14. When it comes down to an ending - part 2

Running and running.
I didn't mind it, unless it was because I had something to do.
I just had to oversleep!
Stupid head and stupid dreams.

I could see the flying bison, and Tenzin waiting for me.
''Sorry!'' I said as I stopped in front of him, out of breath.
He sighed. ''I could see Korra do this, but you?'' I looked up at him with an excusing look.
He chuckled. ''Let's go.''

As I was about to get up, I felt something strange.
That feeling from when we was saving the family from Amon.
I turned around and saw a figure down the bridge.

''Katsu.'' I whispered.
''Great, now that idiot wanna kidnap you again?'' I heard Bolin say.
''Sorry, I'll tell him to leave.''  I said walking down to him before anyone could say anything.

''What are you doing here?'' I asked not even looking a him.
''I came to say that I'm sorry...'' He whispered.
''That, and I wanted to tell you, you were right. Amon killed my dad after he found out he was a water bender. I feel so stupid, I shoul've-'' I interrupted him, giving him a hug.

The feeling he had. I knew it too well.
Alone, without a dad...
''Don't get me wrong, I still hate you.''
I could feel him loosen up and gave into the hug.

''I need to go now.'' I said letting go of him.
''I understand.''
I gave him a little smile and he returned it.
''I'll be here when you come back.''
I nodded before leaving

I got up on the bison.
Everybody was there. The airbending family, my friends even Lin.
Everyone was quiet as I sat down.
''You forgive and forget too easily kid.'' Lin said, knowning what had happened, after I told her.

I sighed. ''Says the one who has been holding a grudge on Tenzin and Pema for what now, 20 years?''
As if it wasn't quiet before, it was more now.
Jinora and I high-fived when Lin looked away.

''Anyway, who forgot to wake you?'' Asami asked me, as I sat down besides her.
I just smiled, a little embarrassed.
''What happened? Aren't you always the one who's up before sunrise?'' Bolin asked.
He noticed.

''I had trouble sleeping.'' I looked at Korra, who had bags under her eyes.
And I was complaining...
I wanted to cheer her up.
''Actually I had a dream about Korra and me as children.'' They all looked at me.

''When she was only five, Korra tripped on the ice she was bending. She actually started crying and said she needed medical attention. Of course I was the one running after your parents.'' They all laughed and even Korra smiled.
She mouthed a 'thank you' and I gave her a smile.


We arrived at White Lotus compound at the Southern Water Tribe.
We were going to stay there, until Katara had healed Korra. Or at least tried.
If there was someone who could do it, it would be my grandmother.

"Do you think Katara will be able to heal me?" Korra asked me, as we were walking to where my grandmother was.
I thought it through before answering.
She must've asked me for a reason, maybe because Katara was my grandmother, and I was really close with her.

"I think that if anybody can do it, it's her." She nodded, like she didn't like the response.
"I also think that you'll always will be the amazing Korra, my best friend and a badass bender." She chuckled and it made me smile.
"Thanks Nao, that actually helped."

"Anytime Korra. I'm here for you." I meant it.
"You too." And so did she.

The second we arrived, and I saw Katara, I couldn't help but feel at home.
"Hello everyone, you must be tired after traveling this far." She said smiling as usually.

"It's okay mom, we've just been looking forward to get Korra's bending back." Tenzin pointed at Korra with a worried look.
Katara looked at her, but before she could say anything, the airbending children trapped her in a hug.

We all laughed as they did their usual routine of asking questions, not holding anything back.
It was nice with some happy moments in the middle of chaos.

"Okay kids, if you don't mind, I've got an avatar to heal." She gave them a smile and lead Korra to a door.
"Go sit down Korra, I'll see what I can do." Korra nodded and walked in quietly.
We all sat down, and the room got quiet when Katara joined her.

Seconds went by... Minutes... Maybe even an hour without anyone talking. I looked around the room.
Lin was down, she had lost her bending too.
Tenzin and Peema looked worried.

The airbending kids were actually quiet... Okay, maybe Milo fell asleep.
Her parents were sad and depressed just like her.
Asami and Mako looked deep in thought, as nervous as Korra was.

When I looked at Bolin, I actually laughed.
I could see he wanted to say something, he was tripping, moving his legs up and down in distress.

They all looked at me as I was laughing. I felt disrespectful for a moment, before I started thinking. I needed to brighten up the mood.
"Sorry... I was just thinking about something. When Korra and I were kids, we had this big dream. Her becoming the best and strongest avatar ever, and me being by her side, as the strongest waterbender in the world." I sighed, and looked at the floor.
"She has always been full of hope, and we need to be here for her, giving her hope, even if she doesn't get her bending back."

I got up from my chair, and walked out of the room. The cold wind hit my face, and it felt nice. I started walking around the area.

What would happen if Korra didn't get all of her power back?
I know it would take a long time for her to get used to it, let along accept it. I had to be there for her. I sighed and sat down, looking out on the water surrounding the island.

Even I was losing faith in Katara now.
The dream I had came up in my mind.
"The only difference between dream and reality is called action..." I whispered to myself.
I closed my eyes and focused on the dream and the energies from it.

"Please help her Aang..." I said out loud.
I kept focusing, wondering into the stance world of my dreams and fantasies.
"Please grandfather."

"What are you doing?" I stopped immediately when Bolin interrupted me.
"Dear spirits... You scared me Bo." My hand was on my heart, and I could feel my heart pounding fast afterwards.

He chuckled and sat down besides me.
"You were talking to Aang, weren't you?"
I let my hand hit the ice again, feeling embarrassed.
"I'll take your silence as a yes. You know, you were saying his name in your sleep, after your accident."

I looked at him, and he was looking out at the sea. "I may have visited you a couple of times while you were out." He admitted and I looked down again.
"Oh..." I felt embarrassed when I could feel his eyes on me.

He placed his hand on mine, and I didn't move. "I was actually really worried."
I looked up at him, into his emerald green eyes.
The feeling from the night on the ship, where I almost kissed him flashed through my mind.
"Tell me about it." I smiled thinking about the time the equalist captured him.

"And when you got kidnapped by the 'oh so amazing Katsu'." He said, imitating my voice.
I laughed. "Hey! I never said that!"
"No, but Korra did."

My eyes got wide... She had been trying to... As much as I would like to admit I hated her, the truth was the exact opposite thing.
"Sounds like her." I admitted.

"Yeah. By the way, the speech you gave in there was amazing. You're always so quiet, thinking things for yourself. But as soon as you do speak it's amazing. Everything you say or do is to protect others and being there for us. I really like that." I couldn't stop looking at him as he was giving me all the nice words I felt I needed.
As difficult as it was to believe it, it sounded like the truth when it came from him.

"What I'm trying to say Naomi... Is that I really like you."

Time stood still as his true feelings was exposed. I knew he wasn't lying, and I knew I felt the same way.
"Say something?... It's getting awkward for me over here." He sounded desperate and nervous.
I laughed.

"I like you too Bolin." I gave him a kiss on the cheek and got up smiling.
"But right now we have an avatar to help."
He got up, smiling big.
We walked back to the house hand in hand.

The room was silent, but this time Katara was here. Mako and was Korra gone.
"What happened?" I asked very worried.
"I couldn't restore her bendning." Katara said almost angry at herself.

I couldn't believe it?
Was this it?
The end of everything?

The door opened.
And energetic and happy Korra barged in, with Mako right behind her.


After Korra had explained everything, she got the idea that she also could help Lin.
The happy energy was back, and we were all full of hope again.

We were exiting the house, when Katara stopped me after talking with Tenzin.
"Naomi, come here, I need your help with something."
Tenzin walked out with the air bending kids, and me and Katara was alone.
"Yeah, sure." I followed her to the healing room.

"I heard that you gave Tarlokk a hard time controlling you." She said cleaning the room.
"Yeah." I agreed, helping her with some towels.

"It's only the most powerful benders who can do that, and even those who can struggle with it." She looked like she was smiling?
"I guess I was lucky." I said, not really wanting to think about it anymore.

"Your mom told me about your fear of water."
I chuckled nervously. "It's kinda silly if you think about it. But I'm finally excepting me as a nonbender, who is afraid sometimes."

She stopped up and looked at me.
"And you faced your fear, not many people are strong enough to do that." She said with a knowing look I knew far too well.
"I also think it's time you face your fear for real."
What did she mean?

Before I could say anything, Katara bended the water from bucket straight towards me. I closed my eyes and covered myself in reflects with my arms.

As seconds went by, nothing hit me.
I slowly opened my eyes, looking at the water between my fingers levitating in front of me.
"What is happening?" I asked in disbelieve, not looking away from the water.
"Well I'm certainly not doing anything."

A door closed, and I finally moved my arms slowly. As I focused on the water that moved with my movements.
I couldn't believe it.
"I'm waterbending..." I whispered.

I raised my arms into the air, and as I was jumping up and down in pure happiness, the water hit the ground and splashed everywhere.
I laughed... And couldn't stop smiling.


Korra's eyes started glowing.
She was entering the avatar state, bringing Lin's bending back.

We were all looking. Either proud, surprised or happy. I was all of the above.
When they both got back to normal Lin got up and bended all of the stones around the temple up into mid-air.

Everything seemed to fall into place. Like a big puzzle, that missed the last pieces.
I was once again happy.
Even though I would miss my dad, I knew I could still be happy.

This adventure had been the best thing to ever happen to me.
I has accepted myself completely.
Had friends for life.
And I knew I would always be a part of this never ending adventure.

So thank you mom.
For sending me to republic city.
Sending me towards a new family. 


Hello guys, Ennama here

So that was that. Or was it?..
Comment what you liked or disliked about the book, I always wanna hear your opinions.
I'm sorry about the months of waiting. But I hope it was worth it.
Thank you all for enjoying this story with me.

- Ennama
