Chapter 15: New Banker

While Edward is great at Banking Trains up Gordon's New Hill, his age was not kind to him. Now a days, he struggles to get a few trains up the hill. And thus, a new engine was needed for the job.

The railway board had brought an engine on trial to the Island. The engine was an Hunslet Austerity WD 0-6-0ST. He had orange paint, yellow caution pattern on his buffer beams, and the number 16 on his saddle tanks. 

"Hello there," said Edward, "You must be the new engine."

16 just looked around, a bit unimpressed.

"I'm sure you'll be at home here," said Edward, "You'll be shunting in the yards here, and helping to bank trains up the hill here."

16 then sneered, "I ain't doin that!! I spent my whole time shunting trucks!! I can pull a train better than you, you old timer!!"

Edward looked at 16, and said, "Very well. I'll stay and shunt, while you take my passenger train up the line."

"Good luck Old Iron," said 16, "You'll need it!"

After that, 16 set off with some coaches, and headed off to the station.

A bit after, Thomas and Lady were seen double heading a goods train, when they were stopped at a signal. While waiting, they saw Edward looking in a fowl mood.

"Edward," said Lady, "Are you alright? You seem a bit upset."

"Just this new engine," said Edward, "He's a bit much."

"What's his name?" asked Thomas.

"I was told he doesn't have a name," said Edward, "just the number 16."

"Wait," said Thomas, "Was this an orange Austerity Tank?"

"Yes it was."

"Wilbert told me about him when he visited Sodor! He said 16 worked in a steel mill, and thought he knew better than everyone else, and passed a danger sign! He then tumbled cab over wheels onto his side. After that, he was shut up in the shed ever since. Until now it seems."

"Hmmm, passing a danger sign?" asked Edward, "Sound familiar to you?"

Thomas turned as red as Rosie.

"Well, just wait," said Lady, "He'll soon learn how to do things around here."

Meanwhile, 16 was a rough rider, and the coaches grumbled all the way to the station.

"Oh he's so rough!! Oh he's so rough!!"

"Oh pipe down!!" snapped 16, "I'm just out of practice is all."

But the truth was, 16 didn't even know anything about coaches.

Soon, 16 arrived at the Big Station, and rested in a sighting. As he did, he was greeted by the sight of Percy and Phillip.

The three engines had a nice chat, until 16 told them how he spoke to Edward.

"Should've seen him!" said 16 boastfully, "Didn't even put up a fight!!"

"You watch your mouth!" snapped Percy, "Edward has worked the rails longer than anyone else on this island!"

"Yeah!" said Phillip, "He's more useful than you ever could be!!"

"Ah, I don't need this!!" snapped 16, "I'm heading off!!"

16 then headed back to Mariton Station, and the station master was waiting for him.

"Tiny is stuck up on the hill," she said, "You'll have to give him a push."

"I'm not doing it!" said 16.

"Oh yes you are!!" snapped his driver, "You are going to that hill, and you are pushing Tiny up the hill!!"

16 then headed towards the hill, and found Tiny waiting for him there.

"Are you ready?" asked Tiny.

"Yeah," said 16, buffering up to the train.

Soon, Tiny started to pull with all his might, only for him to realize he was pulling the full weight of the train!!

"Come on!!" said Tiny, "You're not even trying!!"

"Ah, it's not me that's late. Plus, this ain't my train, ain't my problem."

And 16 just gave up.

He then pulled up beside the train, as a whistle was heard.

Edward pulled up behind Tiny's train, and said, "Are you ready?"

"If I can't push that, you can't push that up the hill!!"

"Just watch this!" said Edward.

Edward then whistled, and he and Tiny started to go up the hill.

Slowly, but surely, they made it up the hill. 16 was impressed, but wasn't letting it show.

16 would always weasel his way out of banking, and pull trains down the line.

However, one incident got him into big trouble.

He was taking a goods train down the line, when he saw Duck coming down the center line with a passenger train.

16 then got a naughty idea.

"Excuse me," he said, "I'm to be on the center line, controller's orders."

The signal man wasn't sure about this, but he complied with 16.

However, there was a very major problem: It was time for the Express!!

Thomas saw this, and was quick.

He bumped behind 16, and managed to get his coupling hook onto the break van.

He then pulled back, as 16 said, "What are you doing!? You're making me late!!"

"I'm getting you out of trouble!!" snapped Thomas.

"Pah! You're just a silly little tank engine! I'm where I'm supposed to-"

Just then, a whistle was heard, and Alfred was seen rushing down the line right towards 16.


Thomas then pulled harder, and Alfred whistled fit to burst.

Thomas managed to pull 16 all the way back onto the side line, as Alfred raced by.

"Are you okay?" asked Thomas.

16 just scoffed, "Yeah, no thanks to you!!"

"Really?" said a stern sounding voice, "Because based on what I've seen, YOU went onto that line deliberately!!"

It was (Y/N) Awdry.

"Who are you supposed to be, tourist?"

"I am controller of the Paradise Railway!!!"

16 looked at her, and stuttered, "Well, I, um, I, see-"

"I'm not interested in your excuses! Since I've already signed the papers, I have no choice but to keep you. However, I feel some punishment is in order for you. Thomas, take these goods to the next station! 16, you will go to the sheds until I can trust you again!!"

16 was uncoupled, and slunk back to the sheds. There he was shut up for several days. I hope he learns his lesson next time, don't you?
