Chapter 8

A/N this will mostly be a filler chapter since I'm really busy with school and I still don't have my computer.



   I reluctantly got out of my bed and grabbed some random clothes off my the floor. I hope they're clean. I shuddered that the thought of them being dirty, but I was too lazy to go to my closet and choose an outfit with the little clothes I have.

   I quickly walked pasted the cracked mirror and took a cold shower. The cold shower soothed my hot body (Indeeeeeeeed) and calmed my racing heart. I can never get a good night sleep now can I? The nightmares continued to haunt me in my sleep and they weren't getting better.

   I sighed and turned off the shower quickly and dried myself with a fluffy towel. I pulled my hair back into a messy bun and threw on the random clothes. I apparently grabbed a cropped hoodie that said, "I did in fact wake up like this." With the cropped hoodie, a pair of loose high rise jeans hugged my legs and hips. I didn't have a curvy figure whatsoever so I still looked pretty masculine other than my long H/C hair.

   I tugged on a loose strand and sighed heavily. Guess I should go get that haircut. I grabbed my keys and wallet before exiting the apartment. I rode the creaky elevator down to Ms. Pannie who gave me a lollipop. I shot a wink in her direction before leaving the complex.

   Now what's a good place to get a cut? I received my phone from my back pocket and opened Google. After 5 minutes of scrolling, I found one place with good reviews. I shoved my phone back into my pocket and started walking towards 'I'll Cut You!'. I shuddered slightly at the name as I approached the shop after 10 minutes of walking.

   I inhaled sharply and entered the shop. The interior was extremely nice and well kept. The walls were painted a dark lavender with painted rose vines climbing up the walls. One wall was lined up with spinny chairs and mirrors while the opposite wall was lined up with sinks and blow dryer bowls (Idk the name leave me alone!)

   I didn't see anyone in the shop which made me slightly more anxious. "Um hello?" 

   All of the sudden, a somewhat tall female popped out of the corner. "Oh! A customer! A cute one at that!" They winked at me as they rounded the corner. They had big, clear glasses sitting on the edge of their nose and bright, hot pink, curly hair. They looked to be around 5'8 and had a very curvy body. If I wasn't gay, I would honestly be attracted to them.

   They walked up to me and stuck their hand out. "I'm Ollie! My pronouns are they/them so get them right and I'm the owner of this wonderful establishment." (It's meeeeeeee!)

   Their hands were rough as they firmly shook my hand. "Ok so what are we doing today handsome?" I rubbed the back of my neck in a nervous manner.

   "A haircut would be nice. And my name is M/N." Their hand was placed on their chin as they circled me like a shark. A hum was heard every so often as they continued to circle me. 

   They looked up and made direct eye contact with me. A flinch was seen by them and their gaze softened just a little. "Anything you have in mind M/N?" I shook my head at them and they gave me a Cheshire Cat grin. "This is going to be fun." They grabbed my hand and dragged me to a chair. What did I get myself in to?


   "Okokokokok! You ready to see the final product?" I inhaled slowly and nodded my head at them. They removed their calloused hand from my E/C eye and I gasped quietly. I noticed Ollie bouncing in the corner of my eye, but I was too focused on me. They had cut about 8 inches off, which she plans on donating, and gave me a cut similar to theirs.

   My bangs sat right above my eyebrows and they gave me a faded undercut. My hand reached up and my ran my fingers through my soft locks. "Do you like it?" I turned and looked at Ollie. 

   They were rubbing and pulling on their fingers while chewing on their bottom lip. Their brown eyes were frantically looking all over the shop. They really want to know if I like it. "I love it." Their eyes locked on mine before shutting as they squealed. "Self high five!"

   They slapped their hands together and went to the counter. "Alrighty! That'll be on the house!" Wait what? I started waving my hands slightly in front of me. "Wait. Please let me pay." They crossed their arms across chest and shook their head. "Nope! On the house. Can't change my mind." I sweatdropped at them and sighed heavily. They're stubborn. 

   "Can I at least buy you lunch?"

    They raised their eyebrow at me. They have a slit in their left eyebrow. I tilted my head as I took notice of that. That was a random thought. I focused back to Ollie as they said, "Are you asking as a date or something else?" My face turned pink as I tried to explain how I had a boyfriend. The corner of their mouth turned up before snickering at me. "I'm teasing. I have a girlfriend." They reached over the counter and grabbed their phone, keys, and wallet. "Alrighty buckeroo. Where we going?"

   We walked out of that store linked by our arms as we walked to Cracker Barrel. "Hey M/N?"

   I hummed and looked slightly down at them. They turned their head and gave me a bright smile. "Friends?" I paused before giving a small smile back.

