Wakey, Wakey...

I wasn't sure where Sunset slept at.  But I managed to find her room. It honestly wasn't much of a room. But, as someone who lived in the sewers of New York, I'd say it's an improvement. I found the bed she slept in, and laid her down. I decided to leave her coat and boots on, because I didn't want to take advantage of her. I ran back outside to get my helmet, and found a chair. Sunset was still sleeping. I noticed a piece of paper in her jacket pocket. I got curious and decided to look at it. It was Sunset's suicide note. The more I read it, the sadder I felt for her... Poor Sunset... She doesn't even know her little brother's alive... I also saw a paper with what appeared to be lyrics to a song. Did she write them? Dang, they're somber lyrics. Still, she'd make a good songwriter. I'm gonna assume she intended to name this song something like, "My Past Is Not Today."

I stay with Sunset as she sleeps, never leaving her side. Suddenly, I hear her groaning. "Am I dead yet?" she grumbled. I smirked and said, "Sorry to disappoint you, Sunny." Sunset abruptly opened her eyes, looking at me, and said, "You!" She rose up, ready to lash out. I looked at her and said, "Hi... Look, I'm not going to kill you..." Sunset laid back down, her head landing on her pillow. "Why not?" she cynically asked, "I'm not worth saving. Everyone hates me. You'd be doing everyone a favor." 

"I don't do assisted suicide," I protested, "yeah, I'm a ninja, and I've done my fair share of killing, especially out of revenge. But in my defense, those were bad people. And you aren't a bad person. A little blinded in your ambition, but hey, nobody's perfect." Sunset looked at me and said, "I get your name is Raphael, but what are you supposed to be? And why'd you save me?!?!" She glared at me. "I'm not from around here," I explained, "I'm from a different dimension entirely. I'm a mutant turtle. And the reason I saved you is because Princess Celestia asked me to." Sunset's eyes widened and she asked, "How do you know Celestia?" 

"I saved her from Queen Chrysalis," I replied. "The Changeling Queen?" Sunset asked, surprised. "Yeah, her..." I confirmed, realizing that's what Chrysalis was, "I killed Chrysalis to save Celestia. If I did nothing, she was going to conquer Equestria and turn Luna into Nightmare Moon or something like that..." Her eyes widened even more as she asked, "Princess Luna's exile ended? And she's no longer Nightmare Moon?" I smirked and said, "You sure are getting jumpy, Sunny." Sunset crossed her arms, trying her best to scowl. Wasn't working. "Anyway, because I saved Celestia, I promised to help her if she ever needed it," I said, "now, the next part I'm about to tell is gonna be crazy... I'm from the future." Sunset gave a look of confusion.

"Future? How?" she asked, "Did Princess Celestia cast a time traveling spell and send you to the day I died? And at this exact dimension?" I nodded and said, "Except Celestia wasn't the one who cast the spell. It was Princess Twilight. Sunset, you were dead for a month. When Twilight and Celestia found out, they were devastated. And so was your family..." Sunset gave a sardonic smile and said, "Funny when you're dead, that's when people start listening." I sighed and said, "Yeah, I've noticed that too. But trust me Sunset, Celestia misses you. Your parents miss you." Sunset rolled her eyes and said, "Oh, now they miss me. What do I have to live for? Give up on me Raphael. I'm a lost cause. If you befriend me, you'll end up getting backlash for it." I knew she was depressed, but I knew she'd feel hope if I told her this...

"Sunset, Garrett's alive," I said. She looked at me and asked, "What?" I cleared my throat and said, "Your younger brother, Garrett, he's alive..." Sunset's eyes widened as she asked, "How? I thought he died in that prison..." I shook my head and said, "Nope. He managed to survive being in prison. And he got out."  

"Are you telling the truth?" she asked. "Saw him myself," I confirmed, "when he found out you died, he was devastated. He was so tearful. Yeah, he gets out in a month. Would you live for him?" I could see hope in her eyes. "You won't leave me?" Sunset asked. I took off my right glove and said, "I'll never leave you, and I'll always keep you safe Sunset. That's a promise." Sunset smiled, and tearfully hugged me.
