The prison of gold and help from the crow part 2

Person:im dead I'm dead so dead*the person said scared*

Izuku:its ok mate I already dealt with the drill

Person:grabs him by the shirt*you don't understand he knows if you survive it he will order the guards to kill me

Izuku:who is he

Person:looks behind him*the golden lord shinrou takakemi captain of the gold pirates

Izuku:still don't see how this is bad

Person:he has everyone in this ship under his control dosent matter if  you manage to run out the gates are locked he has a army waiting for you there's no way to escape

As he starts to run away As a megaphone 

"Attention to all you scum on the lower floor I have a announcement there is a manhunt for the one trying to run  away and who ever doesn't want to join"

As  then a circle whit two blades appear on everyone's knecks and a arrow on the one trying to run

"Will be executed on the  spot so go ahead let the hunt bigen"

As then they start chasing him

Izuku:clocks a picaxe*ok its time to run

As it gets destroyed into  millions of  pieces keeping the hord at bey

Kirishima:finally I'm here captain

Izuku:yeah yeah youst take this thing off me

Kirishima:makes a white ball and goes to Brea it but it dint even do a scratch*

As a picaxe  goes for kirishimas head

As then another cuffs  block it

Tokoyami:less talking more runing there already gone

Izuku:kicks the prisoner away* yeah let's go Kirishima block the way by making the ceiling fall

Tokoyami:yeah let's go

Kirishima:makes to orbs*tremble that cuts the heaven*as he shoots shockwaves  and blocks the hallway*

Izuku:locks at the hallway that hand all doors broken*what did you do 

Kirishima:dint get specifics on what door it was so I blew each one

Tokoyami:I don't even know what to say 

Izuku:ok lets go there gas to be keys somewhere  in this room 

Kirishima:yes captain on it

Tokoyami:follows them*

16 minutes later 

Tokoyami:found them*holding them as he unlocks his handcuffs and unlocks izukus*

Izuku:ok lets go we have a captain to beat*as he goes to leave the room 

Tokoyami:you guys can do it I'm not whit you guys I'm going for my stuff*as he turned into a crow and flew away*

Izuku:lets go*as he started to run*


As they see a big building made of solid gold

Izuku:breaks down the door *

As pirates whit gold armor go to attack them

Izuku:thousand spikes of shadows*as he shoots 1 thousand spikes at them*

As they get up floor after floor  As they get to the penultimate floor this Dude rushes at them qnd goes for a punch

Kirishiman:blocks it*captain go ill take him on

Izuku:ok qs he rushes up the stairs*

Guy:funny that you think you can take me on

Kirishima:ha ha ha youre the only one making jokes here buddy

Guy:I am dice vice-captain of the gold pirates

Kirishima:and I'm Kirishima the guy who will shut your mouth

Meanwhile whit izuku 

Izuku:knoks down a door*

As we se a well dresed man suit and tie blond hair

Shinrou:so you're the guy making a  rocus down there ha

Izuku:exactly and you might be

Shinrou:Shinrou takakemi captain of the gold pirates and you

Izuku:the guy who came to beat you


Next chapter:confrontation whit the gold pirate a sniper joins the frame

Tokoyami:will be our tittle 
