Chapter 7

A/N We have computers in class right now!!!!


Kaoru POV

   My fingers danced across one another in a nervous manner. I'm going to ask M/N out. My face turned red and I buried my face into my hands. Though I tried to suppress it, a goofy smile broke through. I'm so helplessly in love with him. I huffed and slapped my face. 

   Stop being a wuss and just call him! I jumped off the bed and went into the music room of the house. Don't ask why I'm in the music room. Author-chan needs to move the story along and they're panicking. So back to the story; I walked into the music room and pulled out of phone. I noticed that my hand was slightly shaking. I took a deep breathe and pressed M/N contact.

   The line started ringing as my heart rate went up. Don'tpickupdon'tpickupdon't- "Hello?" Fuck me. "Hey M/N! I have a question?" I kept my voice even, but I was intensely pacing the whole room. My heart sat in my throat and my palms were sweaty. "Ok shoot." I took a deep breath which I'm pretty sure M/N heard. "Do you want to go on a date with me?"

   I held my breath as I waited for his answer. "Yeah that sounds nice." His voice was soft and seemed barely above a whisper. "What day?"

   "Later today if you want." He hummed and said how today would be perfect. I smiled real big and told him that I'll pick him up at 1 o'clock. He hummed again then hung up. Now before we became close, I considered that rude. Now, I simple accept that him humming then hanging up is an odd trait of his.

    The goofy smile stayed in my face dropping. "What am I going to wear?"


   What am I going to wear? I searched my closet and tried to pick something date worthy. I need to buy some new clothes. I huffed and tossed another shirt onto the floor. Note to self: Pick that up later. After 15 minutes of trashing my closet, I found a shirt I actually liked. It was a baggy shirt with a exposed shoulder hole that said 'That's a Terrible Idea [What Time?]' I threw it on along with some ripped jeans and my purple converse. 

    I reached for my hair to braid it before remembering Kaoru likes my hair down. My face turned pink before I grabbed a bandanna, folded it, and tied it around my head to keep my hair out of my face. Note to self: Get a haircut (next chapter I promise). 

   I grabbed my keys and my phone before rushing down to the lobby. Do I look ok? What if he's pitying me? What if- The elevator opened and Kaoru was eating candy from Ms. Pannie. She turned and her face lit up when she saw me "Oh hi dear! This handsome boy of a date was just talking about you." I moved my E/C eye to Kaoru with a raised eyebrow. "Really?" He chuckled nervously at me which in complete honesty melted my heart. I softened my gaze at him and offered a small smile to him. He grinned wildly at me. He walked forward and grabbed my hand.

    Both of our faces were red as Ms. Pannie started fangirling. "Shall we go?" I nodded at him and gently pulled me out of the building and towards a limo. I stopped which caused Kaoru to jerk backwards. He looked at me with confusion written on his face. I jerked my head at the extremely fancy limo. "Are we really going to ride in that?"

   "Yeah. Is that weird?"

   I pressed my mouth in a thin line. "A little for me."  

   He used his other hand to rub the back of his neck. "I forget that you're not rich." I hummed and tugged him towards the limo. "Might as well try to get use to it." I looked back and winked at him. His face blossomed red and I quietly laughed. This might actually be fun.


   We exited the movie laughing. Well, Kaoru was laughing; I was blowing air through my nose. "That movie was so funny!" 

   "Yeah! Especially the part when they ran out of the house screaming and the dad was super calm." I giggled a little and I felt Karou stop next to me. I turned to look at him and tilted my head at him. "Karou?"

   "Can I kiss you?" We stared at each other for a few seconds before our faces turned red and we looked down at the ground. I noticed his fingered were fidgeting and moving extremely face. I slowly looked up and inhaled. I walked foward and grabbed Kaoru's face. My hands mixed into his hair. 

   I brought his face right to mine and I pressed my lips to his. He didn't hesitate to kiss me back as he arms snaked around my waist and pressed me flush against his chest. Our lips seemed to be made for each other. They molded perfectly together and moved perfectly together.

   After a few seconds, Karou pulled back and I whined. Karou chuckled as I tried to bring his face to mine again. "Karou, stop being mean."

   "You have to earn my kisses." I looked up at him and pushed my bottom lip out. I gave him sad puppy eyes as I said, "Please?" He inhaled before cursing under his breath as he smashed his lips against him. They're so soft. I think I'm addicted. 

   We continued kissing before he licked my bottom lip. I whined and open my mouth which gave him access. No point fighting for dominance.  His tongue explored every part of my mouth as I quietly moaned into his mouth. He started pulling back, but not before I bit his lips. His lip was pulled into my mouth before I let go. A string of saliva connected up as his eyes wandered onto my lips. "M/N." I tilted my head up to brush my lips across his. We both shuddered before I said, "I would love to."

   "Be my boyfriend?" I smiled before gently kissing his addictive lips. I pulled back and kissed the tip his nose. I hummed a yes and he smiled down at me. That stupid smile of his. "I'll be the best boyfriend ever M/N." I softly smiled at him before kissing his cheek. "Not if I'm better." I turned towards the limo, but not before I caught Karou rolling his eyes at me with an idiotic smile on his face.
