Chapter 25: Bill Ben and the Bad Words

Bill and Ben are Tank Engine Twins.

They often work on the Quarry Branchline with Mavis, Boco, Timothy, and Marrion. They enjoy playing tricks, but like all engines, they just want to be really useful.

One day, Bill and Ben were asked to help around at the docks. Ben was shunting some trucks in place, when he saw some words spray painted by vandals.

"What's this?" asked Ben, "'This railway rules'? Well, yes it does. 'Steam all the way'. Yes we do. 'The yard manager is a....."

Ben trailed off, taking a quick look at the last word.

"'The yard manager is a

What does that mean?"

"Hi Ben!"

Bill puffed up along side his twin, whistling.

"Hi Bill," said Ben, "Say, do you know what this word means?"

Bill looked at the wall, and said, "Yard manager? Yeah, he's the one who's in charge of the yards here."

"No, no that word. That word."

Bill looked at it, and said

"Wait, I think I know what it is," said Bill, "Some people were saying that when they were frustrated. Maybe they're fancy stress relief words."

"Stress relief?"

"Yeah, you say them when you're cross, or fed up with something."

"Like, being told what to do by the bigger engines?"

"Yeah!" said Bill, "We should use those words next time we see them!"

Little did Bill and Ben know, that those words would get them into trouble.

The next day, Frieda came into the Quarry, to collect a stone train.

"Uck," she said, "Why must a streamlined engine such as my self pull trucks? I was built for express trains."

"Oh stop complaining," said Sir Handel.

"Yeah," said Bill, "You big blue

The quarry was quiet, as Bill said, "I'm tired of you

big engines complaining about all the little

things that don't matter. Just stop it!"

Bill then puffed away, leaving Frieda and Sir Handel in deep shock.

At the station, James was backing down onto the wash down, and in front of Ben.

"James!" said Ben, "I was here first!! Let me go first! You're not even dirty!"

"I have a small smudge on my side," said James, "Besides, important engines come first."

"Well you're just a 

stupid son of a

if a little

smudge is gonna your work, you


James, completely shocked, slowly puffed forward, and Ben was cleaned off.

The next day, Boco pulled in with a passenger train. He saw Bill and Ben shunting, when they derailed a truck.

"Ben!" said Bil, "You

You made me derail my truck!"

"Did not!" said Ben, "You

derailed my truck!"

"I did not you little

"Did too, you f


The whole stations fell in silence, and Boco was shocked.

"What?" asked Boco, "Where did Bill and Ben hear those words!?"

He quickly ran off, to find Edward and (Y/N).

Soon, the mess was cleared up, and Bill and Ben were sent to the sheds.

"Nice work Bill," said Ben, "Now look what you've gotten us into."

"Not my fault," said Bill.

"Yes it was!" said Ben.

"Was not!" said Bill.

"Was too!"

"Was not!"

"Was too!"

"Was not!"


The sheds fell silent, as a stern looking Edward, and a very cross (Y/N).

"I have heard that you two have been using inappropriate language!" said (Y/N).

"What do you mean?" asked Ben.

"We didn't use inappropriate language," said Ben, "We used fancy stress relief words."

"There is nothing fancy about those words!" said Edward.

"You mean

asked Bill.

"YES!! THAT WORD!!" said Edward, "Now stop saying that! It's a bad word!"

"Bad word!?" exclaimed the twins.

"Yes," said (Y/N), "That is one of many bad words that you should never say."

"But, some passengers said that when they were frustrated," said Ben.

"Sometimes, adults will say somethings that they shouldn't say when they have no control of their temper," said (Y/N), "Just please, don't say those words ever again."

"Yes ma'am," said the twins, "Sorry ma'am."

"Good," said (Y/N), "Now, you two are to help collect scrap around the island, and put it on the scrap trains to the mainland for the next three weeks."

Bill and Ben were careful not to use those bad words ever again. However, they heard one of them, from the most unlikely of places.

Bill shunted trucks a bit too hard against Edward, and he said, "OW! WHAT THE

"EDWARD!!!" exclaimed Bill.

"Oh," said the old engine, "Sorry."

Bill then said, "You need to wash out that mouth. It's dirty!"

Bill then laughed, as Edward puffed away, feeling rather embarrassed.
