Chapter 5

A/N I'm using a school computer again OwO. Don't forget to comment and vote!

Y'all should know the drill by now



   The doctor walked into my room. My white, blank, hospital room. He nervously kept looking from his clipboard to me. His eyes never stayed on my long. "So I have good news and bad news. Which would you like to hear first?" I would've said good news if I could. The stitches on my mouth prevented me from talking.

   I simple glared at him with blank eyes. He flinched and quickly looked down at his stupid clipboard again. "Well the good news is your mother is in jail. You'll never have to see her again unless you want a pane of glass between you two." He offered a small smile in my direction without moving his eyes.

   His smile shifted into a frown when he didn't get any kind of response from me. "Um, the bad news is that you will have a nasty scar on your face. It definitely won't be pretty." Wow, how sensitive of him. He nodded at me and turned to leave.

   Before he left the room, I heard what he muttered under his breath. I knew it wasn't meant for my ears, but nevertheless, I heard.

   "Have fun dying without every loving someone."

   I shot up with a strangled gasp. Every breathe hurt as my heart was racing in my chest. Calm down. It was only a dream. It's over. I kept saying these phrases over and over in my head, but they brought me no comfort. I felt all the progress from the host club just fall apart. 

   I buried my hands in my tangled hair and just pulled on the roots. I need to calm down. I forced my body to take a deep breathe in through my nose and exhale through my mouth. I repeated this tedious process for about 10 minutes until I deemed myself decent. Okay was such an appropriate word to use in this situation.

   I plopped back onto my bed and just stared at the cracks in the ceiling. Should I go out or stay home? I don't want to go out for pleasure, so maybe I'll go grocery shopping. I don't have any food now do I?

   I got up slowly so I wouldn't get a head rush and started getting ready for the day. I took my extra hot shower and did my usual hairstyle. I put on some ripped mom jeans with a Captain Marvel shirt tucked in with a beanie.(My current outfit) I look in the mirror and chuckled at myself. I look super feminine right now. Maybe I should get a haircut.

   I grabbed my wallet and took the elevator down to the lobby. "M/N! Do you want some candy dear?" Ms.Pannie smiled brightly at me as she asked the question. "What do you have miss?"

   "The usual!"

   I reached over as she handed me a lollipop. Perfect. I placed it in my mouth and offered Ms.Pannie a wink. Her cheeks went pink as I walked out of the apartment complex. I was about a block away from the store before I realized I winked at Ms.Pannie.

   Damn rich people. I grumbled under my breathe as I walked in. After about 10 minutes, I got everything I needed and paid. As I was walking out, I bumped into someone. 

   I looked up to say sorry only to see my favorite twin. He offered a crooked smile as he helped me up. "Hey handsome." I huffed at him while rolling my eyes. No longer my favorite twin. "What do you want Karou?"

   "So rude. I'm genuinely wounded." He shot another crooked smile at me. I simple gave him a blank stare. "Where's your other half?"

   "At home. Might be harassing Kyoya-senpai for all I know." Sounds about right. Karou leaned his head down towards my face. His lips seemed to me mere centimeters away from my lips. "What are you doing M/N?" My cheeks turned pink at how close he was. "I was getting food for myself."

   His eyes slowly went down to the bags in my hand then lazily went back up to mine. "Need help?" I pressed my mouth into a thin line.  I rather not have anyone at my apartment, but at the same time, it's Karou. I sighed causing Karou to back up a bit. "Ok but no flirting please. I don't have the energy."

   He smiled brightly at me before grabbing a bag then grabbing my hand. I jerked my head at him about to scold him when I saw how happy he looked. Damn cute rich people. I sighed heavily before pulling him out of the store. 

   This should be interesting.


Ok so can y'all vote whether or not reader should get a haircut???

 I might update again today, but if not I'M SORRY!!!!!! 
