A conquerors arrives

As he are now on a prison thousands of people yelling 

Guard:here*as he shoves q black haired guy into a cell and locks it*

Guy:shes could have been a little less pusshy

"Atleast you got pushed in"

As then the black haired guy meets eyes whit a red haired guyeho was chained to the wall

Red haired guy:they tre me here and pinned me to the wall Kirishima by the way  what you in for

Black haired guy:izuku in here for disturbance of the peace and resisting arrest and you

Kirishima:really pff way better than my reason

Izuku:really what is it

Kirishima:well you'll see I got here off my  own will to se how long it will take for me to get out

Izuku:then why dont we make a bet

Kirishima:I'm interested I'm interested 

Izuku:who ever gets out first the other has to join the other on the sea

Kirishima:your on

Izuku:so are you gonna get out of the chains

Kirishima:yeah*as they sudenly burts*now do you mind if I break this thing down

Izuku:I don't

Kirishima:makes a white ball*hypocenter quake

As then it breaks into millions of pieces

As then sirence are heard

Marines:prisoners get back to your cells

Izuku:spikes of a thousand shadows*as he shoots a thousand spikes made of  darkness towards the mariness*

As they go into a room

Izuku:there we go*as he grabs his clothes  and sword*

Kirishima:*grabs his*

15 minutes later 

Izuku:you ready to se who can get out first

Kirishima:of course 

As they  rush towards thousand of marines  

Kirishima:unstoppable tremmor*making a shockwave*

30 marines:gonna attack izuku*

Izuku:Midnight cut*launching a slash of darkness*

Izuku:kicks one*darkness pillar

Making a pillar of darkness 

As they both rush out

Izuku:comes out first*I win


Izuku:but we shoul keep runing because we're gonna have a ton of marines behind us

Kirishima:yeah we should 

Both:starts blitzing to a boat and starts sailing away*

Marines:dam you black haired pirate

Ixuku:for all of you it's Izuku d. xebeck


Next tittle:A ship of gold the gold of 
