
Audrey's P.O.V.-

Tomorrow was the wedding. And I was dreading it with all of my heart. It's been a month since the engagement party. A month since I'd since Harry's soul practically shatter as Aziz and I walked around the party, with fake smiles plastered on our faces. I'd hung out with Harry almost every night meaning I was usually exhausted throughout the whole day. 

But I couldn't let my mother know that so I smiled through the exhaustion. The exhaustion was worth it if it meant that I could see Harry. But tomorrow was the day that we'd have to tie the knot. The knot between Aziz and me that we really didn't want to tie. I hated this with all of my heart, but there was nothing I could do about it but get married silently.

Tonight though Harry planned on taking me out on our first official date. I was currently waiting for him in my garden. It was currently midnight as I sat there on the grass, in my jean shorts and a light blue t-shirt. My hair was tied up in a loose bun as I sat there looking around until I spotted Harry running carefully towards me in the shadows of the night.

"Harry!" I whispered as he approached throwing my arms around him with a smile on my face. 

"Hey princess I missed you," Harry said smiling as he hugged me back. "We can chat when we're at the date location, we're too close to your mother right now," Harry said grimacing as he looked up the large castle.

Harry took my hand leading me quickly down the street. We ran together as fast we could until we found ourselves, at the beach. I smiled at Harry happily looking towards the water. The clear waves crashed calmly onto the shore. Everything about this moment was perfect. But as we stepped onto the sand I spotted our date.

A small lonely picnic blanket with different types of desserts piled onto a small tray. I smiled gratefully up at harry as we ran towards the blanket. When we finally reached the blanket Harry took my hands in his large ones smiling down at me. I looked back up at him eyes wide, as he cupped my cheek.

"I know that I might just be the pirate, but I want you to know that this pirate loves you with all of his heart," Harry said smiling.

"And I love you," I said smiling back at him blushing as he leaned down placing a firm kiss on my lips.

My eyes fluttered shut as I kissed him back. This was perfect. This was love. And I loved love. I felt sparks of electricity surge through my body as I kissed him back with a smile on my lips. When we broke apart for air, I smiled at Harry shyly, before sitting down on the picnic blanket. Harry quickly took his seat beside me as I looked over the different choices for treats. 

There were macaroons, cupcakes, cookies, meringues, Cremebrulle, and cakes. I sighed contently kissing Harry on the cheek, before reaching for a cupcake with a smile on my face. I took off the cup, holding it in front of Harry's mouth. Harry chuckled before biting the cupcake whole making me burst out with laughter. 

"Delicious," Harry muttering wiping the icing off of his face with a napkin. 

"You missed some!" I said kissing the spot on his cheek which still had icing on it. 

"Oh yo have some too!" Harry said taking a cupcake off of the tray, tapping the cupcake onto my nose lightly.

"Harry!" I said blushing as I took the cupcake from him placing it on his cheek. "Now it's on you!"

And that's how our night went, laughing, playing around, and eating. But most of all just spending time with each other when we needed it most. Because we both knew that tomorrow our lives would both be different for the worst. We'd never be the same. We still hadn't talked about our plans for the future but we knew that we loved each other. We didn't want to lose each other over some stupid wedding that we didn't want to have.

But all I wanted was for tonight to become everyday. To become my everyday life waking up with harry spending all of our time together.
