Get To Know Each Other

Friday, June 1 [9:45PM]

The scene cuts to a limousine driving in the road between buildings. In the limousine, the three known 11-year-old kids, sitting in the second row of seats, are having an open forum with the First Lady, sitting in the front at the right side with the President at the driver's seat, which is the left side.

First Lady: *turns around and faces at them* So kids, are you ready for this amazing vacation?

Ronnie Anne: Woohoo! This will be the best vacation ever!

Lincoln and Clyde: (appear each other) Oh yeah, it's a friendship vacation!

The President: (wondering) Well, kind of...

First Lady: *chuckles* Of course, honey! We're being friendly to them.

The President: Oh, ok. I get it.

First Lady: (to the kids) So, I want you to introduce yourselves. Because you already knew my history and how me and my husband met, I told that earlier at the house.

Lincoln, Clyde & Ronnie Anne: Oh, ok.

First Lady: So, let's start with you, girl.

Ronnie Anne: Ok, my name is Ronalda Anne Santiago, or in case, you can call me "Ronnie Anne" as a cute name since my two friends here used to call me that.

First Lady: Alright, Ronnie Anne, explain to us your history.

Ronnie Anne: Well, I'm 11 years old, same as my friends here.

First Lady: Oh, so the three of you have the same age, and that's 11 years old?

Lincoln & Clyde: Yes.

First Lady: Ummm...well, ok. So Ronnie Anne, is that the part of your history you've explained?

Ronnie Anne: No, not yet, there's more!

First Lady: Oh, ok I'm listening.

Ronnie Anne: I live in a residence with my big brother, my mom, my aunt, my uncle, my cousins and my grandparents.

First Lady: Oh, so you live in one residence with your relatives?

Ronnie Anne: Yep, and we have 2 pets, a big dog and a parrot.

First Lady: Oh, you have pets?

Ronnie Anne: Yeah, the best pets we've ever had.

First Lady: Wait, you said you live together with your brother, mom, aunt, uncle, grandparents and cousins.

Ronnie Anne: Uh, yeah!

First Lady: How about your father?

Ronnie Anne: He passed away.

First Lady: (shocked) What? How is that possible?

Ronnie Anne: Sickness, but I don't know what type.

First Lady: Well...ok? But thank you for telling about yourself. (to Clyde) Next, is you, the boy with glasses.

Clyde: (shy)

First Lady: Yes mister, come on, don't be shy.

Clyde: (still shy) Well...*inhales and exhales*...alright! My name is Clyde McBride and I live with my two dads.

First Lady: (shocked) What you live with your two dads?

Clyde: Yep.

First Lady: Where's your mother then?

Clyde: She broke up with my very first dad. I don't know what's the reason to that, maybe it's because he cheated on her.

First Lady: Haven't you asked him?

Clyde: Yeah I asked him, but he refused to answer. Maybe next time If I went back home in this town, I'd rather asked my very first dad.

First Lady: Well, as what I've said, you have to do. Anyways, (to Lincoln) how about this "white-haired" one?

Lincoln: Ok, I'm ready, miss!

But suddenly, the limousine got stucked in traffic.

The President: (angry) Aww, come on! This is a red light situation!

First Lady: Honey, calm down! You have to be patient! This traffic will be over after 90 seconds!

The President: *exhales* Ok, I'll just wait, sorry!

First Lady: It's okay, it's just a small problem. (to Lincoln) Alright kid, let's see your history.

Lincoln: (coughs) Ahem! *speaks formally* My name is Lincoln Loud. And you may be wondering why my hair is white, is because I got this from my grandpa who also had the same color as mine.

First Lady: Oh ok, you still have white hair even if now, you're still young. Do any person insult you because you have that color of your hair?

Lincoln: Yep, but I forgot who. Yet, he or she stopped doing it because it's bad.

First Lady: Hopefully! Anyways, continue your explanation about yourself.

Lincoln: Well, you may get surprised that I actually live in a huge family, which means I have 10 sisters, I don't have a single brother.

The President & First Lady: (surprised shockingly) WHAAAATTT?! TEN SISTERS?!

First Lady: But how?

Lincoln: I don't know, maybe it's just because I'm lucky to have those.

The President: Wow Lincoln, you really have a huge family!

Lincoln: (to The President) Yes, sir. And my two friends here knows it already.

First Lady: Wait, what? (to Clyde and Ronnie Anne) Do both of you already knew he has 10 sisters?

Ronnie Anne: Me, I know he has 10, but I don't know all of their names. I only know 3 of them, and one of them is my brother's girlfriend.

Clyde: I've already met all of them even his baby sister.

First Lady: Oh, ok. Ronnie Anne, since your brother's girlfriend is Lincoln's oldest sisters, do you have a boyfriend?

Ronnie Anne: Ummm...yeah, it's Lincoln.

First Lady: (surprised) What? It's him?!

Ronnie Anne: (blushes) Yeah, we both love each other half of the time. But the other half of time, we're basically just friends. Many people especially his sisters, my brother and my relatives think that we're a couple.

First Lady: (smiles happily) So, are you?

Ronnie Anne: (blushes) Probably, it's a yes! But again, we're just friends.

Clyde & First Lady: (grinned) Ooooooh, REALLY?

Ronnie Anne: (blushes) Duh, yeah! But we're a couple some of the time, alright?

Clyde: (laughs) Oh, Ronnie Anne we're just playing with you!

First Lady: Yeah, as what Clyde said...

Ronnie Anne: (exhales and smiles) I understand.

*the three of them laughed together*

While 3 of them are chuckling, Lincoln smiles happily to them. Luckily, the traffic light of the street where the limousine is in turns green.

The President: (very proud) Oh finally, this traffic is over! (to Lincoln) Oh, and Lincoln, I have a question for you.

First Lady: Well, this conversation is the best. *chuckles*

Lincoln: (to The President) Ummm, what is it, sir?

The President: Does it take it hard for you to live with 10 sisters?

Lincoln: Not really, my sisters are so nice to me! Probably mostly everyday, they always hugged me and kissed me in the cheeks so sweet and with love, but sisterly love, not a romantic love.

The President: Awww, your sisters and so sweet to you!

Lincoln: Yeah, as long as they would never break my heart and tear my life apart. They're always my protectors forever!

Friday, June 1 [10:00PM]

The whole town of Royal Woods is very quiet which means every house and neighborhood is silent. The people from the concert earlier, including the rockstars, slept early for tomorrow's huge and wild party at Kirby's mansion. Except for the "5 people", which they're not invited, still reaching for their vacation in one huge city far away from Royal Woods. It's actually a city where is all "Christmas-ish" and the president of the city there is Santa Claus, yet the secretary is his wife Mrs. Claus. But most of the population there are dwarves, some are elves and some are normal humans dressed as Santa Claus costumes. You'll find out the whole city and its civilization in next chapters, but now let's focus on the "5 people" interact in this chapter.

Ten minutes passed, Royal Woods was really quiet and not a single person or vehicle made a noise. Only, the limousine itself where the President's driving. In the limo, Lincoln, Clyde and Ronnie Anne are all sleeping together in the second row, but the President and the First Lady are not asleep since they're at the front of the limo. Yet, the First Lady turns around the see kids sleeping.

First Lady: (talks softly) Awww, the kids slept together so cute and sweet.

The President: Yeah, those children are lovingly get together.

First Lady: (talks in a low voice) They sure they do, and look at Lincoln. He is in the middle putting his right arm around Clyde's neck and Clyde put his head on Lincoln's right shoulder for his headrest. He also put his left arm around Ronnie Anne's neck and Ronnie Anne puts her head on his left shoulder for her another headrest.

The President: (smiles) Yeah, so sweet!

But luckily, the limo stopped at a burger joint called "Burpin' Burger". It was still open until midnight, so the President wanted his wife and the kids to eat snacks and drink soda. The President drives his limo into the drive-thru station to order food and beverages for everyone.

Employee In Speaker: Hello, welcome to Burpin' Burger! What's your order?

The President: We like to have three deluxe burgers, one cheeseburger, one pack of 10 chicken nuggets and 5 packs of medium french fries.

Employee In Speaker: Ok, do you need any drinks?

The President: Yes, please! All medium-sized drinks.

Employee In Speaker: Medium-sized drinks, what are they?

The President: Ummm, they're cola, chocolate milkshake, strawberry juice, hot coffee and iced tea.

Employee: Ok, so one is cola, one is chocolate milkshake, one is strawberry juice, one is hot coffee and one is iced tea. Is that all?

The President: Yes, have you correct all our orders, sir?

Employee In Speaker: I'll memorize your orders again.

*the employee in the speaker says all of their orders*

The President: Yes, that's all of them! No lack of one and no extra one.

Employee In Speaker: Ok, sir! Just meet me in the cashier area to the next station.

The President: Thanks!

He drives his limousine to pay and get their orders. After that, he drives his limo off the burger joint. Now, he's about to reach for where they need to go.

Friday, June 1 [10:15PM]

The limousine parked at a parking lot with several vehicles in there. They went off the car, get their suitcases and luggages (especially for the 11-year-olds) for their stuff needed and went into the train station. At least, The President brought the food orders for the kids (two of the deluxe burgers, three of the packs of French fries, the pack of 10 chicken nuggets, 3 of the medium-sized drinks which were cola, chocolate milkshake and strawberry juice), and he also brought his (hot coffee and one of the deluxe burgers) and the First Lady's food order (iced tea and cheeseburger) as well.

They went inside the train station for buying their tickets to the cashier. There were several or many people there (but not most characters from the show) just doing what they supposed to did. Anyway, The President tells the others that he'll buy tickets for all of them including him, then he does it. While waiting, the First Lady and the 11-year-old kids are looking at the train arrival schedule. The first train starts at 4:00AM then followed by the next train arrivals by 55 minutes (e.g. if one train arrival is at 3:00PM, the next one is at 3:55PM, then the next one is at 4:50PM, and so on) until the last train arrives at that same station at 2:00AM. They found a train arrival time that could give them so much joy.

First Lady: Yes, we're finally gonna be early! What time is it, kids?

Ronnie Anne: It's 10:10PM.

Lincoln and Clyde: (cheered in excitement) Awww, yeah!

Clyde: This is going to be the best Clincoln Mcloud vacation ever!

Lincoln: Sure, we did. As long as, we're both here.

First Lady: (to the two 11-year-old boys) Yeah, you boys look very cute!

Lincoln & Clyde: (blushing) *scratching the back of their neck* Hehehe...thanks!

First Lady: It's true. Because since both of you are best friends, for me, I rather just hug both of you.

The First Lady does so, then the 2 boys blush in red-faced a bit before they hug her. Ronnie Anne also joins the hug with them. After a few seconds later, The President calls their attention for him telling something.

The President: Hey guys, I've already got tickets for the nearest next train arrival time, which is 10:20PM.

*they've all been appreciated of what he said*

The President: Now, I want you to get your tickets, just one for each of you, bring your stuff and go upstairs to see if the train is arriving. Let's go, everyone!

First Lady and Ronnie Anne: Woohoo, ladies together!

Lincoln: (to Clyde) This is part where this is the vacation of the Clincoln McLouds!

Clyde: It sure it is!

*the boys high-five each other*

The "5 people" already went to check their tickets to be valid and safe, then they walk upstairs to the waiting space for the train to come. There are several or some people/costumers there also in the waiting space. They stand there 2.5 meters away from the yellow safe line just to wait for the train to come.

The President: *blow-exhales* This is gonna be great!

Lincoln: Totally!

Ronnie Anne: I wonder what time is it?

First Lady: (to Ronnie Anne) It's 4 minutes before the train arrives.

Ronnie Anne: Woooh, just 4 minutes.

While waiting, Lincoln tells Ronnie Anne that he has something to tell, since they're beside each other.

Lincoln: Hey Ronnie, I have something to say to you.

Ronnie Anne: (bashful) Aww, what is it, Linky?

Lincoln: Wait, did you just came me Linky? *blushes* That's so sweet.

Ronnie Anne: Yeah, two of your sisters, Lori and Luan told me about it. Anyways, what do you want to tell me?

Lincoln: (blushes red-faced) Ummm...d-do you love me as your b-boyfriend?

Ronnie Anne: (angry) What! No way! *goes to him and grabs his shirt collar* Why did you say that to me?!

Lincoln: (hurtful) No-no-no, I mean to say that! I'm sorry!

Ronnie Anne lets go of his collar, then grabs both of his elbows.

Ronnie Anne: (laughing) Hahahahaha, I'm just joking!

Lincoln: (laughs quietly) Oh come on, Ronnie Anne! You're kidding me!

Ronnie Anne: Yeah, well since you're asking that question earlier, of course I love you! *hugs him*

Lincoln: (happy) *hugs her* Really, thank you! I love you, too!

*they broke the hug*

Ronnie Anne: Of course, I will always love my sweet "knucklehead"! *punches his left arm softly*

Lincoln: (blushes) Yeah, great.

They hugged each other while blushing red-faced. As they done that, Clyde notices this.

Clyde: (smiles) Awww, you two look adorable!

Lincoln & Ronnie Anne: Really, Clyde?

Clyde: I'm just smiling at both of you hugging. Can I join your hug?

Ronnie Anne: Sure!

As the three 11-year-old kids are hugging each other, the train had just arrived and stopped at the station since the time is exactly 10:20PM. One pair of the train's doors had stopped in front of the 11-year-old kids, The First Lady and The President. As all the train's doors opened including the one pair in front of them, they went inside the train with other people there still from Royal Woods (not mostly all characetrs from the show, maybe the crew background characters). The doors of the train closed, and the train itself went off the station.You can see that The President and the First Lady sitting at one 3-feet seat that's occupied by maximum of 5 people allowed at the right side. In the left side, in front of where the President and the First Lady sitting, you can see that Lincoln and Clyde are sitting beside each other in another of the train (however, you can just imagine which is the left and which right side of the train you're referring to). You can also see that Ronnie Anne there standing while holding a metal pole in the train near where Lincoln and Clyde and sitting. But, you still remember the 11-year-old kids brought their order from Burpin' Burgers? They're still holding their own favorite orders. Yet, they cannot eat here because, of course, you can't obviously eat inside a train. Instead, they had a conversation.

Ronnie Anne: Hey guys, are you ready for this most amazing vacation ever!

Clyde: Oh, yeah! Maybe we should change our name of our own vacation, Linc.

Lincoln: How about, "Clincoln Anne McLoudiago"?

Ronnie Anne: Wow Lincoln, that a great name! You're totally the smartest guy in the group. *tousling his hair*

Clyde: True, I agree with her.

Lincoln: (blushes and smiles) Well, I'm okay with that.

The screen now just cuts into the train moving forward then fades and disappears in a far distance from the camera. As the kids enjoyed together riding inside the train, they will have the best "Clincoln Anne McLoudiago" vacation ever with happiness and excitement.



The group name, "Clincoln Anne McLoudiago", where the kids name it, is actually from Mikedude Rocker10's fanfic "Loud House the Vampire Movie". I was so inspired that, that name should be the best group name of Clyde, Lincoln and Ronnie Anne. I didn't made the name, all thanks to "Mikedude Rocker10".
