Chapter 16: Backstories (Part 6)

Jack and the Pack, along with the Can Do Crew were just resting in the yard, when they noticed Scoop looking a bit down.

"What's wrong Scoop?" asked Rolley.

"Well," said Scoop, "I was just thinking about Bob is all."

"You really miss him, don't you?" asked Jack.

"Yeah," said Scoop, "And, we did many things back in Bob's Ville and Sun Flower Valley."

"What do you mean?" asked Alfie.

"Well, there was this one time."

"Oh my," said Oliver, "That sounded like it was quite the adventure."

"Oh, that was very scary," said Muck, "In the dark, with no lights, and maybe monsters!"

"MONSTERS!!!!" cried Lofty, backing up a bit into his birth.

"It's okay Lofty," said Jack, "Muck was only joking."

"Hey, you can be very brave too Lofty," said Dizzy.

"Yeah," said Scoop, "I remember that one time you managed to help save Sud."

"Wow," said Kelly, "Spud really got into trouble."

"We do have some other times he was a trouble maker," said Muck.

"Like, 'Spud the Spanner!'" said Scoop.

"Spud the Spanner?" asked Max, "What did he do there?"

"Well," said Scoop, "It started when we were putting up a new sign at the Duck Pond."

Everyone laughed.

"Oh, that Scarecrow!!" said Monty.

"Hey, remember that one time with the road painter?" asked Rolley.

"Oh, yeah!!" said Muck.

"You know, we got into some mishaps on Sodor ourselves," said Jack.

"Really?" asked Lofty, "Like what?"

"Well," said Jack, "There was the time that we all wanted to know who was the most important."

"Oh, there were more of you?" asked Dizzy.

"Yeah, but we don't know where they are right now," said Jack.

Just then, Thomas came in, with a few faces that seemed very familiar to them.

"It's the rest of the pack!!" cried Jack, "Where have you all been?"

"Well," said Byron, "We were working for a different company, but they just got bigger machines, and well, you can guess what happened next."

"Well, nice to meet you all!" said Scoop, "Welcome to the team!"

Everyone cheered, and they would soon, get to know the others well.
