
Biana watched as her brother stomped off. Guilt swelled inside her as she watched. Fitz was mad at her. But finding Keefe was the best thing, wasn't it? Biana didn't know. She felt clueless and lost. So. Utterly. Lost. 

Biana blinked, and a couple tears slipped past her cheeks as she sat beneath the beautiful tree. 

"Screw Fitz," she whispered, holding back sobs "I don't need him to find Keefe. And I'm sick of being helpless. I've got to do something." Now, with newfound determination, Biana rushed towards Havenfield, passing her brother without a second thought.

She just needed to get to the leapmaster and use it to go to the Forbidden Cities. She'd had the thought to get the rest of her friends. Linh, Marella, and especially Dex. 

However, she worried she wouldn't get another chance like this. Woltzer or even Grady and Edaline might try and stop her. Then again, it was Sophie that was missing. And Biana was trying to help Sophie. So maybe...?

"Biana?" Edaline asked when she'd answered the door. Biana tried a smile- though it felt foreign on her face after everything that had happened. 

"Hey, I was wondering if I could take a look around Sophie's room? I want to make sure she didn't leave any clues as to what might've happened?" It wasn't the truth. But, she worried the truth would scare Edaline. As, she might be worried to lose someone else to the Forbidden Cities. 

Edaline returned the smile, though it seemed more of a grimace as she gestured for Biana to enter.

"Thank you," she smiled, before rushing off for the stairs. Completely passing by Sophie's room as she went. Until finally, she reached the leapmaster. She spun the dial to the Forbidden Cities and let the warmth take her away. The last thing she saw was Edaline's shocked face as she raced after Biana. 

Biana gave her a confident but comforting smile as she said, "I just wanna find Sophie." 

And the next thing either of them knew, Biana was gone. 
