Chapter 7


It was finally the weekend and I decided to sleep in for a bit because my sleeping pattern has been off for some reason.Kegan also looked like he had'nt been sleeping that well either i wondered why quickly forgetting about that I dosed back off.

Waking up around twelve to shower and dress because Denni and Casey were coming over later to help me with operation 'Get Back' as Denni named it.

At school yesterday he said that every plan had to have a cool name where he got that idea from is beyond me but he is my friend so I just went along with it.

Speaking of school it went the same as always with Kegan and his friends harassing me and trying there best to get a reaction out of me. but what I had in mind for Kegan and Calista was guaranteed to get a reaction from them.

Kegan was still being a jerk to impress his "friends" but he had no clue about what I had up my sleeve.I just laid in bed for a while not really sleep but thinking about if this plan would workout and was it worth the trouble.The last though was quickly gone cause of course it was worth it all the pain and joke's they put me through yeah it's worth it.My thoughts were interrupted by stomping and laughter coming down the hall towards my room already knowing it was Denni and Casey i turned over and played sleep.The door opened and Denni spoke first "Elle we know that your not sleep so get up".

I laid still and did'nt make a sound."Ellie get up right now or we go get the water it's your choice easy way or the hard way take your pick"Casey said.They would'nt throw water on me so I just laid there silent until I heard moving around and footsteps headed for the bathroom jumping up I saw that Denni already had a cup of water in his hand "you guys are the worst friends ever" I said.

"Yeah yeah yeah you know you love us now get dressed"."Yeah I do but it times like this when I wonder why"."Elle that hurts I thought we were friends"Denni said playing like he was actually hurt walking over towards him and giving him a smile and a hug.

I walked over to my closet and pulled out a black and goldish looking dress,brown cowboy boots,and a grey sweater walking to the bathroom showered and dressed did my hair and added some light make up.

When I came back into my room Denni and Casey were sitting on the bed waiting for me."so are we still going to the movies after we've got operation 'Get Back' done?"."Yes Denni we are still going but what do you guys want to go see?".

"um let's just choose when we get there" Casey ask."alright that sounds like plan".

"Speaking of plan when do you plan on making the call cause I think you should do it now".I though about my plan for a minute it was simple yet effective all I had to do was call both of there houses and play like I was the guidance counselor then proceed to tell their parents about there kids options regarding  their recent discovery of Calista pregnancy and because of  that they're grades has been dropping.

I know it sounds bad but if  you look at my way they are so in for some major 'Get Back'."So are we doing this or not?"Denni ask."

Yeah but we can't use one of our or the house phone so lets go to that cafe down the street".

We left my house and rode to the cafe where not a lot of people go so it was good spot to put this plan  into action.We went all the way to the back of the cafe just in case someone from school decided today would be the day they wanted coffee or a pastry.

In the back of the cafe there were a couple of public phones that I could use so that I would'nt get caught.We sat down and ordered coffee so that we would'nt seem suspicious to other people that were already there.

While we were waiting on our order we decided that we need to come up with a blue print on what to say so that it sounded professional and believable.We all just threw out some suggestions and by the time our coffee came we had script of what I would be saying.

As I sipped my coffee I suddenly had a wave of nervousness hit and my heart started to pump erratically in my chest crazy thoughts started popping up in my head like what would be the consequences,would I get caught.and am I gone to make school even worst the what it was or would Kegan hate me.

"Elle what's the matter?"
Denni ask.

"Oh um I was just thinking maybe we should'nt do this I don't want to get in trouble and I know that you guys don't either"."Ellie snap out of it your nervous just take a deep breath ans calm down".

I did as she said and I pretended that it calmed me down even though it did'nt."All better now?."Yeah Case I'm OK so who house should I call first?"."I think you should call Calista mom first she's home at this time of day cause the banks she works at does'nt open til three"."OK you sure? cause I know that Kegan mom is home  since my mom is home".

"Elle stop stalling and get to calling"Denni said happily cause his sentence rhymed.I took another deep breath and picked up the phone and dialed the number had wrote on a small piece of paper. 

Don't ask how I got Calista's house number cause that is classified information and I could get in so much trouble.The phone started ringing and I held my breath wishing her mom didi'nt answer so I did'nt have to go through with this but luck just did'nt seem to find me when I needed the most.

"Hello".I heard Ms.Rose say and froze but I recovered quickly "Oh  yes this is Ms.Feltom the counselor from Lake Shore High and I was calling to inform you that daughter behavior has been uncharacteristic due to his recent discovery that she is going to be a mother-".

  I was cut off when I heard Calista mom call her down to where she was she was yelling some pretty colorful words and so I took the phone away from my ear so that Casey and Denni could hear.

We stayed listening to her mom yell at her for fifteen minutes she finally came back to the phone "Ms.Feltom I'm sorry that I cut you off but I'm so disappointed in Calista but what was it you were saying?"."Calista are you Calista Rose mother?".she answered yes.

"Oh dear I'm am so sorry Ms.Rose but I had the wrong girl please accept my dearest apologies" and I hurried and hung up the phone.Denni and Casey were laughing so hard that their eyes were strting to water."Oh my God Ellie that was epic but now you have to hurry up and call Kegans mom before Calista calls him".

Doing as Casey said i hurried and called Kegan mom she answered the phone on the second ring "Hello" her voice sounding business like.

"Ah yes this is Ms.Feltom from Lake Shore High and I was calling to inform you that your son has been showing lack of attention in class and I have reason to believe that it is because of the recent discovery that his girlfriend is pregnant so I-".

Same-thing happens again I am cut off by Kegans mom as she called him to wherever she is I pull the phone away from my ear so that Casey and Denni can hear Kegan get the scolding of a lifetime. 

I was holding in my laugh and so were Casey and Denni after she told him to go to his room she came back to the phone I composed my self and resumed my professional demeanor. "I am so sorry Ms.Feltom but I just so disappointed in Kegan he-".I cut her off "um did you say Kegan as in Kegan Carter?". She replied yes "so you mean to tell me your not Steven Phillips mother well darn I called the wrong house sorry for the inconvenience please except My dearest apologies" I said hanging up the phone.

As soon  as I got off the phone we all burst out laughing this was going to go two ways either I got caught and Monday I was going to get so much s**t for this or they could be clueless about it and not figure it out I was hoping for the second.

We sat in the coffee shop for about another hour talking about the phone calls I mad ans what would be the outcome on Monday morning.

When we left the cafe it was around two forty-five so we went to the neighborhood park until it got a little later so that we could go to the movies.When we got there the first thing I did was go on the swings the swings were my favorite from when I was little.

 Memeories of coming here with Casey and  Kegan as he use to stand behind me pushing me humming random songs that both of us liked this brought up memories from the last time we went to the park together.

                                                       ***** Flashback****

      I sat in my room bored out of my mind so I called Casey and ask her did she want to go to the park she said yes and that she would be over in five minutes.I also called Kegan even though I was nervous I don't know why though because he always said yes.

I picked up the phone with shaky hands and dialed his number "Hello" his mother answered the phone politely "hello good afternoon Ms.Carter this is Abrielle is Kegan home?"."

Yes sweetie he is hold on a second".

I heard her tell him to pick up the phone I got butterflies when she said his name."hello" his voice floated through the phone smoothly."Hey Kegan this is Bri and wanted to know if you wanted to come to the park with me and Casey?".

He paused for about twenty seconds and I panicked and started rambling about random stuff "it's fine if you don't want to go I just thought that maybe you wanted to but it totally cool if you don't .You might  have something else to do I so did'nt think about that I'm sorry-"."Bri" .

I was still trying to talk as he called my name so he got louder "Bri!" he yelled slightly "I don't have anything else to do and yes I do want to go to the park with you guys don't I always come".I stopped and thought about that he did always come.

"Oh Ok and just for the record Kegan we are girls not guys and we're leaving in about three minutes".He laughed and it felt good to know that I could make him laugh.

We all meet at my house and we left from there walking two blocks over where the park was and Casey being a big kid ran off to the monkey bars."Bri do you want to go on the swings with me?" Kegan ask.

He always did this he would ask me to go on the swings with him but he never really got in one of the swings.

He always ended up pushing me which I thought was sweet not that I would tell him that."Yeah" I answered him back.We walked over to the swings and I got in the one I usually sat in and he walked behind me as I sat down.I got comfortable as could in a swing and he started to hum maroon five 'she will be loved' which was a song both of us liked."Kegan can you push me higher?"."


Yeah Bri bear".Hearing him say that made my heart flutter he stopped pushing for a minute I think he surprised his self when he said that cause after he said it he let out strangled breath.

I did'nt look back at him because I did'nt want to make things more awkward so I just waited until he composed himself.He eventually started back pushing me when he figured out that I was not going to acknowledge that he said it.

That was the first and last time I heard him call me that name but in all honesty I liked him calling that.we stayed at the park goofing around for about two hours and we went back to my house for snacks and to watch movies.


                                                   *****End Flashback*****

We left the park at around five and went to the mall where the movie theater was but  we still have'nt decide what movies we wanted to see.

We walked around the mall for a bit and when we got to the center of the mall I saw Blake with

Kori,Micah,Ian,Lani,and Kendra.

     We were about to turn around when Ian spotted Casey and came over to where we were which in turn mad the rest of them come.Ugh how could they be popular the are such followers I though to my self.

Ian hugged Casey and kissed her on the lips he then spoke to me and Denni I waved then smiled but that smile did'nt last long cause Blake just had say something."Abrielle what are you doing here?should'nt you be at the zoo or circus?".

"oh Blake that is so original I have'nt heard that one before but could you please continue to entertain us with you hilarious jokes".

"They don't have to be original cause they still apply to you fatty"."Whatever Blake is that all because I really have some where I need to be and standing here listening to you it's making me sick"."Maybe that's just all the food you've eaten today Kori says she is b**ch number two when Calista is not around.

"Kori really shut hell up cause what I heard is that your mouth is only good for one thing".Casey says.

She and Denni are the best friends a girl could have.We all start to laugh at that Kori storms off huffing and uttering some not so nice things about us but as long as she gone and took the other two mutts with her I'm good.I look over to my right and see that Denni is staring at blake but that is not why I'm shocked I also realise that Blake is staring at Denni my eyes go wide and I smile the I nudge my arm at him to tell him we're leaving for the movies but he is stuck.I whisper in his ear "Denni snapp out of it".

He shook his head as if coming out of dome kind of trance.Blake came out of his trance to and called Denni a freak and walked off that only made Denni smirk.

We finally picked a movie which was 'The Bourne Legacy' Ian had tagged along with us to the movies after his friends ditched him but I don't think he minded cause he was busy trying suck Casey face off.When the movie ended we got something to eat and called it a night Ian took Casey home and I took Denni home.When I  got home I was tired and I went straight to my room and put on my pajamas I turned out the lights.

   As I layed in bed thinking about all the events that transpired today from the phone calls to the argument in the mall and the whole thing with Denni and Blake staring at each other which was weird.

 I looked up noticing that Kegan lights were still on I looked over to see him laying across the bed with nothing but his boxers on and let me tell you fine did not do the boy any justice  he looked like a male model posing for a underwear ad.He looked up as if feeling me look at him l played like I was looking at something else besides him.

I chanced another glance at him but this time he was already looking in my window and our eyes meet but neither of us said anything.It was like his eyes trapped me in some sort of parallel universe and I could'nt look away even if I wanted to.He finally decided to break up our staring contest "Hey".

My eyes widened  my heart started to race feeling like it was about to take of from my chest.

Composing my self and getting my thought together I responded "Hey" in a low voice.I don't know why I spoke but some part of me had already forgave him but there was another part of my brain saying give him the finger that means the most and close the window so guess what part of my brain I let control the situation yeah that's right I panicked and gave him the finger and closed my curtains.

I felt bad about doing that to him after what I had already done to him today.By the look on his face before I closed the curtains he did'nt expect me to do that to him.

All really wanted to do was say that I was sorry then admitt to him how I really felt for him and I wanted him to do the same beacause I know that he has to have some type of feling towards me because of the way he looks at me,the way he smiles at me,and sometime after he's done something wrong to me I see the reget in his eyes.

I was trying to force my self to sleep but all this stuff was just floated around in my head being this tired nd having so much on my mind did'nt garentee a good night sleep.It seem like these days I was just not getting enough sleep and I knew why but I was'nt ready to admitt it out loud yet.

Then when that thought poped in my I thought about what Case had said a couple of days ago about Kegan not getting any sleep either and I wondered was dit because of the same reason as me.

I wished sometime that I was the reason he did'nt get sleep so then I would'nt feel weird about losing sleep over him.Ugh! this not fair I was so sleepy and tired but the sleep Gods just would'nt come visit me.Kegan was probably sleeping like a baby while I'm tossing and turning thinking about him and me.That sounded good him and togather as one I would like that finally at that thought I fell into a deep sumber.

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