2. A new beginning - Part 2

I saw Korra, she was bending with all of the elements. Fire, Air, Earth and Water.

As I looked down on my hands, fire was surrounding them. I jumped up in the air in pure shock, but didn't fall down again, I stayed floating in the air.

I was flying around in this fantastic world of my dreams. I was flying over the sea. I was enjoying it, even though the thought of falling down scared me.

Suddenly it came to a stop and my fears of falling down became reality. As I touched the water below me, it disappeared. "Can I waterbend too?'' I asked to myself.

The water was gone, and I was standing on the ground again. The earth started to move around me.

It got closer, and was surrounding me, the earth was trying to consume me.


I woke up.
That was a crazy dream.

I found an urge to go for a run. That always helped me clear my mind.
I took some comfortable clothes on, and walked out of my room.
I snook out of the house, because it was early in the morning, and I didn't want to wake everybody up.

I got out of the house, and started to run around Air Temple Island.
It felt so good when the fresh wind was blowing in my face, and I could see the pretty colors of the sun, that just began to show.

I stopped because my stomach was growling.
I went inside again, trying to find something to devour. 

As I was about to finish my food, Korra interrupted me.
She had a big smile on her face.
''Why are you up this early?'' she asked me.

I looked up at her with a confused look ''I was about to ask you the same thing?''
''I asked you first'' she said.

''Couldn't sleep." I responded, hoping  she wouldn't ask anymore questions.

''Who with their right mind would be up this early?'' She stated more than asked while looking at me like I was crazy.
''Korra... You're up this early'' I laughed at the expression on her face. 

''Yes, but that's because I have something to do" She stated.
She looked so happy, maybe she was going on a date? But this early?

I looked at her with a confused look "Are you going on a date or something?'' I asked her.

She was blushing, but then she answered me ''NO! I have to train with my probending team. The Fire Ferrets.''
''What is probending?'' I asked her, even more confused now.

''YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT PROBENDING IS?!'' she almost yelled, with a surprised look on her face.
''Calm down Korra!'' I whisper-yelled, we couldn't risk waking up the whole house.

''But it's crazy you don't know what it is. Have you even been in the city yet?'' She asked me with a normal tone of voice this time.
''No, I arrived yesterday?''

''Well, then you can come with me to the arena!'' She said even more exited.

''If I do, will you stop acting like Ikki? It scares me'' I answered, chuckling.
''Yes, I promise'' she said, and laughed with me.

I got to the bathroom, to take a quick shower, and got my usual clothes on. (A/N - Picture  in the start of the chapter, just a little more **Avatar Style** :'D)

A tight tank top of the color cyan, with a green cardigan that reached my elbows.
Tight black leggings. And tight blue waisted shorts with six buttons in the front.

I put my hair in it's usual ponytail. I took the front of my hair and made a braid. Then I took the braid and span it around my ponytail.
My hair went down to my belly button, so if I didn't do something about it, it was just going to annoy me. Sometimes I thought about cutting it to shoulder length, but my mom would be so angry with me.
I kind of already missed her.

I walked out to Korra in the kitchen, she had just finished eating.
I smiled. ''Let's go."

We walked out of the house.
''Where is the Arena?'' I asked looking around.

She pointed out a golden building on the other side of the water. ''There."

''How are we going to get over there?'' I tried asking without sounding too scared.
''Nagaaa'' Korra yelled after a whistle, and a polarbeardog came running towards us.

The polarbeardog, Naga, tackled me down to the grass, and started licking my face.
''Hey Naga, long time since we last saw each other'' I said getting Naga off of me.
Korra stopped laughing, and helped me up from the ground.

''So are we going to ride on Nagga to the Arena?'' I asked a little scared.
''Is there something wrong with that?'' Korra sounded skeptical.

''No, no, no... I'm... I'm just not so comfortable, around animals'' I lied, I didn't want her to make fun of me, just because I was afraid of water.
''Then how will you get over there?'' She asked, with a suspicious expression. 

''Okay, I guess I shouldn't be afraid of Naga''.
She convinced me, but I was still afraid. I found my own breathing patterns getting more unstable. 

We jumped up on Nagas back, and the big polarbeardog jumped down in the water.
I closed my eyes, and tried to focus on something else. Like my breathing for example. 

''We're here'' I heard Korra say, jumping down from Naga.

I opened my eyes, and looked around.
That was terrible.
I jumped down from Nagga.
''Let's go inside'' I said, desperate to get away from the water.

We went inside the big golden building, and Korra lead us to a smaller training room.
There were two boys in the middle of the room, throwing some kind of ball to each other.

A little fireferret ran over to me, and up on my shoulder.
I smal squeal came from me, which even surprised myself. 
That was the second time I had been tackled by an animal that day.

''Hey there little guy, what's your name?'' I asked it.
''His name is Pabu'' someone said, chuckling.

I looked up to see that the two boys were right in front of me and Korra.
I looked up at the boys, and started to blush a little.
I felt intimidated around all of them. They were all taller than me, and stronger in build, not to mention the clear feeling of confidence they all radiated. I had no chance of holding my ground against any of them. 

''So this is my childhood friend Naomi. She's staying at Air Temple Island with me and the family'' Korra introduced.

''Hey Naomi, I'm Bolin'' The shortest guy, still taller than me, whit big emerald green eyes said. He placed Pabu on his own shoulder.
''I've never seem him act like this towards a stranger'' He said, with a smile on his face.
I smiled back at him.

''And what's your name?'' I asked the taller guy. "Mako. Can we start practice now Korra, you're already late'' He said in a rude manner, without even looking at her or me.
''Okay cool guy, I will just go out and change first.'' Korra said, with a mad look on her face.

Korra went out to change, and left me alone with the two guys.
There was awkwardly quiet, until Bolin opened his mouth.
''Sooo, are you a bender?'' he asked.

''No, are you?'' I asked him.
''Yes of course, why else do you think I would be here?''.
They booth looked at me with confused and similar expressions. Almost the exact same expression. They could easily go for brothers. 

''I actually don't know what you guys do here, Korra said something about Probending and training''. Bolin gave me a weird, and maybe even disappointed look.

''Wait, you don't know what probending is?'' Mako said shocked, but still with a calm voice.
''No, is that so weird? I'm not from here, so I've never heard about it?'' I answered him.

''It's just the BEST THING EVER'' Bolin yelled really energized, he reminded me of Ikki.

Just then Korra came in, ''Whooa, what is happening? Why are you yelling at her?'' She asked, like an overprotective sister, walking up to us.
''They are just shocked, because I don't know what probending is.'' I answered her.

''I was also shocked, but I didn't know much about it either, when I first came here''.

''What about we show her'' Bolin looked at Mako and Korra.
They booth nodded, walking out of the room.

I followed them to a little locker room, I looked around, and then I saw the arena. There was a really big platform out in the middle of everything, with water under it. It was amazing, the view there was perfect.

''Do you want to go down on the platform?'' Korra asked me.
''NO!.. " I panicked for a second but gathered myself. "I-I mean, I would rather watch you guys, do whatever you do out there'' I could feel my cheeks getting warmer because of the way I acted in front of two strangers.
Way to go Naomi. So much for first impressions.

They all looked at me with rather awkward stares.
''Are you afraid or something?'' Mako asked.

I looked down at the floor. ''Yeah, of the water.''  Was what I would never admit.
I couldn't tell them. I didn't even know them.
''Let's just show her in the training room'' Korra said, a little confused.

We went back to the training room, and they started fighting against each other. It was incredible how they moved like dancers. I liked bending so much, I couldn't even express my fondness for it in words.

Bolin walked over to me, and sat down on the floor besides me.
He started explaining every detail about probending while Mako and Korra were training.

''Wow, it's truly amazing'' I said. ''It's in situations like this I wish that I could bend''.
He looked at me with his big green eyes. ''Are your parents benders?'' He asked me.
''My mom is a waterbender, but her dad was an airbender, so I could be both'' I said, trying to ignore the dad conversation.

''Your grandfather is Aang?'' he asked surprised. ''Yes'' I laughed at him.
I stopped laughing, and after that, awkward silence. ''What about your dad?'' he asked me.

''Fire, with eathbender mom'' I answered, I didn't want to tell him about the part that he wasn't there anymore.
''So you could be any element, interesting''. He said, with a smile on his face.

''I don't really believe in that late bloomer thing. What about your parents?'' I asked him.
He looked down with a sad face ''They don't live anymore''.

''Oh sorry, I didn't know'' I said, and got sad too, I knew how he was feeling.
''My mom was a firebender like Mako, and my dad was an earthbender like me.'' He had a little smile on his face.

''So you are brothers, that makes sense... and... I mean at least you have each other'' I placed my hand on his shoulder to comfort him. I knew how it felt.

''Bro, you can't talk all day, we are here to train'' Mako interrupted our conversation.
''Okay, I have to get back'' he said with a smile on his face, being all energized again.

After some time, I walked out of the arena to get some fresh air.
When I got back to the training room, a man was talking to Bolin and Mako.

I got over to Korra ''Who's that?''
''The owner of the arena.'' She answered me.

The man walked out. Korra and I walked up to the guys.
''You wouldn't happen to have a secret Avatar bank account overflowing with gold, would you?'' Bolin asked Korra, with a high pitched voice.

Korra pulled out her empty pockets ''I got nothing, I've never really needed money.'' She said while smiling happily. "I've always had people taking care of me."

Mako picked up the training ball and put it in a bag. ''Then I wouldn't say you have nothing.'' He said, with a sad tone coming over his strong voice.

I looked down at the ground.

''Sorry, I didn't mean'' Korra said, but got interrupted by Bolin. ''No, it's all right. It's just ever since we lost our parents, we've been on our own''.

''I'm so sorry. I didn't know." She said with a sad voice.
She didn't know? I was surprised.

''So, anyway, how are we gonna come up with the money?'' Mako asked.
''Oh, oh, I got it, I got it!'' He was holding up Pabu. ''I've been training Pabu to do circus tricks. Now people would pay good money to see that!'' Bolin said excitedly.

I laughed. ''That's a great-'' Mako interrupted me. "Come on, Bolin, We need serious ideas.'' He said with that "you cannot be serious" expression, I think he used way to much looking at his younger brother.
''I was serious'' Bolin said, and looked down at Pabu, sadly.

Mako walked away ''Don't worry about it. I'll figure something out. I always do.''
Bolin walked sadly after him.

''Where are they going?'' I asked Korra, a little confused.
''They actually live here'' Korra said, before leaving to change clothes.

I waited for her, and after that we got back to Air Temple Island in peace and quiet.

Hello, ENNAMA here!
I hope you liked Chapter 2!
I will try to upload at least one chapter every week from now on.
Write a comment, about what you would like to happen in the story, or if you have any other things to say! :)

