Chapter 15 ~ No Means No

Realization washed over her face as she reached out for me, but I wasn't in the mood. We could talk about this when we were both sober.

I shook my head and turned on my heels. Without thinking, I grabbed the cup Daniel tried to give me. I continued into the living room, pouring the content into my mouth and down my throat. It burned the entire way.

Moving with the rhythm of the music, I went to mingle with other drunk morons. I washed away the memories with alcohol. With every sip, I pushed the thoughts of regret further away.

A pair of large and strong hands gripped my hips. He pulled me close and I let him. He moved me against him, his breath hot on my neck. We let the music guide us. I didn't turn to see who he was. It didn't matter at this point.

He guided us from side to side as I downed the last of a random beer. Adrenaline pumped, music roared, and sweat was a heavy aroma.

For a moment I forgot my reasons for being mad and disappointed. For a moment it was just me in a intoxicated bliss.

The guy led me towards the hallway. I took this opportunity to turn around and see who he was. He stood about a head taller than me. Murky brown eyes shimmered with mischief. A grin slid over on his face. I could glimpse his dimples as he smiled. I'd seen him with Hamilton. He went to our school, but that was all I knew about him.

He displayed a set of white teeth in a dashing smile. "What's your name, beautiful?"

He was somewhat handsome, but the way his hands stroked my hips weren't to my liking.

     "Does it matter?" I tried to pull away, but he held me close.

     "Let's go upstairs." The grin grew wider and the glimmer of mischief dissolved into something dark. Warning signs blared in the back of my mind.

I jerked out of his arms and stumbled towards the stairs, which probably wasn't the best idea. I didn't need to give him the wrong idea. "No thank you."

"Come on, I know you want to." His handsomeness washed away. I crept further away trying to gain some space between us.

"No means no, buddy."

     I stretched out a hand to push him away, but he seized it. He drew me into him and directed us towards the first step.

"No need to be afraid." It was bearly a whisper in my ear.

Chills ran up and down my spine. This guy was sickening. His strong hands held both my arms as he drew me up on the first step.

It was only because of his steadfast hands that I didn't fall from the sudden movement.

I fought in his grip as he leaned in. Once again his breathe was hot on my neck. This time it both made me bitter and anxious.

He was stronger than me, probably a sports guy, however, I wasn't going to give up without a fight.

"Let me go or I'll scream." I kicked at his legs as he lifted me into his arms. He took two steps at the time, not wasting any time.

"Oh trust me you'll scream."

As I kicked and screamed he kept bringing me closer to the top of the stairs. I wasn't aware of how hard my kicks were or if they even hit him. Alcohol obscured my vision and the nauseating feeling in my stomach grew the more steps he took.

We reached the top and I shrieked. He winced and for a fraction of a second, his hands loosened. I used this to my advantage and landed a solid kick over his shin. He bent over in pain, a groan erupting from deep within his throat.

I pulled away from him, tossing myself towards the wall and as far away from him as possible. He cursed, his eyes shifting up to meet mine. There was no longer, mischief nor sparks of lust, only anger. And it was all directed towards me.

"You little bitch." He found balance on his two feet and launched towards me, his mind filled with ill intentions. I didn't need to be told twice that I needed to run. Not even drunk.

I shoved myself away from the wall and hurried towards a door. I needed to find something with a lock. I peeped over my shoulder as I pulled at the first door. "Get the hell away from me."

He darted after me and I couldn't stay and struggle to open the door for long. I ran through what felt like a maze of locked doors and dark hallways. It was probably only a few meters and lasted a few seconds, but in my messed up mind, it felt like miles and hours.

I reached the last possible door and tugged at the door handle like my life depended on it. With one look at the guy, it seemed like it did.

My eyes stung, but I forced my tears to stay where they were. Inside my eyes.

"You can't run now." He'd slowed down and tilted his head to look at me. In the dim light, he was nothing but a tall shadow creeping closer and closer.

Sweat broke out in my palms and they glid on the handle as I tugged.

"Come on, babe. We can have some fun. I promise you won't regret it." It was difficult to see his features. I imagined the smirk creeping onto his features and his tongue coming out to lick his lips.

Adrenaline flooded in my system. It beat like the bass in music. My eyes widen with fear as one of his feet slid in front of the other and he was one step closer.

I let myself allow a tear to roll down my cheek. "Get the fuck away."

I tugged one more time and to my surprise, the door swung open. It was unannounced, so, I swung with it and tumbled down on my buttocks.

It wasn't me who opened it. I froze in sync with my pursuer.

In the doorway stood a known shadow. His hand was halfway through his hair, however, like us, his body froze. His eyes landed on me on the floor and he lifted an eyebrow. "D?" Then his eyes shifted to the guy who had already leaped a few steps away. "What's happening?"

I choked down a sob, unable to say anything. Hamilton narrowed his eyes on the guy. I knew they were friends, but his voice was cold when he spoke. "What are you doing here, Adam?"

Adam crossed his arms over his broad chest and looked down at my form on the floor. "Nothing."

That little bitch.

I wanted to jump onto my feet and punch him square in the face, but I didn't. My body commanded me to stay on the floor. Drops of tears made their way down my cheeks.

"Then you should go." Nothing in Hamilton's voice indicated that Adam had any choice. And if I weren't wrong, Hamilton meant for Adam to leave the party entirely. Hamilton wasn't one to fight, so it didn't come as a shock that he handled this with his words rather than fists.

Adam put his hands up in defeat and turned his back towards us. A faint mumbled reached my ears, but what he was saying was difficult to detect. And to be honest, I didn't care about any of that. He was gone and I was safe.

Hamilton crunched down before me. He reached out a hand and wiped away a tear. His hands were warm and smooth as they ran over my skin. "Did he hurt you?"

I shook my head. "No."


I nodded my head, however, I was unable to do anything else. Memories of his hands on me flashed before my eyes and the tears kept rolling. No sound escaped my lips, but Hamilton didn't need to know something was wrong.

His hands held my head as he forced me to look him in the eye. "Who should I call?"

I was about to get raped. Had Hamilton not opened the door when he did Adam was going to rape me.

My breaths came out in grasps. My heart hammered against my ribcage. I held a hand around Hamilton's arm and tightened.

"Who should I call, Debbie? Your mom or dad?" Hamilton hissed the words out, slightly shaking my already trembling body.

"No!" I was frantic when he mentioned my parents. "No, don't call any of them."

He ran a hand through his hair, peeping over his shoulder. "Who can drive you home, D? Think about someone who isn't drunk a Saturday afternoon and someone you trust. I'll call them for you." His words were gentle as he tumbled down on the floor. He sat cross-legged across from me.

I slid my hand down in my pocket and found my phone. I searched for my wallet. I could just take an uber or something. My pockets came up empty.

"Shit," I said, running a frustrated hand through my hair. "I forgot my wallet at home."

Hamilton nodded as if understanding my train of thought. "Who can drive you home, Debbie?"

With a sigh, I opened up my phone. My fingers trembled so it was difficult to hit the right buttons. I managed to enter my contact list. I knew that none of my friends were able to come and pick me up and I couldn't call my parents. At this point, it seemed like I had to walk the whole way home. That was until my eyes scanned a name.


I couldn't know where he was or what he was doing, but he was my only option. I looked up at Hamilton. I planted my phone in his clutch. "Call Mike," I said, my eyes darting toward the floor.

"Mike?" he asked. "As in Mike Everson?"

I nodded my head, not sure how to feel about the tone in his voice. Maybe he thought I was joking?

"I didn't know you were friends."

"We're not friends." I looked up to see Hamilton nod his head and lift the phone to his ear. It rung, first once, then twice. When it rang three times I started losing faith in Mike. But what did I expect? Mike and I weren't besties. He could be asleep or doing something more important than answering my calls.

I sighed, my head drooping. However, then his bored voice rung out. "What."

It was faint but I could recognize his voice everywhere.

"I'm one of Debbie's friend and I-"

"What do you want." The voice was sharper than before. He'd put pressure on the word do.

"Debbie needs your help." Hamilton didn't go straight to the point, which wasn't a good idea when it came to Mike. I wasn't in the mood to say anything, so I let Hamilton do him.

"And?" Again his voice was sharp.

"She needs someone to drive her home."

My fingers drummed against the floor as we waited for his reply.

"Why don't you drive her?"

I would be lying if I said my heart didn't sink a bit. I shouldn't have thought he would come and help.

"I've been drinking and she needs your help." Hamilton sent me a look before opening his mouth again. "Something happened."

The line went silent for a moment. I held my breath, waiting for something there would either disappoint or surprise. I wasn't sure what I wanted the most.

Mike let out a deep breath before answering.

