
A crash echoed from down below. Urbosa and Link appeared at the bottom of the stairs. "Get down here, now!" Urbosa bellowed. Zelda squeezed Mipha's soft hands as they ran down the stairs, standing behind Urbosa. Urbosa held her hands in the air, swiping them downward as she snapped her fingers. Lightning erupted from the ceiling, cracking down at Apollo, Delian and Philip below. The three jumped backward, yet Apollo was too slow. He had been struck, as he fell to the floor.

"No!" Philip cried, lunging down to Apollo's side. "Stay with us, Apollo! We cannot lose you again!"

Link stood at the top of the stairs, holding out his sword. "Leave this kingdom. Or else."

Phillip grinned manically. "Am I supposed to ask, 'Or else, what?' and begin to cower in fear?"

Link grunted, crying out as he jumped at Philip, swinging his sword down at him. Philip unsheathed his sword that sat upon his hip, blocking Link's attack. Meanwhile, Mipha held out her hands, summoning her Lightscale Trident.

Urbosa shook her head as Mipha began to run back up the flight of stairs. "You're still recovering, Lady Mipha. You need to stay back."

"No," Mipha disobeyed. "I will not sit idly and watch Link face Philip and his goons alone."

Zelda felt her heartbeat quicken.

"Link!" Mipha called. "I've got your back!"

"Thank you!" Link called back. He slashed to the right, hoping to land an attack on Philip. Luckily, he was able to slice through his thick tunic. A small cut could be seen through the ripped fabric. Link jumped backward, retreating a bit.

Delian covered Apollo, standing in front of him. He bore no weapon, and only took a defensive stance, placing his right foot out in front of him, pulling his left leg behind his body.

Philip's eyes darted around the room. With Link retreating a bit, there was now an opening. He jumped atop the banister of the stairs, quickly sliding down it. He slid past Link, Mipha, as well as Urbosa.

Zelda stood at the bottom of the staircase.

Philip jumped in the air, wincing as hit cut began to spill more blood. His sword seemed to hover over Zelda for a long moment.

Mipha screamed, "Watch out!"

From the back of her pocket, Zelda whipped out Delian's dagger. She opposed Philip's sword. She grunted, pushing as hard as she could.

"You think a puny dagger will harm me?!" he laughed, pushing harder on his sword.

The dagger flew from Zelda's palm, sliding across the library floor. She cried out in pain as Philip sliced her upper arm. She still stood, however.

Link stared down at Zelda, witnessing the look of anger grow upon her face.

"You take my kingdom, make me look like a fool in front of my citizens, and even hurt my friends..." Zelda grumbled, clenching her teeth. "I will never forgive you for what you've done." Her left hand clutched her right arm, as blood trickled down her fingers.

"I wasn't looking for forgiveness, my dear wife," Philip snickered. "I was waiting for—"

"That's enough!"

The doors to the castle library fell over completely, slamming upon the floor. Daruk emerged from his boulder-form, jumping up in the air. He landed in front of Zelda.

"A Goron?" Philip shrugged his shoulders. "You may look strong, but you'll never best me."

Zelda placed a hand on Daruk's rocky back. "How did you find us here?"

"A little birdie told me my friends needed assistance!" Daruk yelled, a giant grin spreading across his face.

An explosion sounded behind everyone, and a loud ringing of shattered glass echoed through the large room. Revali swooped into the library, clutching his Great Eagle Bow in his right wing, equipped with bomb arrows.

Zelda folded her arms over her chest. "It's over, Philip. We will spare you if you leave now."

Philip's eyes widened. He was now surrounded by the Champions of Hyrule. He dropped his sword. "Oh, my Goddesses, I'm done for..."

Zelda walked closer to Philip, holding out her hands. "I'm going to place you inside of a crystal that will hold you captive until you leave, okay?"

Philip smirked. "But, love, I'm claustrophobic!"

Grey smoke covered the room. Zelda coughed, frantically scanning the area. She was unable to see anyone around her. All she could hear were the coughs of her friends. "Get back here!" Zelda yelled. "You won't get away!"

The smoke began to settle. Zelda spotted Mipha, Urbosa and Link, all in front of her on the stairs. They bore a light coat of dust from the surprise attack.

Yiga Clan members hung from the ceiling, the walls, the chandeliers, and bookshelves. Philip stood at the top of the balcony beside Master Kohga, leader of the Yiga Clan.

Apollo stood beside Delian, now fully recovered from Urbosa's lightning fury.

"I'm afraid you're the one not getting away, dear," Philip smiled sweetly.

Zelda rolled her fingers into fists. She heaved a heavy breath, throwing her hands out in front of her. She cried out as a bright spark emitted from her palms, disappearing. It soon reappeared in front of Philip, quickly exploding into a bright flame.

Kohga held his hands out, as a shield reflected Zelda's flame attack. He chuckled. "My, oh my, what a strong queen you are! It'll be so much fun to play with you all."

Philip laughed with Kohga. "Remember the plan, Master Kohga."

"Your plan?" Daruk asked, stepping back in front of Zelda once again.

Philip pointed to Link, looking upward at all of the Yiga Clan members. "Eliminate that nuisance!"

Delian's eyes widened. He darted down the stairs on the opposite side of the raise balcony, disappearing behind the large banister.

The Yiga Clan members all giggled as they dove from their hanging positions. They jumped toward Link, all of them holding either bows or sickles. Link staggered backwards, his eyes growing wide with fear at the sheer mass of members about to attack him.

Daruk rolled up the stairs as quickly as he could, shielding Link with his bright amber Goron shield. He pounded his fists together, holding them strong. The Yiga Clan members all began to bounce off of his shield, yet, it began to crack.

"Daruk..." Link whispered above his breath.

"Prepare yourself!" Daruk yelled.

Revali began to send a flurry of bomb arrows below, wincing at the destruction it was going to cause. Yiga Clan members began to poof into black dust, disappearing from the castle. Urbosa turned toward Philip, unsheathing her Scimitar of The Seven. She unleashed another flurry of thunderbolts in his direction, crying out as she ran toward him and Kohga. Apollo lunged in front of the group, attacking Urbosa with a Flameblade.

"I'll scorch out your bolts!" Apollo laughed, holding his sword against Urbosa's scimitar. "Your electricity won't be able to hold up against this strong fire, now will it?!"

"I wouldn't count on it!" Urbosa yelled, swiping her scimitar with her right hand, snapping her fingers with her left. Bolts of electricity fell atop Apollo, as he screamed in agony. His body shivered, and he fell to the floor with paralysis.

"Apollo!" Delian cried as he reached the top stair once again. He fell down to his brother's side, looking up at Urbosa with sad eyes.

Urbosa only looked toward Philip.

Daruk's shield fell, and Link began to attack the pests of the Yiga clan. He dodged attacks left and right. He swung his sword valiantly, knocking down his enemies with only one hit. One member shot an arrow into his left calf, yet he completely ignored the pain. He gained revenge by slicing the Yiga Clan member in half, and their body poofed into black dust.

Mipha rushed to Link's aid, blocking off more attacks of the Yiga Clan. At a small opening, without a moment's notice, she fell to her knees, resting her Lightscale Trident beside her. "This will hurt!" she called, clutching the arrow in Link's calf. "I'm extremely sorry, Link, but I—" she was unable to finish her sentence, as she pulled the arrow swiftly from Link's leg, listening to him scream in pain as it ripped his muscle. Mipha tossed the arrow to the side, holding her hands over Link's wound. A blue mist shrouded Link's leg, and soon, his injury had been healed.

Link gasped for air. "Thank you," he tried to force a smile, but failed.

"Thank me later," Mipha shook her head, grabbing her trident.

Philip winced, watching as Link and Mipha defeated the last of the Yiga Clan. "Kohga! You told me your army was much larger than this, and frankly, stronger, too!"

Kohga giggled. "Oh, I did?"

He disappeared with an orange flash of light, retreating back to his hideout in Gerudo Desert.

"You bastard!" Philip screamed, waving his fist in the air. "You told me you would be of aid as well!"

"Never make a deal with Kohga," Link said, walking toward Philip. "Everyone in Hyrule knows that."

Philip began to back away, closer to Delian and Apollo, who still laid almost lifeless on the floor.

Suddenly, Apollo sat up, taking something from Delian's back pocket. Delian froze.

Splotches of red appeared on Delian's white tunic.

Mipha and Zelda gasped.

Philip turned to see the commotion. "Apollo!" he yelled. "What're you—"

"He's a traitor!" Apollo grunted through the pain he endured. "He was going to help them, I just know it."

Blood began to drip from Delian's mouth. "B-Brother..." he fell forward, and Delian's dagger was now visible through his back.

Zelda's breathing hitched momentarily in her throat. Delian had retrieved his dagger...

"To kill me..." Philip said, astonished. "That's why he ran down the stairs to get his old dagger."

Delian smiled crookedly. "My apologies, but I could... no longer..."

Link gritted his teeth. "Why you...!"

The Champions of Hyrule surrounded Philip, Apollo and Delian. Apollo fell backwards, defeated. His eyes closed and his chest ceased to rise. Delian worked to lift his head upward, to get one last glance at Philip.

"Burn in hell," he forced, falling back toward the floor.

Mipha lowered her Lightscale Trident, as if she was preparing to run to Delian to heal him.

Urbosa held her arm out in front of her. "It could be a trap. Just wait."

Mipha looked as if she was about to protest, but she shook her head.

Philip stood in silence, all alone, despite being surrounded by six others. His eyes trailed toward Zelda, and he stared at her. Her beautiful blonde hair was still untouched, despite what she's been through. Her fists rested at her sides. Her face normally was very easy to read—he could tell when she was being too sympathetic for her own good, when she was angry but too afraid to act, or when she was genuinely happy. Now, he could tell she was mad, in the least, but there was something else.

She looked stronger.

"Your two closest knights perished because of you," Zelda began, stepping in front of the five Champions. "You brought them to their demise."

Philip smiled. "I only ever had good intentions for this kingdom. Hyrule is weak. I was going to rule as a powerful king and make us a kingdom to fear. You will never rule like I would have."

Link stepped closer to Zelda and opened his mouth to speak. Zelda held her hand up, which signaled Link not to speak. Zelda only stepped closer. "I have learned so much about myself, and the people close to me, because you decided to be selfish. So, for that much, I thank you."

Philip raised his eyebrows. "What?"

"You're despicable, Philip. You've done nothing but cause pain for others," Zelda said, walking closer. She smiled as she moved only inches away from his face. "I'm sorry, but dear... I want a divorce."

Before Philip could speak, Zelda swung her fist against his cheek. The force threw him backward on the floor.

The room fell even more silent than before. Philip lay on the floor, stunned.

"That's my girl!" Link cheered.

Urbosa and Revali quickly ran to Philip's side, picking him up by his arms. "You'll be in the dungeon until we get contact from your family in Aeryll," Urbosa told Philip. "Count your blessings Zelda hasn't ordered us to kill you." The two dragged Philip out of the library, into the hallway and down to the dungeon.

Zelda turned to Mipha. "Can you check on Delian? I truly believe he has a heart not tainted with evil."

Mipha nodded. "Right away, princess."

Zelda's eyes widened. Princess... She smiled.

Link put a gentle hand on Zelda's left shoulder. "You were amazing," he said.

Zelda turned to face Link. "Thank you. And, from here on out, I want to ask you something."

Link's head turned slightly to the side. "What's that?"

"Would you like to take position as Second in Command for the Hylian Knights?" Zelda grinned. "I think you would be great. And, when our current Commander steps down, maybe a few years in the future, you'll take his place."

Link's mouth hung slightly open. "You... You mean it?"

Zelda nodded. "I think you'll be an incredible asset. You're courageous, you've saved me countless times, and you're kindhearted. Plus, it's always been your dream, hasn't it—"

Link leaned in, placing his lips upon Zelda's. His hand moved from her shoulder to the back of her neck. Zelda's eyes were opened wide, while Link's were shut. Zelda leaned in closer, moving her arms around his neck. She closed her eyes, and couldn't help but smile.


the end!!!...

just kidding ;)

i'm going to upload one last chapter to this story, and it will be the epilogue. so watch out for that chapter in a week, exactly from today!

as always, thank you so much for reading! and i hope you'll all stick around for more!
