8. The last match

"Nobody really knows what happened
Not even me
You're gone with the wind... The water-"

"Naomi!" I stopped singing the second Ikki ran up to me and hugged my legs. "Good morning Ikki." I looked down at her and she smiled up at me. "Thank you for singing me to sleep again yesterday."

"No problem. You know I'm here for you, even if you have scary nightmares." She let go of my legs, and followed me all the way out to the kitchen. "Are you and Korra going again today?" Ikki asked.

I actually didn't know. "Well I'm going now, you can come with me if you want to Naomi." I looked around and saw Korra, walking towards the door. "If it's okay with Ikki." I said smiling.

She sighed and nodded. "Only if you'll talk to that cute earthbender-boy Korra told me you like." She started laughing when I blushed. I looked at Korra again but she was already gone.

I ran out of the door yelling her name. I only heard some giggling and a whistle. Naga came running and I followed her to find Korra.

"You're such a bad best friend." I said and hit her on the shoulder. She got up on Naga. "You wanna swim to the arena?" I rolled my eyes and jumped up on the polar bear dog. "Haha, you're so funny." I faked laughed, and used all of the sarcasm. Korra laughed before Naga jumped in the water.


"You can let go of me now, and look around we're on land." I slowly let go of Korra and opened my eyes. I jumped down from Naga and got closer to safe ground. "Come on, we're already late." She said running in. I ran after her, again.

"Hey guys we're here." Korra said as she got out to change. "You're late." Was all Mako got to say before we heard a door slamming. As usual Pabu ran to me, and I said hello.

"Come on Bo, we gotta train if we wanna win." Mako said. "I know, I know." He said sounding tired from all of the training. Since last weeks win, they had been training non-stop.

"I know you guys have a chance, you were amazing." I said to cheer them up. "Let's just hope we'll be amazing enough." Mako said sending fire out in the room.

"Come on Mako, as long as I'm on the team we're gonna win." Korra said walking out of the changing rooms. "That's the spirit." I said getting up from the floor with Pabu on my shoulder.

"But on the other hand it's easy enough for you to say." Mako said landing on the floor after getting hit by Bolin. "What do you mean?" I asked him getting closer to their fight. "I mean you don't know what it's like." The room got quiet. Bolin and Korra looked at me.

"You're right, you're right. I don't know what it's like to bend. But I know how it's like to beat up benders only using my own fists." I said in return, which made them look at me in surprise.

"So what you mean is..." Bolin started, but I wanted to finish that sentence. "I could beat any of you guys." I finished, laughing. "Is that a challenge?" Korra asked smiling. "You're so on." I answered getting in front of her.

"3...2...1" Bolin was counting down for me and Korra's fight. She started by sending fire against my feet and I jumped back. "I see your reflects is better than when we were kids." She said sending water from on of the buckets towards my stomach. I dodged it easily. "A lot of things happened the last 6 years."

I tried to jump forward and chiblock her shoulder but she threw fire against me and I had to dodge instead of chiblocking. "Oh yeah, I would beat you up in under 30 seconds." She said smiling. I ran against her fast dodging all of her fire and attempted on hitting her. At last I chi blocked her left arm. They all looked at me in surprise, and I smiled. "One arm down, one arm to go." I said running towards her again.

"Enough girls!" Mako said stopping us. "What? I was so close to hitting her." Korra said dropping the water she had ready, down on the ground. "No offense Korra, but we need to train. And you can't train when your limbs don't work." Me and Bolin laughed when Korra got mad and started arguing with Mako again.

"I'll bet they end up together." I said out loud for Bolin to hear. "I give them a month." He said. We both laughed. "By the way Naomi, it was so cool what you did before, you got some mad skills. I actually think you might had won." He said smiling, which made me blush. "Thank you Bo, it means a lot to hear an amazing bender like you say that." He looked away and the conversation stopped.

"Come on guys, let's start." Mako said, stopping the awkward silence. They started training again and I did what I was so used to do in the training room. Talk with Pabu, cheer and get water.

I was watching them train side by side, when suddenly the radio started acting weird.
''Good morning, citizens of Republic City. This is Amon. I hope you all enjoyed last night's pro-bending match, because it will be the last.  It's time for this city to stop worshiping bending athletes as if they were heroes. I am calling on the council to shut down the bending arena and cancel the finals, or else there will be severe consequences.'' The radio wen't silent after Amon's speech, just like the room.

''That guy's got some nerve.'' Bolin said, looking at his probending partners.
''You think the council will give in?'' Mako asked Korra, sounding worried.
''They wouldn't...'' I said, mostly to myself.

''I'm not waiting to find out. We need to get to City Hall.'' Korra said.
We all left the arena to go to the City Hall.


Tenzin stood up from his chair. ''Korra, you shouldn't be here. This is a closed meeting.
''As the Avatar and a pro-bending player, I have a right to be heard. You can't cancel the finals'' Korra said, and walked closer to the council with Mako, Bolin and I right after her.

''I know winning the championship means a lot to you. But as far as I'm concerned, we need to shut the arena down.'' Tenzin tried, but Korra wouldn't give up.
She looked around at the council members. ''What about the rest of you? Tarrlok, there's no way you're backing down from Amon, right?''

Tarlok raised from his seat. ''Actually, Tenzin and i agree for once.''
Tenzin looked down at us. ''The council is unanimous. We're closing the arena.''
''You can't.'' The two probending brothers tried.

Korra looked at Tarrlok once again. ''I don't understand. I thought you, of all people, would take a stand against Amon.''
''While I am still committed to bringing that lunatic to justice, I will not put innocent lives at stake just so you and your friends can play a game.'' Tarrlok reasoned.

Mako took a step forward. ''Pro-bending might only be a game to you, but think of what it means to the city! Right now the arena is the one place where benders and non-benders gather together ... in-in peace! To watch benders ...''
''Beat each other up! In peace! It's an inspiration to everyone!'' Bolin helped his brother.

I smiled when they all tried again. There was no way they could say no after that reason, after all the council had to think about the people in the city.
''I appreciate your naive idealism, but you're ignoring the reality of the situation.''
I looked down in disappointment.

''The reality is if you close the arena, you let Amon win!''
''Yes, exactly what she said! Yes!'' They kept going, but it felt like we already had lost.
''I'm sorry, but our decision has been made. This meeting is adjourned.''
Just as i thought.

Tarrlok picked up the gavel. But a metal cable knocked off the gavel head and Tarrlok gasped. Everyone turned to look toward the entrance of the courtroom as Lin, the chief of the republic police force,  entered and coiled her cable back, looking at the council. ''I can't believe I'm saying this, but I agree with the Avatar.''
We all looked at her, surprised.

''You do?'' Tarrlok asked her.
''Yeah, you do?'' Korra added.

''I expected this kind of cut-and-run response from Tenzin. But the rest of you? Come on, show a little more backbone. It's time that the benders of this city displayed some strength and unity against these Equalists.'' The awesome metal bender said with confidence in her voice.

''We must prevent the conflict between benders and non-benders from escalating into all-out war! The council is not changing its position, Lin.'' Even though Tenzin seemed sure about his reason, I couldn't stand seeing my friends hard work be for nothing.
''Come on Tenzin. I'm not even a bender, and I can see how important this match is for everyone. Benders and non-benders alike.'' I finally tried. Tenzin's eyes softened a bit.
I felt the eyes of the fire ferrets were on me and when I looked at them they were smiling.

''Now just a moment, Tenzin. Let us hear what our esteemed Chief of Police has in mind.'' Tarrlok said, as if Lin's reason helped us.
''If you keep the arena open, my metalbenders and I will provide extra security during the championship match. There's no better force to deal with the chi blockers. Our armor is impervious to their attacks.''

''Are you saying that you will personally take responsibility for the safety of the spectators in the arena?'' Tarrlok asked. ''I guarantee it.'' She finally answered. Was there still hope for the Fire ferrets?

''It is hard to argue with Chief Beifong's track record. If she is confident her elite officers can protect the arena, then she has my support. I am changing my vote.'' Tarrlok rasied his hand.
''Who else is with me?''The other three council members raised their hands as Tenzin turned away in disappointment.

''The arena stays open. Good luck in the finals.'' Tarrlok finaly said, and we all started jumping and cheering.

We walked out of the Arena. Mako, Bolin and I were waiting for Korra, since she was talking with Tenzin and Lin Beifong.
''Thank you for backing us up in there.'' I turned around and looked at the brothers when Mako said that. I was surprised, I had never heard him say thank you before. Especially not to me.
''Of course. It would be sad to see all of your hard work go to waste. And I'm a big fan of pro-bending.'' They smiled and so did I.

I saw Lin walk out of the City Hall, and when she came closer to us, she stopped up. ''Naomi?'' she asked with a surprised look on her face. I sent her a smile. ''Hey Lin.'' I said as if i was 9 again. ''It's been so long. I couldn't recognize you in there.'' She seemed like she softened up a bit. ''Yeah.'' I answered a little shy. ''Well, anyways. Take care of yourself tonight.'' After that she left. I laughed a little for myself.
Always so serious.

I turned around at the two boys, who were looking at me in awe. ''You know chief Beifong?'' Bolin asked. ''Yeah, she's an old family friend.'' I answered with a smile. ''I still can't believe your avatar Aqng's granddaughter.'' Bolin said energetic as always. Mako still looked a bit surprised. That's right, he didn't even know.
''Yeah. Me neither.'' I whispered.

''Hey Naomi! Guess what?'' Korra came running with the biggest smile ever. ''What happened?'' I asked with a smile. ''I just found out who Tenzin's former lover was.'' She wiggled her eyebrows and looked at Lin. ''No. Way.'' I said dramatically, followed with a laugh. She just nodded, smiling like an idiot.


''Are you ready?'' I asked Korra when we were about to enter the big golden building.
''As ready as I'll ever be.'' We both laughed.

As we were walking inside I heard a familiar voice call my name. ''Naomi!''
Me and Korra turned around and Katsu was standing there.
''I'll go get ready, you go talk to lover boy.'' Korra said with a smirk, which made me blush.

''Hey Katsu, what are you doing here?'' I asked surprised and happy at the same time.
''I just came to say hello. Haven't seen you since...'' He smiled and I felt the blood running to my face by the last memory of os together.

''Oh, uhm hello?'' I looked up at him.
''Would you maybe like to go on another date with me, right now?'' He asked, a little too eager.
I was about to say yes, when I looked back at the entrance. ''Not tonight. But you can always come with me. I'm sure it-'' he interrupted me. ''No, no. It's fine.''

''Okay. I guess I'll see you later then?'' I said, and walked towards the entrance.
''Naomi, wait!'' He said again really desperate this time.
''Are you sure you don't wanna go with me?'' He asked again. I smiled, it seemed like he really liked me.

''Another day, okay?'' I said, and gave hime a soft kiss on his cheek.
''Take care!'' Was the last thing I heard him say before I walked inside.

As soon as I was in the locker room outside the big arena, Korra looked up at me and smiled. ''How did it go with lover boy?'' I blushed and she laughed.
''Shouldn't you be focusing on your big game?'' I asked and looked at her team mates.

''Are you guys ready?'' I asked, and they nodded smiling. I could sense they were nervous but I still think they had a chance at winning.

The game started.
Both of the teams got out in the Arena with their big entrances.
I had to admit that the Wolfbats entrance was amazing, even though the little Pabu was talented. 

The game started. I was holding onto the railing tidily, as I was watching. It was even more intense than the other fights. I started noticing the dirty tricks the Wolfbats were playing and I got a strange feeling. The second Bolin fell down in the water, I yelled his name.

The strange feeling didn't stop when the Wolfbats won, they almost knocked the team out in one round.
Round two started, and the game got even more intense if possible.
It ended with a tiebreaker that Korra easily won. I yelled and cheered on her. I knew she could do it.

The third round ended just as quickly as it started. I immediately stopped cheering and became quiet.
How could that happen?
Something wasn't right

''Oh no'' I whispered when it finally clicked.
This had something to do with Amon. I needed to warn Korra.

Just as the crowd went going crazy, everything started falling apart. I saw so many police officers getting electrocuted by equalists. I looked around. I needed to get down there. ''Dang it.'' I said as I ran for the door.

''Where do you think you're going?'' an equalist holding to medal stick said, as I barged through the door. I slowly walked back as he came closer.

No, this was not the time to be weak. I leaned against a wall, and when he was about to electrocute me, I dodged it. I took a hold of his feet and tripped him over. I quickly stole his weapons and electrocuted him. I was breathing heavily because of the adrenaline. ''How did that feel?'' I asked him, as I looked at his unconscious body.

I looked out at arena to see Amon on the platform, taking the Wolfbats bending from them.  This couldn't be happening. Mako, Korra and Bolin were no where to be found. I walked closer to the opening of the arena. ''Okay Naomi. You're gonna do this. Think about the innocent benders. Tenzin and Lin. Your friends.'' I sighed heavily and looked down at the water.
''You can do this.'' I said, before taking a leap of faith. 

I hit the water hard, and I didn't take me long to come up and breath. Images from the accident started playing in my mind but I pushed them all away. ''Not now. Focus.'' I turned around, and tried to get a hold of myself. I had to remember how to swim since it had been so long.

I was breathing heavily when something catched my eye. ''Korra!'' I yelled as I saw an equalist carrying her up from the water. The man looked at me, and I looked down at his weapons. I started swimming as fast as I could to them, but I wasn't fast enough. ''No!'' I yelled as he electucuted me in the water. ''Goodbye. Non-bender.''

After that, everything wen't black.


Hello everyone, Ennama here! :)

I felt like saying thank you for all of the comments and votes.
I saw there was some comments on the relationships. And I wanna tell you that anybody, literally anybody, can end up together. So don't get your hopes up.

So who do you ship?
Kaomi (Katsu and Naomi)?
Nolin (Bolin and Naomi)?
Norra (Korra and Naomi)?

- Ennama
