
Biana grunted as she kicked the side of a stalagmite, pain shooting up her foot. Tears or sweat, Biana didn't know, fell past her face and dropped onto the stone floor. She choked out a sob as she collapsed to the floor, clutching her stinging foot. 

Despite the cold temperatures, Biana was burning up. Her hair suffocated her neck, so she'd tied it into a braid. But with no hair tie, it continued to come undone.

"Agh!" she screamed as she picked herself up to try again. But was only met with the same result. The sharp rocks didn't even crumble a little. Whereas Biana was growing wary and exhausted by the minutes. She cursed, punching a wall with her remaining strength. Another mistake on Biana's part, her knuckles were now bleeding and felt as though they were broken.

They should've been after how many times she'd hit the wall. But apparently she was tougher than she thought. Tougher than she felt. 

"Sophie," she grunted. But her voice faded into the distance with no response. She inhaled a deep breath.

"Sophie!" she screamed, "Sophie! Get back here!" she demanded, her words breaking into a weak sob as her cries remained ignored. Collapsing back onto her knees, she curled into a small ball of self pity and sobbed. 

She was so useless. So helpless. Weak. Fake. Pitiful. Sophie was going to hurt her friends because Biana had failed to help her friend. Failed to bring her back. 

But Biana's sobs were interrupted by voices echoing down the hall. They were faint. Too small to understand. However, she could recognize that voice anywhere. 

"Dex?" she whimpered, scrambling to her feet.

"Dex? Dex!" she called out, her voice scraping her throat, "DEX! DEX! DEX!" 

She didn't care if she sounded like Silveny. Dex was just down the hall. Now Biana had to escape. Not that she hadn't tried her hardest before. She had. But now, it wasn't just for herself. It was for Dex. And the Song twins. And Marella. And Stina, sadly. 

"Biana?" a voice called back, but it was silenced by a loud boom! Biana twitched. Was Dex with the Neverseen? Were they hurting him? 

"Dex!" Biana cried out, tears stinging her eyes as she knocked against the rocks. Full body force, this time. If the Neverseen were hurting him, Biana couldn't forgive herself. Not because it was her fault. But because she'd been to weak to stop them. Too weak to even break through a couple rocks. 
