Chapter 12


After talking to Clayson James  about a project for Biology I went back in the Cafeteria to see Kegan and Calista making out. That kind of made me a little jealous OK maybe alot jealous.Then after lunch I got a text from him telling me that he could'nt hangout with me I knew that he  was really blowing me off for Calista but I did'nt care after all she was his girlfriend.

But the thing about it was that I really did care because he was suppose to spend that time with me today.In my heart knew I should'nt care about thing like that causer she would always come before me.The rest of that school day he kept giving me these face like he was angry I guess you could call it but why would he be mad with me?what did I do?.

When the last bell rung I said goodbye to my friends and I left really not feeling like going home I went to the Coffee shop around the corner I ordered my favorite drink there which was a chocolate caramel frappe.While in Kegan mom walked in and she spotted me instantly I was kind of uneasy because that last time saw her me and Kegan had got into a huge fight.

She walked over to  where I was and she ask how I was and have me and Kegan made up yet which really did't know how to answer after how he was acting today.So I did the only thing that was possible lied."Oh we're fine".She must have knew that I was lying cause she squinted her eyes as to say yeah right.

"Bri your lying tell me what's going on with you and my son?".I really with she did'nt ask this question because honestly I really did'nt know how to answer it.

"Ms.C we're fine we just had a misunderstanding that only could be resolved by shouting at each".I said laughing and so sis she."Bri I know something is wrong between you two and have been for a while butI'm going to let you guys work it out yourselves but I'm here if you want to talk about it.Bri a word of advice I know that he could be an asshole but don't give up on him".

I was stunned after that comment be I recovered quickly."Yes ma'am".She ordered her drink and cinnamon roll and started to walk off but stopped and handed me a credit card and told me to give it to Kegan cause he had left it in her car and she had to be back to work.

We said our goodbyes and parted ways.

 I got home was in no rush to take Kegan his card because I really did'nt want to talk to him so I just made myself useful. I cleaned up even though it was'nt that messy but hey it was something to do.

After cleaning the kitchen I did my homework then made up my bed which was just a waste because I just gone to get right back in it.

About two hours later I looked out the window and saw that Blake was leaving Kegan house so I figured i would wait a couple of minutes before went over.after about twenty minutes I walked over to his but debated whether I should knock or not.

I knocked on the door but it took him a while to open the door so I just assumed that he knew it was me and did'nt want to open the door.When he finally opened the door he looked as though he was about sleep.He just stood there and started at me for a minute."What?".he ask kind of rude I told myself to let it go but thta's not me I can't let it go especially with him.

"Look I did'nt come over here for your attitude or deal with one of your many moods  your mom ask me to bring  your credit card to you and being that I said I would that's what I did because I'm not like some people who break deals" I said taking the card out of my pocket and shoving it at his chest.

"What is that suppose to mean?is that some sort of under hand insult to me or something?".I really did'nt feel like arguing with him."Kegan it's nothing just let it go I'm tired and I want to go home and sleep and sitting here bickering with you is keeping me from that activity?".

He looked at me with a look I knew all to well he was about to say something that he would eventually regret."Is it sleep that I'm keeping you from or is it Clayson that your in a rush to get back to?".he said.

"Excuse me where the hell did you come up with that?".

"Oh come on Bri don't act so surprised like you did'nt spend the whole lunch time with him".

When he said that a couple of things clicked in my head but the evident thing was that he was acting like he was jealous that I was with a guy and that guy was not him.I laughed on the inside he is so stupid sometimes.

Also it registered with me that he cancelled on hanging out with me because he thought I would blow him off for Clayson crazy how his mind comes up with this stuff. 

Just because I already knew what was going on in his head I decided to run with it."Kegan if I did'nt know any better I would say you sound a little jealous".

"What why would I be jealous he has nothing on me and especially not because he has  you"he replied.

OK so I saw that playing out a little bit better did'nt think he would say that so that made me upset that he would say that like I'm nothing or just beneath him or anybody for that matter.

"What the hell does that mean 'especially cause he has me' what is it that I'm not good enough for you".I let that slip without thinking first and I turned around fast as I could because I was to embarrassed to look at him.I did'nt wast to face the laughter or him making fun of me confirming that I was'nt good enough.

when I got in the house I was breathing hard and on the edge of tears but I refused to let them fall.Going up stairs  taking a shower and finishing up my home work I started to drift off to sleep but my phone buzzed.

Kegan-I'm sorry Bri bear

I did'nt text him back but that did'nt stop him from texting me again.

Kegan-r u gon txt me bak or do I have 2 com ova

Kegan-well looks lik im comin ova

I thought that he was joking or a least thought he got the message that I did'nt want to talk to him let alone be in the same room with him.I guess I give him to much credit with his thinking cause the door bell stated ringing I reluctantly got up and went down stairs.

"Who is it"i said knowing that it was him."Bri I sorry open the door please just let me explain"he replied.

"Why should I you've said enough for tonight"

"Please Please please Bri bear".I finally getting tired of him saying please I open the door a little not all the way he looked pitiful his eyes was full regret and guilt.

"Are you going to let me in so I can explain".opening the door all the way I let him come inside we walked over to the living room and sat in a awkward silence for a minute till he broke it .

"I'm sorry Bri I just....... I don't know"he said.

"Well if you don't know what are you over here apologizing for If you don't know you can leave until you figure it out"I said.He did'nt say anything just sat there for a minute "Kegan for you to be explaining your not saying much"I said

"OK moment of truth  I did get a little jealous when I saw you with Clayson".He mumbled but I heard what he said but to embarrass him a little I told him to speak up he sighed and took a deep breath.

"I Said that I was a little jealous that you were with Clayson there are you happy"he said.

So many questions and emotions were going through me at this time because I was really shocked that admitted to being jealous.Why would he be jealous?, Why is he telling me this?,Does he like me?.When I ask myself that last question i immediately came to a stop with questions cause there is no possible way he liked me in the way that i liked him.

"Well are you going to make fun of me or something?"he ask.

Shaking my head to get the crazy thoughts out I looked over at him and for a second then finally replying to him."Kegan I honestly don't know what to say because that was so not what I expected you to say hell i did'nt even think that you would come over here".

"Look can we just forget about that incident that we had at my house cause it was really a stupid misunderstanding I guess"

" Yes, because that's all it was why would you even think that I would blow you off for Clayson of all people me and him barely speak he was just asking me about the project that we had together".

"Oh so are you still going to bring Wilder to the game or"

He looked like he was nervous to ask me and I enjoyed him being the one uncomfortable in a situation because usually it's me.I think I took to long to answer cause he started to fidget rubbing the back of his neck like he always do when he's nervous.

"You know you don't have to come I understand that your mad at me so there are no hard feelings if you decide not to come".

I gave him a small smile and I decided to play with him a bit even thought this has proving to backfire on me but I can't help but to do it.

"Kegan why are you so nervous?is that I make you nervous?".I said walking towards him slowly kind of seductive I guess it was seductive because I'm not an expert when it comes to thing like that.I  saw that he tensed up and swallowed hard so i guess I doing something right.

"What I'm n-not nervous I was just um....."he said but did'nt finish.

"You um what Kegan". I said taking his hand from his neck holding it in my hand I started laughing when he looked at our hand and then back to me he had like a surprise shocked face which made him look like a dead fish.

"what is so funny"he said.taking my hand out of his still smiling I looked at him and told him I was just playing when in reality I wish he did find me attractive and did want to hold my hand.

"That was not funny Bri but don't worry I'll get you back trust me and I might not let go"he said giving me a sly smile that made me both nervous and anxious to see what he might do.

"Anyway I was never not going to come and as long as you don't break the deal that we had then we're good"I said trying not show that he had made me nervous.

"I not going to break our deal this time let me see if i remember Dinner and a movie right"He said looking at me with sly smile.I shook my indicating that he was wrong on what we had planned to do after the game.

"Oh I remember now we were going fishing I know that's right one"  When he said that I knew he remembered and he was just playing with me.

"Whatever Kegan you better not leave me hanging or else"I said."Bri is that a threat I just heard what if I do leave you hanging then what?what are you going to do?".He said stepping closer to me which made me nervous all over agin but I did'nt let it show."Don't worry about it but you do it and watch and see what will happen".

After our back and fourth flirting with each other we finally said good night to each other.

The next morning I woke up with a big smile on my face I did my daily routine I dressed in a Black skinny jeans  with a black tank top with a white off the shoulder shirt with a silver heart on it.I put on my black combat boots and silver bangles and earrings.

I went down stairs to see my mom cooking Breakfast with Casey already at the table this girl never likes to stay at her own house and eat."Good morning lovely people is'nt it a great day".They both looked at me like I was crazy."Good morning sweetheart what has you in a good mood this morning?" mom ask.Casey still just looked at me with a knowing smile.

"Nothing it's just a good morning"

I ate my breakfast and  me Casey were out the house as soon as we got in the car she just had to say something."So you gone tell me what put that smile on your face? or should I say who".I just smiled at her but did'nt say anything.

Come Ellie I know this has something to do with Kegan so might as well spill it or we are never going to get to school".

"And why would we not get to school?"I ask."Because I will get out this car and sit behind it and you want be able to back out".

"Oh I will be able to back out either with you in the car or behind it so take you pick but hurry up and choose cause i got a test today".I said with a playful smile.

"Oh my God Ellie are you saying that you would run me over".

"Aw yes that is exactly what I'm saying now have you made up your mind on which route you want to take".She put her seat belt on ans pouted I laughs at her because I knew that I was going to eventually tell her what happen last night.

"I'm glad you see my way now do you want to know what happen last night?".She shook her as to say no but added that it was my business and if I did'nt want to tell her it was fine."So are you saying you don't want to know?".I smiled knowing that she would be back asking in a few seconds So I counted down in my head from ten. I did'nt even reach seven good before I was interrupted by her voice.

"But if you really want to tell me what happen I'm all ears"Casey said.i shook my head she is so predictable and let's not forget nosey.

I told he everything that happen she in turned told me about what she saw after school yesterday.I was'nt surprise by this news neither was she.

Casey Told me that she saw Calista with Clayson James trying to suck each other face off.She said that I should tell him.Before I could tell him anything I had to prepare myself for the backlash behind this accusation.I thought about would he believe me or would he take her word like he always do with anything concerning he,would this ruin the progress we've made so far.

When I got to school I saw that Kegan was already there with Calista hanging off his arm which just made feel some type of way.When me and Casey walked by them he kind of shrugged her off a bit which i probably imagined to make myself fell a little better.

Calista being her ever so lovely self greeted me with a joyful good morning.

"Oh look who it is miss piggy did you have a good breakfast cause you look a little full"she sneered.She gets on my nerves so bad if we were'nt on school ground I would have knocked her ass out by now but I'm trying to be civil this whore.

"Aw Calista I'm so glade to see that my presence was missed but no need to show everyone how much you missed I understand that you can't go a day without talking to me cause I'm just that awesome".

"Whatever I would be glade if you never showed your face around here no one here like you Casey only hangs around you because she feels bad for you" she said.

I walked a little closer to her and so she would be the only one who could hear me and I whispered that she watch her self before i tell everyone about her little indiscretion behind the gym.stepping back I saw that her  eyes widened but fix them before anybody had saw her facial expression.

She gave a little scream but did'nt say anything else to me.Before walking away from her I looked over at Kegan and said there are a couple of people that wasn't me around  then walked away".

When we finally made our way inside the main the building not many people in the hall I assumed that we had arrived early.Me and Casey got to our lockers to see that Denny and Blake standing  a little to close to each other and already knew what was going on between the two of them.  I laughed cause Blake gave me a slight nod and looked at Casey like he was constipated.

Casey looked at me but I avoided her eye contact this was not my story to tell so I left that to Blake and  Denny.Me,Denny,Casey and Blake was still at our lockers when Kegan and his friends walked up to us with looks of pure disgust.

"Blake what are you doing standing with these losers"Calista ask.See this is the problem with this skank she doesn't know how to keep her mouth shut."Calista can you keep mouth shut for once and mind you damn business please you whiny voice makes my ass itch".I said to her."Fatass I don't think I was talking to anyway I was talking to Blake".

"I was'nt standing with a them why would I want to be seen with a cow,emo,and a queer".When he said queer I saw the hurt that went through Denny's eyes and that pissed me off and it also got Casey mad because he called her an emo.

I looked over to my friends shaking my head then looked back over to Blake he had a guilty look on his face.We started to walk off but I turned back around because i had one more thing to say before I went to class.

"Blake get over yourself cause what you just did was not cool and you lost cool points with that little declaration but it's nice to know how you really feel".all his friends was looking at him and me with total confusion but I did'nt care cause I was used to the looks and stares from judgemental eyes.

Once in Class we all sat in our normal seats my phone went off and I already knew who it was cause during that whole incident he was staring at me.

Kegan-r u OK

Me-i'm fine I'm used to being called names so it's whatever

I was well aware that I was giving him atitude but I was'nt mad at him I was mad at the situatution.i knew he was just being nice trying to see if I was ok and knew that he did'nt want to take sides.

Kragn-I'm sorry

I felt bad that he was apologising for something that was my fault.

Me-no I'm sorry I was jus takin my frustrations out on u but you don't have anything 2 say srry 4  

 Turning around in my seat I saw it on his face when he got my message cause he smiled then looked like he could feel me looking at him and he winked at me.I turned around fast so he would see me blushing but I was to slow cause he sent a text saying he did'nt know I could turn that shade of red.

The class went by fast today and on the way out the door Kegan bumped my on purpose and whispered in my ear "watch it cutie".I was shocked that he whispered in my ear and even more shocked that he called me cutie.Then I thought about it to myself to process it to make sure that's what he said I assumed he did cause he has called me beautiful on more than one occasion.

Casey was staring at my under Ian arm waiting on me to come out the door I looked her with a sheepish grin and we left to go find Denny cause I knew that he was still hurt from what that asshole Blake said.

When got out the hall we saw that Denny was waiting by the locker for us with a gloom look on his face."Denny you OK".I ask."Yeah I'm fine just Blake keeps texting me trying to apologise but other than that I good"."It's cool Denny we're here for you always babe"Casey said I nodded my head in agreement.

"I know let's get to class before we get in trouble"he said.We headed off to class and before I knew it was time for lunch.when I walked in Cafeteria I saw my friends at our usual table with one extra person and that was Ian with his arm around Casey Denny was sitting across from them.I took my seat next to Denny but I felt like I was being watched. looking around and saw Kegan looking at me with a smile and I mouthed 'what' to him but he just shook his head and smiled more.

lunch was going good until you know who showed up yep Calista this B!tch is working my last nerve."Hey fatty why are'nt you eating you decided to go on that diet" she said and her little minions thought it was just the funniest thing on earth.

"Well Lissy if you must know I'm eating because I heard someone say that your mom cooked the food today and I'm not in the mood to die right now".Denny and Casey laughed even some of her friends laughed Kegan was cracking up but he righted himself when she looked at him.

"You fat b!tch don't you ever talk about my mom"she screamed.She then grabbed a carton of milk which I already knew where this was going so when she  threw it I ducked and it hit a girl name Trish and from there the whole cafe erupted in a food fight . I was pulled out the door when I was about to throw a try at Calista and maybe that was a little much but she started it.When i turned to yell at whoever stop my attack i was shocked to see Kegan standing there with  his arms folded like he was irritated yet amused.

"Why did you pull me out I was just about to let your dumbass girlfriend have it"I said."Bri chill why the hell would you try and hit someone with a tray".Kegan said but there was a hint of a smile on his face but he was still irritated.

"Well Kegan I realise that you don't want anyone to put there hands or anything on your precious Calista but  she started with me first so you should learn to keep your b!tch on a leash".I said in response with my arms folded and head cocked to the side.He sighed and said that he was'nt worried about her and that he was concerned about if she would have retaliated and I got hurt.

I was speechless at his words they were so sweet and full of concern.He even said that it was funny hearing Calista mom can't cook cause he's ate her cooking before and it tasted like crap.

"so am I gone see you after school right?".Kegan ask.

"No"I said then I disappointment on his face and I thought it was cute that he was looking forward to spending time with me.

"Why? I thought you,me and Wilder was gone hangout and you were bringing him to my game" he ask.

"Kegan calm down I have to go home clean myself up then I will be back here in time to meet you with your brother".I said.

He accepted my answer and a look of relief came across his face which made him look so good even with all the food all over his clothes.We stood there string at each other for a while until Calista came running out the cafeteria with spaghetti stings in her hair.i could'nt hold my laughter in any longer cause she was whining to Kegan like a baby about not saving her and he was making these faces at her while she was hanging off his arm.

"Well I guess that's my cue to leave you love birds have a nice day".I said looking at him and he winked at me so I did the most logical thing and stuck my tong out at him. 

Entering my last class of the day I saw that everyone was covered in food.Everyone looked a mess I even think the teacher got caught in the cross fire cause he turned around he had peperoni on his butt.The Class started laughing but when he turned back around everyone stopped like nothing happened.the class dragged on and it seemed like it took forever for three fifteen to get here.

 The day eventually came to an end and I was excited about hanging out alone with kegan without the interruptions of his friends.Even though his brother was going with us I still felt happy about it.I hurried and left.I texted Casey and Denny telling that i would see them at the game cause all our guys was on the team even though me and Denny was in weird situation with ours.Oh and yes Kegan is mine he just does'nt know it yet.Oh god I sound like a crazy stalker chick.

Soon as I got home I went straight to the shower and washed my hair and scrubbed all the food off me I felt so much better when I got out. i walked in my closet for something to wear.I headed over to Kegan house knocked on the door and  Ms.carter came to the door  with a cute little boy with big blue eyes. 

When he looked up at me he smiled and said "hey your pretty".I smiled and told him he was cutie he ask my name and told him and in turn he told me his.We sat for a minute and got to know a little about each other. After about forty five minutes me and Wilder was on our way to Chesterfield High I put his seat in the car strapped him in and left.

I hope you all enjoy this chapter don't forget to Comment, vote, and fan me if you like no pressure though thank you for reading and supporting me *muah kisses to all of you guys*
