Chapter 12 ~ Destionation: My Biggest Regret

     Sometimes you can feel weightless laying there on your bed. Your eyes are so focused at the ceiling but at the same time almost closed into a deep slumber.

     That was how I wish I felt.

     It was the middle of the night. Outside my window, I could skimp the garden which the moon and garden lamps Dad had bought last year lit.

     My phone was silent, which, oddly enough, was the entire reason for my sleeplessness.

     After having sent my reply to Mike I couldn't stay away from my phone for more than a second. He still hadn't replied. Much to my dismay. My thoughts were spinning in an endless spiral of self-doubt, regret, and to some point, anger.

     From my mouth came a sound much like a sigh, just a bit more aggressive. I threw a pillow across the room. It hit my wall with a light thud and proceeded to land on the floor. And here I thought that boy would answer.

     I pulled my duvet up to my chin, turning to lay on the side. I made sure that my back was turned towards my phone laying on the nightstand. I forced my eyes shut, pushing any thoughts of Mike and that damn text out of my head. I sank deeper into the bed and slowly drifted off to sleep. I hadn't felt how tired I was, but now it came washing over me like a strong wave.

     I didn't get to fall to sleep.

     A few minutes after, my phone lit up accompanied by my SMS tone. My body froze and I was wide awake once again. I didn't dare to turn around to look. And somewhere in the back of my mind, I thought about not texting him back until tomorrow.

     A minute or so went by before I twirled around and scooped closer to the nightstand. Still laying down, I reached my hand over and took my phone. The light blinded me for a second and I fumbled to turn it down with eyes squeezed into slits.

     As I had feared, and somehow wanted, a text from Mike had appeared.


     That was all? Seriously?

     But what did I expect, one long novel about how excited he was to help me and be with me and stuff? Nah, that wasn't his style.

     My fingers slid over the keyboard to write a reply, however, another text from his appeared as I wrote.

     Meet me tomorrow at the mall parking lot at lunch.

     Meet him?

     I deleted my former response, my fingers trembling. It was difficult hitting the right letters and that short text took long to write. Behind my ribcage, pumped my heart faster and faster. The beautiful image of him displayed before my eyes, but I caught it and threw it away before I started to drool.

     This guy was an ass and not worth thinking about. I would help him with this little tutoring thing and then we would never speak again. Yeah, that sounded perfect.

     Okay, do I need to bring anything?


     I stared at the reply, somehow feeling filled up. Content almost. Tiredness came to me once again and I put the phone back on the nightstand. I flipped in the bed, curling into a ball with the duvet pressed around me.

     I inhaled deeply, my eyes falling close as I fell to sleep with Mike as the last thing on my mind.

     The next day Maya couldn't stop rambling in the car. If she hadn't been driving her hands would have been flying around. And they did whenever we sat at a red light.

     "Omg," she said for the hundredth time. "You have a date with Mike."

     I scrunched my nose, shaking my head. "How the heck did you get that. I told you I agreed to help him."

     Maya sighed as if I was the difficult one. "I say it's a date. Do you know where he's going to take you?" She steered us to the right and the mall came into view on our left. "Maybe he'll bring you to his place? I hope not, you know if his father really is a criminal and all."

     I gazed out the window. Today you couldn't detect a cloud on the sky and the sunshine shined down upon us. My eyes were fixated on the parking lot. I couldn't take my eyes off of it. "I don't think he'll bring me to his home. And by the way, we still don't know if his father is criminal."

     "That's just technicalities. Normally if the police come to get you, you have done something illegal." Maya nodded along to the tunes on the radio as we entered the parking lot.

     Our shopping trip went by in a slow and steady blur. I was distracted by something completely different than the clothing. I could only focus on the... meeting later. I fought to shove Mike out of my thoughts. It worked for a few minutes until something small reminded me of him again.

     I walked out of the last store. Maya had walked out to buy an icecream a few minutes earlier. However, I didn't get to be alone for very long. Daniel waltzed up to me from a store across the one I had been in. I glanced up at him, holstering an eyebrow.

     He came up to me with his usual smirk. "Are you doing something with Maya this afternoon?" he asked, waltzing after me towards the parking lot.

     I shook my head. "No." His footfalls followed me and I reacted with an eye roll he couldn't see. "Why do you care?"

     I cast him a look over my shoulder. A grin tugged in the corner of his lips. "You'll see."

     I drew my eyebrows down, but choose not to comment further. He wouldn't tell me anyway.

     Daniel kept trailing behind me the entire way to the parking lot. Maya sat on a bench not long from the doors. Her hair covered her face as he bent her neck to look into her phone. Beside her sat a half-eaten cup of ice cream. She hadn't seen us yet and was about to get a huge surprise when discovering Daniel.

     "Maya," he said before I could warn her. He hurried past me with an arm raised in greeting. "I . need to talk with you for a moment."

     I halted a few feet away from them. Daniel picked up Maya's ice cream and clutched it in his hand. Maya didn't even get to look surprised before he had a hand around her upper arm. He hauled her to her feet. "We are going to have so much fun."

     Maya found my gaze. Her eyes darkened with horror as she tried to form words. A deep red painted her cheeks as her eyes found the spot were Daniel held her.

     I shook my head and let a short, low giggle come out. Daniel always had a mind of his own and that mind focused on Maya today. I waved at the weird pair as they sauntered across the parking lot. One of them talked noticeable more than the other.

     I slipped one foot in front of the other and carried myself over to the bench. I took a seat, leaning back until I hit the backrest. My eyes found the clear sky, as my hand slipped into my pocket. I pulled up my phone and bent my neck to watch the screen. A few people had sent a text, however, there was nothing from Mike.

     He had told me to meet him at the parking lot, but where exactly did he mean? You could access it in multiple different places and it was rather large. I could wait many minutes before we would find each other. Or maybe Mike would just drive when I didn't show up?

     Without much thought, I found the messages me and Mike had shared. There was nothing wrong in asking where he was, right? That would be normal when you had a deal. I always did that when Maya and I had agreed to meet. But Mike wasn't Maya. He wasn't my best friend who I could do nothing wrong with. He was the goddamn bad boy who was colder than anybody else.

     With a sigh, I slipped my phone back into my pocket. I folded my arms over my chest and gazed over the mass of people streaming out.

     Groups of people streamed past me, their chatting filling the natural silence. The sunbeams grazed my thigh as a light breeze played with strands of my hair. My eyes, a pair of empty blue voids, scanned the area. No tall and handsome man with a pair of glasses made their way towards me.

     My fingers drummed against the bench, my lips brushing against each other.

     A strong and firm hand grabbed my shoulder from behind. I jolted out of my seat, the hand slipping off. "What the!" Spinning on my heels, I was ready to launch out at the creep who had grabbed me.

     Narrow eyes, which looked blue in this light, gazed back at me from behind a wall of glass. He had combed his dark hair back and framed his face. Those sharp features didn't take the masculinity from him. They almost brought the masculinity to his face.

     He pressed his fine lips into a thin line. A bag hung over his left shoulder. He wore his leather jacket over a black outfit.

     "Mike." I pushed the pieces of shock out of my system. I hugged my arms around my chest, my hair swaying to cover my features.

     "Let's go." He tugged at the strap, his eyes swaying from mine. The sun reflected in his glasses as he pushed them further up onto his. And to my terror, I'd never been more turned on.

I gritted my teeth, pushing my legs closer together. My heart drummed ever so lightly against my ribcage. And in the silence between us, I betted he could hear it.

Mike wasn't a gentleman, so he turned around and started walking before I could stammer a reply. His long strides were difficult to catch up with. His broad back mingled with the crowd and first then did my legs work. I darted after him, holding onto my belongings.

Winding through groups of laughing high schoolers, families, and couples, I caught up to Mike. He searched through his bag, his pace noticeable slower. Did he wait? No.

He doesn't look over his shoulder to acknowledge me. Only a slight grunt erupted from his throat when I came to walk beside him, my breath hitched.

A few seconds flew by before I could see his car parked in the midst of everything.

     "Where are we going?" I mustered up enough courage to speak, however, the jerk beside me didn't even give me a qualified answer. He shrugged his shoulders with that I-don't-care-about-anything attitude I knew him by. It annoyed the fuck out of me.

Can you even say that? Well, that was how I felt and I was damned if I didn't let him know how big of an a-

"Aren't you supposed to be shy and shut up?" His sudden remark paused my stream of thoughts and brought me back to my absurd reality. The car key swung around his fingers in endless loops. The attached chain clattered against the other keys.

I drew my eyebrows down, fighting to find his eyes. I lost.

"Well, I wasn't born with a zipper on my mouth." The words came out a bit more sharp than intended. I almost sounded like my mother. Almost. I shivered.

"I figured."

I lifted my legs into the car, bent down and landed in the seat with a thud. Mike did the same beside me, roaring the car to life before I got to shut the car door. He pressed down the speeder and out into my biggest regret I went.
