The prison of gold and help from the crow

Izuku:whit a picaxe mining agiants peace of coal*come on Kirishima get here already

The heat of a furnace filling the entire area in a inmess heat

As then we see Kirishima walking around the wallof the ship*

Kirishima:should have had asked for specifics I'm gonna take a while

Back whit izuku 

Izuku:keeps mining *

As then some collapses  right by him as a little gold drill appears by him qnd goes for the kneck

Izuku:blocks it using  his chains*

As the drill dint break but dint stop untell the drill broke

Izuku:looks at the chains as they weren't even a small hole in them*control over gold ha*as she drags them to a hole in the cole*

5 minutes later

Person:wakes up*what happened 

Izuku:you were knoked out because of the heat
