Work out

Harry's P.O.V.-

Today was the day of the engagement party. Audrey seemed so sad standing beside Aziz with a fake smile plastered on her face as she welcomed guests thanking them for coming. But he looked absolutely gorgeous, standing in her large light purple ball gown with her hair tied back into a braided half up half down hairstyle. On top of her braid was a small silver tiara. Fit for my beautiful princess.

Aziz was wearing black tux paint, a white shirt, a teal tux coat, and a black-tie. His long brown hair was tied back into a low ponytail behind him. He also didn't seem very happy. I mean Audrey had told me that he also didn't want to get married so that was probably why.

It's been a week since they announced the engagement and Audrey seemed absolutely miserable when she met me on the isle. But we talked and that was enough. That would have to be enough for both of us. We had to appreciate what's we got. And what we got was limited time to talk to each other in the middle of the night. 

"Harry?" Uma asked approaching me unsurely, she was wearing a teal mermaid dress, with her hair in tight braids resting on her shoulders. 

"Yeah?" I asked turning towards her with a sad smile on my lips. I missed Audrey, I missed hanging out with her in the daylight not truly hiding.

"You look nice." She said smiling, at me as she looked towards Audrey.

"Thanks," I muttered looking back over to where Audrey was standing with Aziz.

I was wearing a white shirt with a maroon tux coat, with black tux pants, and black dress shoes. My black hair was just how Audrey liked it. A complete mess on my eye. I had my hook in my hand because it was just very important to me, and I wore some eyeliner, just so I didn't look like everyone else in their preppy happy outfits. And it made me look more like a pirate. Her pirate.

"Listen, Harry, I know everything's going to work out," Uma said squeezing my hand comfortingly. "I know you and I know Audrey. You guys will figure it out." 

The moment Audrey and I became a thing I'd told Uma, and Gil. I mean they were my best friends and the only people I truly trusted with my secrets. Gil didn't really say anything he didn't really care but Uma was static, which was very unlike her. 

"I really hope your right," I said smiling down at my captain, as Audrey and Aziz made their way over to us.

"Welcome thank you for coming!" Audrey said with a formal smile. The smile she was forced to wear everywhere.

"Of course it's our pleasure," I said as Audrey looked into my eyes. 

She blushed as I winked at her she cleared her throat looking down for a moment before looking back up at my face. Her eyes seemed to fill with tears that she quickly wiped away angrily.

"I have to go greet the rest of the guests, stay well," Audrey said looking into my eyes with a sad smile which I returned.

"Anything for you princess." 

And just like that, she was swept away by Aziz as they continued to greet the guests. Just as I was about to sneak away from the party, somebody, tapped my shoulder. I turned around to see Mal and Ben smiling at me.

"Hye, Harry," Mal said with a smile which I returned. "Are you okay?" 

I cleared my throat before responding. "Of course why wouldn't I be?" I asked laughing awkwardly, as Ben, Mal, and Uma looked at me as if I was crazy.

"Well everyone knew that you and Audrey had something going but now she's getting married," Ben said nervously rubbing his neck.

"We do have something she doesn't want to get married, it's her parents. Aziz doesn't want to get married either. Audrey and I have been sneaking around at night to see each other." I gushed telling them everything. I really needed to let that out of my system.

"That's so romantic!" Mal said smiling, but her smile fell, remembering that Audrey was gonna be married off soon. "Listen you guys were made for beachgoers, and I promise you this will work out." She smiled as her purple hair bounced upon her shoulders.

And for a moment I believed what they said. That everything would work out.
