Cuddling • Visual

Ponyboy; you two will be talking and he will wrap his arm around you and pull you close to his chest. You guys would normally stay there for a while most of the time you would fall asleep like that.

Dally; He isn't a big cuddler but when you guys do he will wrap his arm around you and hold your hand, he sometimes falls asleep and you will stay there for hours. It's the sweetest thing he can give you :))

Johnny; He holds you really close and wraps his arms around you. When you two cuddle he normally thinks sweet things like having a future with you. He'll kiss your head and make sure your still comfortable like a cute boyfriend would :)

Steve; He would pull you onto of him and wrap an arm around you and the other messing with you hair. He would give you sweet kisses and make it feel like you've been there forever :)

Soda; He would roll over and pull you close to his chest. You guys would stay there for hour while he would whisper sweet things to you ear or kiss your neck:)

Two-bit; You guys cuddle a lot after an argument. You just can't stay mad at that cute, goofy face of his. You try to refuse it but then you end up rolling over just to get close to him.

Darry; You Guys normally cuddle after a fight and he's most likely sleeping. You would keep staring at him because you just can't stay made at him. You will end up grabbing his arm and tossing it over you , hugging him. He will realize sooner or later and pull you closer to him, and he will plant little kisses over your head.

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Word Count- 313
