
Dotted with fluffy clouds, the sky was a calm, bright blue. Orange and yellow hues appeared in the east, drawing attention to the afternoon. Green trees swayed in the gentle breeze passing by Hyrule. Small birds sang atop the trees, whistling tunes for everyone to enjoy.

Miriam, a maid that helped raise Zelda when she was younger, tightened a strap around Zelda's waist. She tied it into a perfect bow that rested just above her hips. She marveled at the breathtaking wedding gown Zelda wore. Zelda scowled in the mirror in front of her, however.

"Zelda, I know this isn't what you wish, but you might as well have fun in this lovely dress," Mariam said smiling, trying to lift the princess' spirits.

"There's no point," Zelda mumbled. "I hate this man. I want nothing but to be as far away from him as possible."

Mariam sighed sadly. "I know, dear. I'm so sorry."

As Mariam finished touching up the dress, she backed away, watching as Zelda attempted to admire the dress. What was the point in dressing up so wonderfully, looking beautiful, for nothing in the end? There was absolutely no point. After today, nothing would matter to Zelda, besides her duty.

"The sun is setting, dear," Mariam noted. "It is almost time."

Zelda nodded her head, holding back tears. She turned to the balcony doors, shining a soft light from the setting sun. Zelda ran to the doors, swinging them open. Desperately, she began to cry out to the sun. "Please! Do not go! I need you!" She fell to her knees pitifully. "Come back! Please, do not set!"

Mariam rushed out to the balcony, placing a hand against Zelda's back. "Dear! Oh, dear, do not cry, it is alright..."


Zelda steadied herself as her father wrapped his arm within hers. Her palm was placed carefully upon the back of his hand. Her heart pounded within her chest. The doors to the throne room would open momentarily, and the ceremony would begin.

"I am so proud of you," the King said quietly.

Zelda looked up at him in surprise. "For what, father?"

The King shook his head. "I know this isn't what you want. But I need you to be safe and protected by a man that isn't me." Tears welled up in his eyes, forming a small pool. "I'm going to be stepping down from the throne. Our butlers and maids will take care of me, while you rule alongside Philip. I know you will be a powerful Queen, just like your mother was."

"Father..." Zelda looked up at the King. He continued to look on ahead, refusing to look his daughter in the eyes.

"You have been stubborn, yes," the King laughed gently, momentarily, before continuing, "but you've been so strong, Zelda. I do not have any regrets or concerns towards, or for, you. You are so incredibly brave."

Zelda tried her best not to cry. "I'll do my best. I promise."

The King nodded his head. "I know you will."

A chime of music began to play in the throne room. Soon, the doors would open. Soon, Zelda would be wed to Philip. Soon, she would no longer be an independent princess, like she wanted to be.

Soon, she would be giving up her heart for someone she wished nothing more than to run from.

The doors began to creak open. Before Zelda could glance around, to look at all of the people here, she immediately noticed Philip's blazing red hair at the front of the room. He was facing the priest who would secure their marriage. But soon enough, as he heard the footsteps of the King and his daughter, he turned, with the brightest smile on his face.

Zelda wanted to cringe.

"I love you, endlessly, my sweet girl," the King whispered.

Zelda's heart seemingly shattered, at that moment in time. Her father's love was the only real, true love that she held.

"I love you more," Zelda whispered back.

As the King walked his daughter to the alter, tears began to quickly dart down his cheeks, finally being released. Many awes emitted from the people of Hyrule as he did so. As Zelda approached the stairs to the alter, the King took his daughter's hands in his own.

"You look beautiful, just like your mother," the King smiled.

A few tears began to spill from Zelda's eyes. "Father..." She was at a loss for words.

"Never forget how strong you are," he said, pulling his arm away from the princess.

Before he could walk backwards, Zelda enveloped her father in a hug.

"I don't want to be alone," Zelda mumbled in his chest, quietly for only him to hear.

The King wrapped his arms around his daughter's back, carefully. "I know, my sweet daughter. I'll still be here with you."

Zelda nodded her head, looking up at the King. He wiped a few tears from her cheeks, gently holding her head in his palm. When he pulled away, one last time, Zelda faced the alter, looking up at Philip. She stepped up beside him.

"You look amazing," Philip said under his breath.

The priest began. "Good evening. We are gathered here today..."

"Thank you," Zelda whispered back, politely. She wanted nothing more than to snap at him, tell him how much she hated him, and to leave. But this was her soon-to-be-husband. She was unable.

" wed these two, young souls, Princess Zelda of Hyrule, and Prince Philip of Aeryll..."

"I know you hate me," Philip began to whisper again, keeping his eyes glued to the priest, "but I truly don't wish for any bad blood between us, Zellie."

"Don't call me that," Zelda snapped quietly.

Philip smirked, laughing softly. "Excuse me." He took a deep breath, starting again. "Nicknames aside, I want to rule this kingdom. With you, by my side, until the day I die."

"Hard to take you seriously when you so rudely call me by my nickname without my permission," Zelda growled.

Philip sighed sadly. "I'm sorry, Zelda. Truly, I am. I will not call you that." He stole a glance at the princess. "I can't imagine myself marrying anyone else. I want to be with you."

"You want to be with my heir and fortune," Zelda mumbled.

"That isn't true!" Philip said, a little loudly.

The priest stopped. "Is there a problem?"

Philip shook his head quickly. "No, sir. I sincerely apologize for interrupting. Please, continue."

Zelda giggled.

Seeing the princess laugh a bit, made Philip grin.

"...and with the power invested in me, I pronounce you two, Husband and Wife."

Zelda turned to Philip, as Philip did to Zelda. Philip took the young princess' hands in his own.

"I've fallen for you, Zelda," Philip said happily.

Link's voice rang through Zelda's head. She quickly snapped her head toward the door of the throne room. Sure enough, Link guarded the door as a Hylian knight.

That's exactly what Link told me yesterday, Zelda thought to herself as she stared at the boy she truly bore feelings for.

Link stared back, emotionless.

Philip placed a hand on Zelda's cheek. He turned her to him, as he smiled.

"You may now kiss the bride," the priest finalized.

And as Philip leaned in to kiss his beloved, Zelda could feel the fierce eyes of the knight she once watched from her balcony, staring at the two angrily as they secured their new marriage.

The black abyss in Zelda's heart grew as she felt Philip's lips on hers. She wanted to pull away, to cry, and to run. She was chained, now, unable to escape.

Her duty was fulfilled.



here you guys go and you're welcome I love writing because I should be doing my buttload of homework that's due tomorrow but instead... 😓👊🏻

hope u enjoyed!! byeeee
