slow down!"

Zelda opened her eyes, turning to face Link. She was already ahead of him, but he was gaining speed. "What?" she yelled back.

"Hill!" Urbosa called.

Zelda faced forward, her eyes widening as her sand seal dove under the surface of the sand. His deep dive cut ties between Zelda and the rope attached to him. She cried out as she flew off the top of a hill, flying through the air.

Urbosa jumped from her shield, plucking Zelda from the air, into her arms. She held onto her easily, as if she was holding a small child.

Link held in laughter.

"Don't even say anything," Zelda grunted.

Link let his laughter loose.

Urbosa began to laugh with him. "Come on, little bird. It was a little funny."

Zelda crossed her arms over her chest. "Are we almost to the edge of the desert?"

Urbosa nodded, jumping from her shield. Zelda gasped, but the two soon landed, and Urbosa places Zelda back to her feet. She expected them to sink a bit in the sand, but was relieved to find hard ground underneath of her.

Link soon stood beside the two. "Rough landing, huh, Zel?"

Zelda flashed Link a look of annoyance. "Stop it, or else you're not coming."

Link looked between the two women, confused. "Coming, to the castle, you mean?"

Zelda took Urbosa's hand in hers. "We're getting there the same way we got here, silly." She reached her left hand out, waiting for Link to take it.

Link smiled, walking closer to Zelda, happily taking her hand in his. He nodded his head, awaiting any instruction the queen would ask of them.

"Alright, get close..." Zelda muttered. She inhaled sharply, exhaling slowly. Her right hand began to glow a soft golden color, and soon, she felt her feet lift from the ground. Teleportation magic was difficult in of itself, but traveling was difficult on her head. It always made her feel a little dizzy afterwards.

When she felt ground beneath her feet once again, she opened her eyes.

"Zelda..." Urbosa whispered.

Zelda's hands fell from her friends'. "No, no... this isn't what I wanted!"

Link looked around the room they were in. "Where are we, exactly?"

Zelda walked over to her balcony, looking out at the gardens and knight's barracks below the castle. She turned back toward the inside. "This is my bedroom."

"I thought you would take us outside of the castle, to prepare?" Urbosa asked. She shook her head. "Actually, it's alright. No need to worry. We need to keep a leveled head."

Zelda ran her fingers through her blonde hair. "What have I done?! We have no plan, we're inside, and..." the young queen's breath became heavy, and her eyelids began to shut. Her knees wobbled, and she lowered her body to the cold floor.

Link fell beside her, holding her arms. "Zelda! Are you okay?"

She nodded weakly. "Yes... this usually happens after I utilize teleportation magic..." she looked up at Link and smiled assuringly. "I promise, I'm okay."

Link smiled sadly. "You're going to be just fine." He picked Zelda up from the floor, walking her over to her bed. He laid her down, gently placing her head upon a pillow. "Rest for a little while. Lady Urbosa and I will guard the door. No one will come in here, okay?"

Zelda took Link's hand in her own. She fought to keep her eyes open. "Thank you."

Link nodded, squeezing her hand. He looked up at Urbosa, who shook her head. She held up a hand. Stay with her, she mouthed. Link nodded his head in response. He looked back down at Zelda, who seemed to be falling asleep. Her hand began to fall limp in his, and he leaned downward, kissing it softly. A smile appeared on Zelda's tired lips as she began to drift off to sleep, as if there were no worries fluttering throughout her head...


hi guys, long time no see :)

these past few weeks have been crazy. i hope this chapter gives you something to do on coronacation! i actually began writing the final chapter for this fic. i'm so excited to finish a story i have loved writing since the beginning. your support has meant the most to me, always :)

i hoe you all are safe and healthy! please remember to stay home unless you need to go out, so we can all go back to school and return to our normal schedules as soon as possible :) i hope to update again soon! i'll see you guys sometime in the near future!!

