All I can think about

Harry's P.O.V.-

I was currently sitting on my foldout beach chair, by King Ben's pool. I know right? King Ben's pool. Just two weeks, ago I would have never imagined seeing the sun. Let alone sitting on a beach chair, beside King Ben's pool, with King Ben, Carlos, Jay, Doug, Chad, and Gil. Reality still hasn't sunken in for me, and I'm not sure it ever will. Because every time I get used to this becoming my reality, she shows up.

In all her glory, with her perfect light blonde hair with pink and blue streaks. And her beautiful chocolate-colored eyes. Her perfectly full and kissable lips. Her grin could fix even the worst of days. She was all I'd been thinking about since the day the barrier came down.

Ever since we shared that dance. 

"Harry!" Ben said trying to snap me out of my thoughts.

Ben was in the pool, splashing Carlos and Jay, who was splashing him back with a greater force. Gil was tanning on a large rubber duck floatie. Chad and Doug raced each other back and forth around the pool. I sat up in my beach chair taking off my sunglasses to look at him. 

"What?" I asked stretching my arms.

My black hair was a mess, on the top of my head, has a wore dark red, swim trunks, with no shirt, and no hook. Always being on the run had its benefits, also known as well defined abs. 

"Come on into the pool!" He said grinning, from ear to ear.

Ben's brown hair was a soggy mess on his head. He wore light blue swim trunks with little gold crowns scatter all over it, he also had no shirt on. Gil's slightly longer hair was in a low ponytail. He was wearing black sunglasses, over his eyes. He had no shirt, on, with plain brown swim trunks. 

Since Ben had been talking to me Jay and Carlos being the best of Isle friends, were no trying to drown each other. Carlos was wearing black swim trunks with red paint splotches, with his black and white hair in a tangled mess on his head. Jay had his long hair in a man bun, as he swam around in his dark yellow swim trunks. 

Chad's blonde hair was a tangled mess as he swam around in his white swim trunks. Doug swam along beside him as they raced, Doug wearing seafoam green swim trunks.

I wonder what Audrey would look like in a bathing suit. Nope stop thinking about her Harry! You've been thinking about her all week give your mind at least a day to recover from thinking about all of her beauty. I smiled and blushed a bit as I thought of her but my blush and smile quickly disappeared as I remember Ben was watching me.

"Fine," I said standing up.

I stretched my arms, before turning towards the pool, then I ran as fast as I could before cannonballing into the pool, catching Gil off guard. The poor boy flopped off of his duck floatie in shock, before resurfacing to complain.

"Harry!" He called out in annoyance. 

"Calm down, Tanner," I said sticking my tongue out at him.

"Stop calling me that!" He complained splashing me.

He had I right to splash me if I'm being honest. I had been calling him that all day. Oh and it was already 6 pm, and we had gotten here around 10 am, so it had been a while. I smirked at Gil, before splashing him back. Gil gave me a glare as he splashed me yet again, I gave a death stare which said 'this means war!' I then splashed him so forcefully that he slipped a bit.

"Fight!" Jay called out loudly as Carlos jumped onto his back pushing him underwater. 

"Sure," I said looking at Gil who splashed water right into my eyes. "Ow!" I called out rubbing my eyes, before opening them back up to splash Gil once more.

"Sire!" A plump happy looking Mrs. Potts called out causing all to turn around to look at her. 

"Yes, Mrs. Potts?" Ben asked with a smile.

"The barbequed, foods are ready!" She said grinning at all of us. 

"Yes!" Carlos and Jay yelled at the same time.

We all clambered out of the pool before running down around the turret of Beast Castle to see a large table with about ten chairs pulled up to it. The table itself was full of all different forms of cooked meat, enough to make your stomach get full just by the sight. There were also some vegetables so make some sandwiches and tons of different types of condiments, and pieces of different types of bread.

I quickly grabbed up some traditional burger bread, before reaching, for a giant burger party, some pieces of bacon, lettuce, tomatoes, onions, cheese, and to finish it off some ketchup. Once I shut my burger and put it into my mouth a couldn't help but audibly moan.

I still hadn't gotten used to the food here but I sure knew that I loved burgers. Well, thanks to Audrey. Ugh! My mind always manages to find an excuse to think about her. But then again who's complaining? She's smart, gorgeous, and she even looks attractive when she's jealous. Not many people can pull that one-off. 

But somehow she managed. She managed to make it look easy. She managed to steal my whole heart.


YES. YES. YES. TEAAAAA. Tell me that you guys aren't flipping outright not! This story is getting juicy! But believe me, I'm writing ahead and this ain't going to be the first time you guys flip out! *She said laughing maniacally.* Anywho I love you guys! Please stay safe, and I hope you enjoyed it! Much Love!

