Dally Winstions Ideal Girl

These are basically what their dream girl would have and act like....

-has a wild side
-puts him in his place from time to time
-gets him outta trouble
-always has his back
-long, wavy, brown hair
-soft blue/green eyes
-gets along with the gang
-smart about everything
-shares the same humor as him
-loves Johnny
-understands Dally's and Johnny's relationship
-gets jealous when he talks to other girls
-makes sure everyone knows she belongs to him
-loves fights
-she isn't afraid to fight anyone
-she hates arguing with him
-lets him have his fun, criminal wise unless it's really serious and could get him into a lot of trouble
-missing him and daydreaming about him when he's in the cooler
-hyping him up before a rumble
-loves it when he's being sweet and cuddles with her

Obviously these are not accurate, they are just for fun! It dosent matter if you hold these traits or not, he'd still drop dead for you, gorgeous!

I hope you guys enjoyed
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Word Count- 183
