Chapter 2 ~ "Oh God, I think I hit someone!"

     Dark locks fell around his square face. Thick glasses framed his narrow blue slash green eyes. His cheekbones were sharper than his jaw and though I tried not to roll my eyes over his tight-fitting leather jacket he was wearing I couldn't stop myself.

     "What the hell are you doing on the floor?" he asked, leaning back in my seat.

     I stood and brushed the dirt off my black pants. "You're a big fat idiot!" I told him, raising my bag from the floor and tucked it over my shoulder. "I was about to sit in that seat."

     He hosted an eyebrow, crossing his arms over his firm chest. "You were too slow. Find another seat and don't bother me." He waved me off, returning his gaze to the teacher who was wandering in.

     "You- you."

     "Please, do tell me what you think about me, however, I don't have all day and you're stammering."

     I inhaled a deep breath and turned on my heels. "Jackass," I mumbled as I strode towards an empty seat up against the wall in the farthest corner. At least I could sleep unnoticed.

     I swung down in the empty seat, my hands founding the comfort of my palms as I leaned forward and the class rolled into play. My eyes were facing one special person.

     Mike Everson.

     A big handsome jackass.


     "Just talk to him. He doesn't bite unless you want him to," I told Maya as we roamed the halls on our way out to Maya's car.

     "I can't just talk to him! If you where in love you would know," she said overdramatically and pushed the door to fresh air open.

     We trailed down the few steps. "Love? Come on! You're not in love with Daniel. You just think he's handsome and has a tiny crush, nothing else. You'll be over it when you see someone hotter."

     She shook her head. "No one else is hotter than Daniel. I'm going to be chasing that man for the rest of my life," she stated as we ran around her car and proceed inside.

     "When he plays you and throws you out like trash I'll make sure to be ready with idiotic movies and cookie dough ice cream."

     She rolled her eyes and started the engine. "I'm looking forward to the ice cream, however, he won't dumb me."

     "Because you're never gonna be together."

     "Because I'm the most beautiful fish he will ever catch." With a proud smile, she pulled out of the parking spot.

     "You just called yourself a fish, you know that right?"

     She took her eyes off the road for a minute to laugh at my comment.

     A scream caused her to press down on the brakes and roar our torsos forward.

     "Oh God, I think I hit someone!" Maya was the first to flash out the car and check out in front. I was right behind her and as I glanced down at the boy laying on the road, I elevated an eyebrow.

     "Jacob? What are you doing down there?" I asked, trying to make a joke about it all.

     Maya scolded me with her eyes as she took Jacob's hand and raised him to his feet. "Are you okay? I'm so sorry. I did seriously not see you there." She helped him brush the dirt off his clothes, a light pink color creping on his cheeks.

     "I'm fine. It was my fault anyway. I didn't look where I was going and I was in a rush to get to the bus." He stood on his tiptoes to just skim the bus as it drove away.

     Maya followed his gaze. "We can give you a ride if you like."

     I was about to protest when Jacob's features lit up and I was shut up.

     "Seriously? Thank you!" He was faster than us to get to the car. He jumped in on the backseat, holding his school bag close to his chest as he rocked back and forth.

     Maya and I joined him and drove further out the parking lot. My eyes scanned him for a second. He was kind of good looking if you didn't count his broken nose in. It was a shame. He had dirty blonde hair there fell to his shoulders but was bound into a tight bun. Round and dull brown eyes completed the next door boyish look he had going on with his casual outfit.

     "You sure you're okay?" Maya asked concerned and sped up as we were out on the road.

     I rolled back in my seat and watched the houses flash by.

     "Yeah, you didn't hit me that hard anyway." He smirked with a friendly spark in his eye. Why couldn't Maya be drooling over him? He wasn't a player.

     "I'm glad you didn't get hurt too bad. So, can you tell me where you live?"

     "Above the baker in the town square. Do you know where that is?" He leaned forward so his head reached Maya's seat and he had a better look out the front window.

     "Yeah, I know that place. It isn't far from here, right?"

     He nodded as a confirmation and laid the car in silence as he leaned back and rolled his shoulders.

     I bent forward and turned on the radio there blasted a well-known pop song from the speakers. It took away the awkwardness and replaced it with light humming from the back seat.

     "You like this kind of music?" I asked him, not turning my gaze towards him.

     "I like all kinds of music, so yeah. Granny always let the playlist in the bakery be random, so I've grown to like all sources of music."


     "So you work in the bakery with your grandmother?" Maya asked, taking a turn.

     "Yes, I make a few extra money that way."

     "Is the bakery open when we get there? I seriously crave something sweet." She licked her lips, her hands tightening around the wheel.

     "Yeah, we're open, so that should be no problem." He winked at her in the mirror and I couldn't help watch the pink color stain her cheek.


     "Oh my God! This taste so good! I'm going to buy a hundred more!" Maya threw the last bite of apple pie down her throat and smeared her face with her napkin.

     Jacob's grandmother was laughing behind the desk, cleaning an oily spot on the counter. "I'm glad you like it, but I do think five is enough for today, young lady."

     I nodded in confirmation. "We can come back tomorrow and buy another if you like."

     Her eyes sparkled at the news and she tugged on Jacob's sleeve. "You heard that? We're coming back tomorrow?" She swung her arms in joy and rose from the chair.

     "Thank you for the pies, Jacob and Granny. We'll see ya tomorrow again." Maya saluted as she turned and strode towards the glass double doors.

     "Bye. I guess I'll see you tomorrow." I waved and let a small smile spread across my lips before following Maya out the door.

     "Isn't he the cutest?" she asked dreamily and clasped her hands together.

     "Because he bakes apple pies or because he looks and acts cute?"

     "Both, you dummy." She playfully hit my arm as she sprinted to the car and roared into her seat behind the steering wheel.

     "You've eaten way too much sugar," I told her as I took my seat beside her. She simply shrugged at my comment and let the car drive us back to my house.

     As my house stretches out in front of us I reached over and gave her a tight side hug before jumping out of the car. "See ya tomorrow!"

     She winked as an answer and I slammed the car door shut and waltzed up the pathway.

     "I'm home!" I shoved my shoes off and wandered further into the living room. Markus was reading as usual beside Will who played some bloody video game he was too young for.

     "Hey sis, want to play?" Will asked, leaning to the side as he let the game overtake his reality.

    "No thanks. I've things to do."

     He didn't bother reply as I stormed to the stairs and moved into my room and shut the door. My bag was thrown onto the foot of my closet and my shoulders slugged as I swayed onto the bed and relaxed into the comfy sheets and pillows.

     It didn't take long for Maya to call. I picked up the phone and put her on speaker as I surfed through Facebook.

     "Daniel is coming to the party!" She said, her voice almost knocking me over.

     I elevated an eyebrow. "What? Why?"

     "I don't know, but apparently his parents ungrounded him or something." She let out a grunt.

     "Do you really believe his parents ungrounded him. I bet he shits on whatever his parents say." I snorted.

     "That may be true, but that's not the important thing here."

     "Care to further explain?"

     "He's coming to the party. I'm coming to the party. We're both going to get drunk. And then, boom, we're getting married in Vegas or something."

     I laughed. "Yeah, totally realistic scenario."

     "Have a little faith. Maybe that boy Mile Everdeen you bumped into today will come, too. You totally drooled over him."

     I snorted once again. "First thing first, his name is Mike Everson, not Mile Everdeen and second, I didn't drool!"

     "Sure, whatever helps you sleep at night. However, you should totally do him to get a bit of confidence back."

    "I'm not going to do anything with him. Anyways, he never shows up to parties. He's the nerd slash bad boy. Not a really good combination if you want to be high on the social status ladder."

     "Maybe it's your lucky night." I could just feel her wink through the phone. That did only cause me to roll my eyes in a larger circle.

     "I don't like the guy. That's all I have to say."

     "Then what about Jacob. He's sweet."

     "I thought I should leave him open for you. He has a crush on you."

     "He's sweet and kinda cute, but I'm totally in love with Daniel."

     "Forget Daniel and go after someone worth your time. Go for someone like Jacob who bakes apple pies with his granny and makes you smile and hype like none other."

     "Yeah, well I still have a shot with Daniel."

     "In your dreams. His getting back with Becky like always."

     "Nope, not this time. Becky fell in love with Simon or something. They're totally into each other. She wouldn't take Daniel back and then lose Simon."

     "Fine, then you may or may not have a shot, but don't overdo it."

     "No, of course not," she said between giggles.

     "Goodbye," I said lazily.

     "Love you, too."

     She hung up first and I scrolled further into the depths of funny videos and weird status updates.

     I clicked to answer a friend request and let my eyes fall to the "persons you may know" category. A name popped out.

     Mike H. Everson.

     And whiteout realizing the reason, I send a friend request.
