
Sophie froze. How did she know? What had told her? Biana wasn't the boy in the memory. There was no way. So, how? 

The questions swarmed in Sophie's head, buzzing with excitement and overlapping all other thoughts. 

"Sophie?" Biana said again, and Sophie broke free from her trance. Clenching her fists, she glared into Biana's eyes.

"How do you know that name?!" Sophie knew Biana knew the name. She'd even claimed to 'know' Sophie. But... to see them as the same person? Even with Sophie's disguise? She tugged at her hair. Yep. Still red. Her eyes? No. She couldn't see them, of course. But she knew it wasn't that. It had something to do with the memory. But what? 

"How do you know that name?" Sophie repeated, reeling in on Biana to study her face. 

"You're Sophie, right?" was all Biana said, angering Sophie. 

"Answer my questions and I'll answer yours," she offered. A huff escaped Biana, but Sophie ignored it. She needed answers. And willingly was the best way to go. 

"Fine," Biana said, not taking her eyes off Sophie. Not even blinking. Biana's confident, arrogant attitude was back. And determination replaced her tears. 

"How do you know my name?" Sophie quizzed, for what felt like the billionth time. 

"I know Sophie," Biana said, reciting her earlier claim, "She's my friend." 

"I'm not your friend," Sophie spat, straightening back to her original stance a safe distance from the girl. 

"Sophie's my friend," Biana repeated, "We've been friends for years now."

Sophie wanted to protest, promise she'd never been friends with the enemy. But... Sophie was intrigued. Biana looked so confident. So sure of herself. She wasn't wavering as she said the words. Didn't she know what she was saying? She was saying she'd befriended the enemy

So, Sophie urged Biana to continue, curious. 

"You're not my enemy, Sophie," Biana said, as if reading Sophie's mind, "We've been friends since forever. A couple months after you first came to the Lost Cities. At Foxfire." 

"You're mind is warped," growled Sophie, "I never attended Foxfire. I came to the Lost Cities, sure. But Mr. Forkle was trying to use me. I was his weapon. His toy. Alvar showed me the truth. That I was better than a simple plaything. I'm someone. Because of Alvar. You're mind is warped," Sophie repeated. 

"No, Sophie. That memory? The people hurting you? That was the Neverseen. That was Alvar. He's lying to you. That memory was after you and Dex first got kidnapped. Alvar had taken you. kidnapped you. Until Mr. Forkle rescued you and saved you from them." 

Sophie shook her head, stumbling back. She leaned against the wall, needing support. 

"You're lying. You're tricking me. Manipulating me," Sophie tried a laugh. But it came out as a nervous chuckle, "That's what I get for telling you my secrets. But don't worry. I'll make sure that doesn't happen again." 

Sophie approached Biana, attempting to transport her somewhere secure. Maybe another cave to act as a prison? But before Sophie even got close, Biana sprang to her feet, flashing her rope-free wrists. Though, they were covered in welts and swollen red. 

Sophie sucked in a breath, imagining the pain on her own arms. Sophie lunged for Biana, snarling as Biana bolted left. Sophie spun around, turning to meet Biana. But... she was gone. Invisible. 

Sophie cursed, letting the rage and irritation flow through her. She was not going to let Biana escape. Not when she could tell everyone her identity. The Black Swan. 

What would Alvar think? Would he think she's a disappointment? A failure? Lose faith in her? Nope. No way. Sophie was too powerful for Biana. She could easily best her. A Vanisher vs. a Polyglot, Telepath, Inflictor, Teleporter, and Enhancer. Who would win?

Sophie smirked as she released all the negative emotions from her body. Letting her heart's feelings spike everywhere around her until she heard a thud somewhere to the left. Near the exit. 

Sophie raced towards the noise. She had almost let Biana escape! Quickly, she felt for Biana's invisible body until she felt a warm, bumpy surface. The welts on Biana's wrists. 

She cringed as she imagined them, but kept focused on her goal. Rebinding Biana, tighter. And then dragged the girl to another room in the cave-- her new prison. It was perfect. Stalactites and stalagmites filled the area. A perfect prison. Snapping her fingers, she channeled the quick rush of her fingers throughout her body until she had teleported to the other side-- one of the many useful tricks Alvar had taught her.

Alvar. She could trust him... right? Of course. He was like an older brother. She trusted him with her life, remember? So, why was she so uncertain? What was this doubt? 

Sophie dropped Biana before snapping a second time, this time teleporting back to the other side. 

"Don't worry. Once Alvar's back, he'll set things straight," Sophie growled, stomping away to rethink her life choices. 

Alvar was telling the truth, right?
