Your Birthday

This is basically what he would do or get you for your birthday...

Ponyboy; Their was a movie playing at the nightly double that you really wanted to see so he took you there. When you guys walked back to his house he gave you your present. You love reading so he got you your own copy of "Gone With The Wind", since you always take his. He also tried giving you something else but it was both your first time and you didn't think you where ready for that just yet.

Dally; A couple of days ago you saw the prettiest bracelet, you even stoped the lady that was wearing it to see where she had gotten it. It was the perfect present but, the problem was you couldn't afford it. He knew how bad you wanted it so he ended up stealing it from the store. It's not the first time he's has stolen something for you but, it was still kinda hot tho ;)

Johnny; This boy alway goes all out for everything, especially when it involves his girl. For your birthday he took you out to the Dingo for something to eat, you've always liked eating there. Then he took you to the lot where he had blankets, pillows, little snacks, and some candles for light. You guys stayed up pretty late watching the stars and when you got tired you'd would just fall asleep in his arms.

Steve; You have wanted this for a long time but you didn't have room for it or you couldn't afford it. He saved up all of his money and even took some extra shifts at the DX just to get if for you. When you took the lid off the box you couldn't help but freak out over the cute little puppy, he knew you couldn't keep it at your house so it stays at his. Now your over at his house even more :)

Soda; Your birthday was around the time when the fair was open, he new you loved the fair. He had planned the whole day there. You both had an amazing time, even he wouldn't go on certain rides with you. What a big scared baby.

Two-bit; he got you a collection of Minnie things, that boy lmao. You love Minnie as much he does Micky, not to mention he loves seeing you in it :)

Darry; Darry got you a promise ring. At first you thought he was proposing, you got really nervous and slightly freaking out bc you knew you weren't ready yet. When he realizing you reaction to it he quickly reassured you it was just a promise ring.

I Hope You Guys Enjoyed and want to keep reading :)
I think these are kinda cute!
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Word Count- 472
