chapter 4


        When I walked in the house I would have never guessed that she would show her face around here especially after what she did to my mom it pissed me off to see her sitting here as if nothing ever happened.She should have never stepped a foot in our house again she was a home wrecking slut who slept with my dad and new goddamn well that he had a wife and kid but did that stop her no she just cared about herself."Katy what the hell are you doing here and why the hell are you in our house?"I ask

."Kegan calm down please and show some respect"mom said."WHAT? are you kidding me right now mom? she is a homewreker and she has the nerve to show up here for god knows what and you want me to respect her?she does'nt even respect for herself so why should I huh?"."Kegan that is enough I know that you are mad and upset but I need you to calm yourself before I do it for you"mom threaten.

I just stood there quite waiting for mom to tell me what  hell was going on and why Katy was here.Mom was looking at me nervously and I finally broke this awkward silence "Mom what's going on why is she here and why are so nervous right now?"."Kegan have a seat I have some news I think you need to know"mom said calmly.I sat down on the beige love seat because I did'nt want to sit next to Katy I waited for mt mom to tell me what was going on when all of a sudden I heard a Child cry at first I though I was going crazy cause I am an only child so when Katy jumped up and went up stairs I looked over at my mom with a questioning gaze.

    "Kegan Look I'm going to tell you but keep your temple under control OK".OK mom just tell me what's going on".She was still being hesitant in telling me why Katy was here I was becoming antsy and nervous about what she was going to say.Katy came back down stairs with a little boy with the same blue eys as me he look like he was about four years old Katy sat back on the sofa with the little boy on her lap he sat there staring at me I looked at him in aww he look almost like me except his hair was more reddish like Katy.

"Kegan I have someone here I want you to meet this is Wilder Carter"Katy said.I sat there dumbfounded i never knew that my dad had had another kid it was shocking and I was in shock right now I had been the only kid for so long and now I have a brother I did'nt know how to take this news so I just sat there silent until mom started talking."Kegan are you OK?".i looked up at her for a couple of seconds before shaking my head from my thoughts"ugh Wh...what do you mean are you saying that I have a brother?"I ask to no one in particular.

"Yes"Katy and mom said at the same time.I jumped up so fast that I got a little dizzy "So your just going to show up here with a kid and expect everything to be ok" I yelled I saw the little boy shrink back in fear so I calmed myself down."Kegan that's not completely true I have none about wilder for about two years I just did'n tell you.I looked up at her with a blank expression I did'nt want to yell out sheer concern for the kid so I took a deep breath and replied "mom how could you not tell me this don't you think I had a right to know".

"baby I'm sorry but it was'nt my call your dad did'nt want us to know about him but Katy got in touch with me two years ago after your dad went to prison".I was going to say something else but I thought about what she just said "after your dad went to prison".I looked at my mom she had a an expression on her face like she said something that was'nt suppose to be said."Mom what do you mean that dads in prison?".

She sighed and began to tell me what was going on "Kegan you dad has been in jail for about three years he went because he started drinking heavily and start hitting Katy and wilder they had to go in hiding for a while and then when he got sent to jail she reached out me and told me about wilder and all the stuff that happened with your dad and they are her because your dad gets out in two weeks and their going to be moving in a house around the corner this will be the last place you dad will look for them".

 This was just to much this day was getting worse by the minute not only had I hurt the one person that I wanted to go talk to about this but I just meet my brother that I did'nt know who existed and to top it off my dad was an abusing drunk.I was sitting there taking all this in when Wilder ask"Who's you?".I looked up at him and said "I'm Kegan" I told him."Oh I'm Wilder and I'm four"he said holding out his hand for me to shake.I shook his hand and said "well Wilder I'm eighteen".

He look at me curious and said "can you be my friend?"and before I could answer him Katy jumped in "Wily he's your big brother".Wilder jumped off the sofa like he could'nt believe it I know how the kid felt "Kegan are you really my big brother?". "Yes and it's nice to meet you Wilder"I said.Wilder walked over to me and jumped in my lap "So do you want to play catch with me?"he ask."Not now Wily we have to go".he started to look like he was about to cry so I stood him in front of me and told him that I would play catch with him soon he looked up at me and smiled "you promise Kegs".

I told him yes and he hugged me we all said our good buy to each other and they left.I was mentally drained i just wanted to go lay down."Kegan go clean yourself up" mom yelled from the kitchen."For what?"."We are going next door to the Winters house for dinner".I perked up at that I get to see Bri before tomorrow and tell her that I am sorry for today I jumped up and ran up stairs and changed my clothes."Kegan we have to be over in twenty minutes"mom yelled.

"OK"I yelled back.I sat on my bed thinking of how I was going to make this right with Bri II knew it was'nt going to be easy but I have to try."Kegan you ready? let's go"mom called out.I walked down stairs and meet my mom at the door and we left.We got to Bri's house and my mom knocked on the door Ms.Winter opened the door with a big smile on her face she was pretty for an older lady Brown hair same as Bri and green eyes."Hey Sharon how's it going?"Ms. Winter ask my mom.

"OK I guess but today there was alot of activity today but we can get in to that mess later on"mom said."OK come  in and make yourself comfortable Bri went to change her clothes she all to be back down in a few oh and how have you been Kegan?" Ms. Winters ask me."I've been fine what about your self?"."I've been fine to" she said.I could'nt help but notice that Bri had yet to come down stairs I kind of felt as if she did'nt want to see me and she had every right not to but that did'nt change the fact that I wanted to see her, talk to her,and hold her. 

She has no idea how she made me feel I was so wrapped up in my own thoughts that I did'nt notice her mom calling her down for dinner "."Elle get you butt down here before I come up there and get you myself" her mom yelled.I was so nervous to see her I did'nt know what to say or how to act but I pushed those feeling aside when heard her shuffling around upstairs i don't know why but I started to sit up straighter cleared my throat and ran my finger through my hair.It took her about another five minutes for her to come in the dinning room.

She made her presence none when she cleared her throat.Then I heard her mother say "Oh Bri how nice of you to join us".Then she replied "Oh mother it's so nice to be wanted" .I knew that served as a double meaning even though she probably thought no one knew it.her and my mom traded pleasantries but she failed to make eye contact with me and to make better(insert sarcasm) she completely ignored me like I was'nt here that irritated with that.

My mom asked her how our first day of school was and I panicked and jumped in the conversation "Mom it was good me and Bri have most of the same classes".Bri looked up at with a cold glare and that is when I finally took in what she had on she had on some pink and black yoga pants that fitted her every curve and a pink tank top that made her breast look great my mouth started to water a little and before I could take in the rest of her body her mom asked "What about you sweetie how did you like your first day?"."It was very interesting to say the least" Bri said.I groaned internally and pleaded with god for her not to tell what happened.

  While I was having a mental break down they continued with the conversation about school I just sat there."What does that mean"her mom ask wanting to know in more details of what she meant."Well it just mean that it was some stuff that I can do without in my life"she answered.When she said that I immediately started thinking crazy does that mean I'm one of the thing she could do without in her life and who could blame I went to far today.

My mom soon joined in their conversation  "Like what?" my mom ask.."Oh nothing much just the stupidity and ignorance that comes with high school".After that statement I started to get a little squirmy she's really going to tell the rents about us.I saw out the corner of my eye that she looked like she was enjoying my squirming she actually had a sneaky smile on her face one I have seen before when she was about to do something devious.

I was interrupted again out of my thoughts."Oh sweetie was there already trouble at school?" her mom said with concern.I was now getting nervous she's really going to tell please Bri Bear I'm so so so sorry I begged in my head to her.."Yeah nothing major though" Bri said."So what happened "my mom ask.I was completely losing it and no one noticed not even my mom.."Oh there was this girl who got milk poured on her for defending herself and another girl got humiliated like twice by the same people cause she's different"Bri answered my mom.Oh God is really doing this right now? My eyes went wide but I hurried and covered my shock I think she's going to do it.

 "oh honey I'm so glade that you don't have to put up with anything like that"her mom says.."me to, even if she did Kegan would'nt hesitate to help her right Kegan?"mom ask me.This was not looking good but I tried my beat to respond "Ahh ye...yeah of course".OMG I just sat here and told the biggest lie when I'm the one she needs to be protected from she stop looking at me with that devious smile and look at me with curiosity and what I think was sadness but that could'nt be it right.I had so much going on today and her about tell was not good for my mental state right now.

I was so happy when this discussion came to an end and that she was just messing with me but little did I know that there was going to be even more drama.Our parents decided to throw in there own little parting gift "Kids we have some news to tell you but don't freak out" Bri's mom said.Ok so you know what happens when someone says don't freak out you automatically do just that."We are going to have to go away on business for a couple of weeks"my mom says.

Alright that's nothing new they usually take these business trips twice a year and we do fine while they're away."Ok what's the big deal?" I heard Bri say."Well since you brother is not going to be here this time Kegan will be staying at the house with you"her mom tells us.I got  happy that I would be all alone with her but I was still kind of pissy cause she had me thinking that she was going to snitch on me.

WHAT!? you have got to be kidding me right now your giving me a babysitter I'm 17 ma I do not need to be watched I"m not a kid or a TV those thing need to be watched not me".Bri freaked and in the process I'm thinking she hates me so I put my best scowl on my face looking at them.I was about to say something that I was going to regret .

"WHAT? This has got to be some sort of sick joke right? I'm not a babysitter Bri's a big girl ( pun intended) she can look after herself I have a life of my own to attend to without putting her in the mix would just make it even more complicated".I knew when I said big girl that she was going to take it as me talking about her which I wanted her to think but I was  not saying it that way but whatever I knew that it would have the desired effect.."You act like I want to be around you and your perverted,shallow,stupid,F**ked up friends I rather sit and watch a rat piss on cotton then to be in a room with you and them for one minute" she said.

I noticed that our parent were in shock and had'nt said anything while we were going at it.She surprised me cause she had so much venom in her words and me being me letting my ego get the best of me I did'nt back down."I don't care if you don't want to be in room with us it wouldntappened because you are a loser and always will be that is sole purpose of us not being friends anymore because you were bad for rep".I don't know where that came from but after I said it I immediately regretted it cause I looked at her and she had so many emotions going through her eyes which I only saw one time in my life and that was in the eighth grade when I first made fun of her.'SHIT' I said in my head I just keep digging this hole deeper and deeper.

She started slowly walking towards me and I stood still yo see what she was going to do but she said something that shocked the hell out of me "t's nice to finally know how you really feel and that you enjoy seeing me hurt I hope that all the pain you have cost me makes you happy cause I will never forgive you for what you have done to me.Oh and one more thing I really liked you like really liked you but I have thrown that out the window along this conversation".

OMG she liked me I thought this whole time that it was one sided when our feelings were mutual my mouth went dry my heart started racing I thought I was having a heart attack.This can't be happening to me pleas let this be dream then when her mom spoke What the hell is going on with you two?" I knew it then that all this was real I had just F**ked up things with her.Me nor Bri answered her mother.Why the hell are you to yelling at each other like you hate one another?"my mom said."nothing is going on between us and there never will be look at her who would want someone like her?".

Why the hell was all this coming out my mouth cause I did'nt mean word of it but she had just hurt me to when she said that she did'nt like me anymore"Kegan what the hell have you lost your mind Did not raise you to disrespect women now you apologies to Abrielle now?"mom said with so much anger but I was not about to say sorry I wanted to but she needed to apologize to and I knew that I was being a jerk,asshole,or coward whatever you want to call but it was just things were so heated and then my ego mixed with that was a combination.

"He does'nt have to say anything to me I don't need his apology and I don't want it and I'm not trying to be rude but can you pleas get your son out of my house please?"When she said she sounded so defeated it was a voice that I had never heard her use before so I must have really hurt her.All I really wanted to do was say sorry and beg for her forgiveness then take her in my arms run my hands through her hair and kiss the pain away.

"I am so sorry Robin"(Bri's mom name) my mom says.I still could'nt believe that all this happened."I'm sorry to Sharon I don't know what's going on but I'll call you later".Me and my mom waked out she stayed silent the whole time which I knew it was a sign that she was upset.When we got in the house she let loose "What the hell were you thinking?did you think that was funny?cause it sure hell was'nt"mom screamed at me.I stayed quite."Answer me when I'm talking to you Kegan James Carter"."it was just a whole bunch of stress that I took out on her".Mom looked at me like I lying which was well kind of."Kegan I'm not buying that you two were arguing like you've done it before and I don't want you to ever speak to her in that way again and not just her any female do I make myself clear?"."Yes ma'm".

"I'm not going to ask you what that argument was really about because I know that your not ready to talk about it but we will speak about OK"."Yes ma'm"  and after that walked upstairs to my room I turned on the light and went to my draw took out my favorite pair of pajama bottoms slide the on I preferred not to sleep in a shirt.I stood in the middle of my room I saw that Bri just had turned her light off the I started to pace my floor thinking abut all the events that happened today I was so frustrated with myself,Bri,mom,and my friends it was all to much.I was also worried about what will happen at school tomorrow will she smile at me, wave to me,or even look at me like she always do.She does'nt know that I see her looking at me when she thinks I'm not looking.

I walked over to my window and looked out cause it felt like I was being watched I saw a figure in Bri window dive on the floor I knew then the eyes I felt on me was hers which I had no problem with her looking at me she could look all she wanted cause one day all of me will belong to her and no one else.A small amile played on my lips at the thought of her still being mine.I closed my window jumped in my bed and got under the covers as soon as my head I just wanted to stay home play my PSP and pig out instad of dealing with the drama of school.

I got out the bed and as soon as my feet hit the floor my phone started ringing"ugh"I groaned I knew it was Calista i ignored the call because all she's going to do is call again,I walked to the bathroom took of my pajama pants and turned the shower on and jumped in I stayed in for about twenty minutes.I got out went back to my room I found something to wear I pulled out dark blue jeans a clack button down shirt and my biker boots I riding my motor cycle to day I knew that Calista was scared to ride it so that meant that I did'nt have to pick her up today haha I'm evil but hey I did'nt want to deal with her attitude this early in the morning.

I dressed and check my self over I looked out my window I saw that Bri was in the mirror checking herself over and I liked what she had on today God she looked good those jeans she had on made her ass look better than yesterday.I was still looking when our eyes meet in her mirror I was stuck I could'nt move from my spot an apparently she could'nt either I finally snapped out of it when my mom yelled for me.

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