All The Way To The Park

Saturday, June 2 [12:05AM]

The screen cuts to the Christmas-ish city of "Great Town Of Happiness", then it cuts to the right side of the bus before it cuts again to Santa Claus guides the city tour to the three 11-year-olds. He doesn't need to "tour guide" the President and the First Lady since both of them knew the whole city already.

Santa Claus: So kids, are you ready for this city tour guide?

Lincoln, Clyde & Ronnie Anne: YEAH!

The President: Well kids, Santa said to all of us last time that we have 4 places in this city that we need to go. But there more places we might go around the city.

First Lady: The first place we'll go is the park, the second place after that is the movie theatre, the third place for next is the mall, and the last place we go is my mansion which you kids are where you will sleep tonight.

Lincoln, Clyde & Ronnie Anne: WOAH!

Clyde: Aww, yeah! This is the best city I've ever went to.

Lincoln: Like there are lots of places we can go anywhere and anytime, just like Royal Woods!

Ronnie Anne: I love this vacation and this city, Santa! We have the best special city we can visit nor live in.

Santa Claus: Awww, it was just a fact. And also, speaking of "going to the park", my wife is waiting for me there.

Clyde: Wait, you're married?

Santa Claus: Yeah, everyone knows I totally have a wife.

Clyde: Oh, ok.

Santa Claus: Anyway, how about the three of you, kids, introduce yourselves in front of me.

Lincoln: Well, okay.

Ronnie Anne: Yeah, sure!

Clyde: That's great.

The kids start to introduce each of themselves to Santa Claus. After that, Santa has a lot of questions to ask them (or each of them) and had "unexplained" reactions.

Santa Claus: Well, thanks for introducing yourselves. But I have questions to ask all of you, or each of you.

*the kids "okay-ed"*

Santa Claus: Let's start with the white-haired one.

Clyde: (whispered to Lincoln) Hey, it's you.

Lincoln: Oh, what are you questions to ask me, sir?

Santa Claus: I have only one question.

Lincoln: (wondering) Ok?

Santa Claus: What's it like to be living with 10 sisters?

Lincoln: Well, it's quite normal, for me, to have a huge family. It doesn't matter if had less or more siblings, but what's more important that they always take care of me and treat me very well. They also gave me hugs and kisses almost everyday, at least they really love me as their only and one brother.

Santa Claus: *smiles* I'm so glad they loved you very well.

Lincoln: Yeah, they're so nice to me.

The double-decker bus stopped in traffic. Santa checks his GPS on where he's right now.

Santa Claus: Wow, we're in traffic. It's gonna be red light until a minute and a half. While we're in traffic, let's continue doing this. *notices that The President and The First Lady are sleeping together* By the way, your two guests there are sleeping.

The kids turned around while sitting on the floor of the bus and saw The President and The First Lady sleeping together.

Lincoln, Clyde & Ronnie Anne: (smiled together) AWWWW!

Then they turned around in front continuing their own thing.

Santa Claus: (also smiling) What a nice sleep they had. (to the kids) Anyway, let's continue. Now, who's next?

Clyde: How about me?

Santa Claus: Hmmm, okay. You're next.

Clyde: Yes, thank you sir.

Santa Claus: How is that possible that you had two dads?

Clyde: Well, the truth is that, my one dad Harold, he had a divorce with his wife (which means my real mom).

Santa Claus: How did your real mother broke up with him?

Clyde: I have no idea, I better ask him when I get home, I mean at Royal Woods.

Santa Claus: Yeah, you should've.

Clyde: Yeah...

Santa Claus: Alright, thank you so much Clyde.

Clyde: You're welcome, sir!

Santa Claus: So, we have but not the least, Ronnie Anne!

Ronnie Anne: Oh my, it's my turn.

Santa Claus: *coughs* My bad, my bad. So madam, what's it like to be living with your family, cousins, aunt, uncle and your grandparents in one residence.

Ronnie Anne: Well, maybe my relatives have no place to find a house and live that explains why they want to gather each other including me and my family in one place. At least, it's a residence, so there are bedrooms built inside.

Santa Claus: Ok, looks like you might have a "family reunion" in that place.

*both of them chuckled*

Ronnie Anne: Hmmm, not really. I don't know they will do that, so I'll ask them soon.

Santa Claus: That's great for you, ma'am, thank you very much.

Ronnie Anne: (smiles and chuckles a bit) It was just a fact.

Santa Claus: So kids, I really like all of your historical stories, though. Like, it's shocks and surprises me. A white-haired boy living with 10 sisters, a black-haired boy with glasses living with two fathers, and a girl living with her family and her relatives in one residence. Like, WOW! But still I kinda like them. Also, you kids look really cute as teddy bears.

Lincoln, Clyde & Ronnie Anne: (blushed and smiled) Hehehe...really?

Santa Claus: Yeah, of course! I'm not liking three of you like in a romantic way, it's just a compliment.

Lincoln, Clyde & Ronnie Anne: Oh, ok.

The traffic is over as the traffic light turns green after a minute and a half.

Santa Claus: Here we go, green light baby!

Santa continues driving his car forward to stop it at the park. Sooner later, he parked his bus outside of the park in.

Santa Claus: So kids, the first destination is the park. *he presses a button of the bus for opening the doors* Hop off, everyone!

*the kids cheered in excitement*

As they went off the bus before Santa closes and locks the doors with his bus key, all of them, including The President and The First Lady, went inside the park. The kids are surprised to see the most beautiful park they went. There are some population there just doing their own stuff.

Ronnie Anne: Wow, this park is so amazing and beautiful!

Clyde: Yeah, many people here are so liking it already.

Santa Claus: Yep, and speaking of "going in here", can you kids help me find my wife?

*each of the kids said, "Okay", "Sure!", "Alright"*

Santa Claus: *cheers* Yes! Now, let's go!

Before the kids and Santa Claus go, The President and The First Lady have to say something to the kids.

First Lady: Kids, me and your "presidential" guest here are gonna hang-out with each other here.

Lincoln: (wondering) Alright?

The President: But after we hang-out, either you guys are at the bus or somewhere else at the park, I'll meet you guys there sooner later.

Clyde: Okay.

Ronnie Anne: Sure!

First Lady: Alright, *they start to walk off* bye kids! Have fun finding Mrs. Claus!

Lincoln: Okay, bye! *waves his left hand*

Clyde and Ronnie Anne also do the same thing as Lincoln does, then The President and The First Lady walk off on their own.

Santa Claus: So kids, are you ready to find her?

Lincoln, Clyde & Ronnie Anne: YEAH!

Santa Claus: Well, come on!

The kids and Santa are on their way to find Mrs. Claus anywhere around the park. The screen cuts again to The President and The First Lady hanging out.

*both them are walking*

The President: Oh, what a great place to go!

First Lady: Yeah, the best vacation ever, even if we've been here before.

*they saw an ice cream vendor selling "it" in his ice cream stand*

The President: Ooh, how about we get some ice cream from Frosty for both us.

First Lady: Sure, that snowman right there sells ice cream!

They went to the ice cream stand to buy some ice cream from Frosty (the snowman), their old friend.

Frosty: Welcome to my ice cream stand. *gasps in shock* Wait, I know both of you before.

First Lady: Yeah, of course you know, I'm the First Lady...*points with her hands at The President*...and he's The President.

Frosty: (shocked) Oh, it's you guys!

Frosty goes off his stand and hugs both of them tightly.

The President: I can't breathe!

Frosty lets go of them and then goes back in his stand.

Frosty: Nice to meet you guys, again!

First Lady: Yeah nice to meet you too, Frosty! Can we have an order?

Frosty: Sure, you guys are gonna be my last customers for this day of my job.

The President: Wow, ok. *thinking* Hmmm..., can we have one chocolate ice cream for me and one strawberry ice cream for my wife, please?

Frosty: Sure, coming right up!

After Frosty makes one chocolate ice cream and one strawberry ice cream, he gives the orders to The President and the First Lady.

Then, Frosty needs to make his ice cream stand into a suitcase by pressing the "suitcase" button on his "job remote control" with another button of "ice cream".

The President: Wow Frosty, this ice cream tastes great!

First Lady: Yeah, I love that way you made it!

Frosty: (holding his briefcase) Well, it's just that I had a great job to work as and made an ice cream for both of you, guys!

The President: (smiles) Aww, thanks Frosty!

First Lady: Thank you for making us very happy!

Frosty: (blushes and smiles) Aww, you're welcome guys.

As The President and the First Lady ate half of each of their ice cream, they went off the area, along with Frosty, to find the "Clincoln Anne McLoudiago" kids and Santa Claus around the park.

*three of them are walking around the park*

Frosty: So, where are we going?

The President: Oh, we're gonna find our "kiddie" guests!

Frosty: Who "the kiddie guests" are you talking about?

First Lady: You'll find out later. We invited 3 11-year-old friends from Royal Woods to join our vacation here at this city.

Meanwhile, the kids and Santa Claus are searching for Mrs. Claus around the park. But luckily, Santa gets caught in his eyes to see his wife and a Christmas male elf she and Santa used to be friend with before, sitting at a bench feeding and watching the ducks at the duck pond of the park.

Santa Claus: Honey, there you are!

Mrs. Claus: Hey, sweetie!

Guy Elf: Hi, Santa!

Santa Claus: Hi, guys!

Mrs. Claus and C.M.E. (Christmas Male Elf) noticed the three 11-year-old kids.

Guy Elf: Um, who are those human kids you brought?

Mrs. Claus: (wondering) Yeah, did you invite in our vacation?

Santa Claus: Oh I forgot! Sweetie, Guy Elf, these are the kids I invite from Royal Woods. And kids, *introduces his wife* this is my wife Mrs. Claus, *introduces his old friend* and this is Guy Elf, our old friend.

Lincoln, Clyde & Ronnie Anne: Hello Mrs. Claus, hi Guy Elf.

Mrs. Claus: *handshakes with Lincoln and Clyde* Hello, kids!

Guy Elf: Nice to meet three of you, what are your names?

Lincoln: I'm Lincoln Loud.

Clyde: My name is Clyde McBride.

Ronnie Anne: *points her index fingers to herself* And this one right here is Ronnie Anne Santiago. *puts her hands down* My real name is Ronalda, but just in case, you can call me "Ronnie Anne".

Guy Elf:*giggles* Hi, my little cuties!

Mrs. Claus: Hello Lincoln, hello to you Clyde, and hello to you madam Ronnie Anne! (smiles) Anyway, you three are gonna be my new guests for our vacation with Santa, Guy Elf, your "two presidential couple lover guests", and more but you'll find out who. The reason why you three are joining our vacation it's because I noticed that you have "bad" experiences from other people. (worried) Lincoln had a lot of those especially that "bad luck" thingy, Clyde had usually several of it especially you and Lincoln are getting "messed up" by a boy named Chandler, I think that's the name right?

Lincoln: Yeah...

Clyde: But were friends with him now and then.

Mrs. Claus: *smiles* Wow, that's great! Anyway, back to the topic.

Ronnie Anne: (stops her) Um, Mrs. Claus, do I even have "bad" experiences?

Mrs. Claus: Yes, even you Ronnie Anne, people are even mistaking you as Lincoln's girlfriend and also your relatives are so overprotective to you.

Ronnie Anne: Sometimes I had that, but for real, me and Lincoln are actually a couple.

Santa, Mrs. Claus & Guy Elf: (shocked) WWHHAAATTT?! REALLY?!

Lincoln: (worried) That's even true, but please don't tell it others.

Ronnie Anne: (worried) It's just a secret between all of us here.

Mrs. Claus: (smiles) Aww...don't worry! We promise not to spread it to others.

Guy Elf: Yeah, we're friendly, even Santa is.

Santa Claus: What he said is true and we'll never ever do it.

Lincoln & Ronnie Anne: Really?

Guy Elf: Yeah, we really promise.

Clyde: (to Lincoln) As long as your trusted best friend here got your back, buddy.

Santa Claus: We always trust each other here with love, care, happiness, peace and hope.

*Lincoln and Ronnie Anne start hugging the "3" and Mrs. Claus*

Ronnie Anne: (smiles) Thanks, guys.

*the two "RonnieColn" lovers break the hug*

Guy Elf: (smiles) You're welcome. Also, you three look so adorable just the way you three smile.

Santa & Mrs. Claus: Yeah...

*the three kids start scratching the back each of their heads while blushing and smiling*

Lincoln, Clyde & Ronnie Anne: (blushing) Hehehe...thanks!

Guy Elf: By the way, it's just a compliment on what I've said.

After that, The President and First Lady with their old friend came in the "panel" to see all of them.

The President & First Lady: Hey, guys.

Mrs. Claus: Hello Mr. President, *shouts in joy* hi Mrs. First Lady!

*Mrs. Claus and First Lady hugged each other while squealing*

First Lady: Hi Mrs. Claus! Long time no see, and nice to meet you!

Mrs. Claus: Long time no see too, Mrs. First Lady! Nice to meet you too!

The President: Guy Elf, my buddy!

*Guy Elf and President high-fived, then do the "bro hug" to each other*

Guy Elf: Hey, Mr. President!

*the two men broke the hug*

Guy Elf: I've never seen you in a while!

The President: I've never seen you in a while too, Guy Elf!

*The President and First Lady noticed the three kids*

First Lady: So kids, did you meet your new friends?

Lincoln: Yeah, they're so friendly.

Clyde: And kind.

Ronnie Anne: And also courteous.

The President: Well, they are. Because they used to be our friends before, right guys?

Guy Elf: Yeah, that's true.

Mrs. Claus: It's about like many and many years ago.

Santa Claus: (smiles) Aww, old memories!

Frosty: Mr. President, are these the "kiddie" guests that you invited?

The President: Yes, Frosty. (to the "Clincoln Anne McLoudiago" kids) Kids, this is Frosty. (to Frosty) And Frosty, these are the 3 preteen friends from Royal Woods.

Frosty: Hello, kids! Welcome to our vacation at "Great Town Of Happiness" here. I'm Frosty, Mr. President's and First Lady's old friend. What are your names?

Lincoln: I'm Lincoln Loud.

Clyde: My name is Clyde McBride.

Ronnie Anne: *points her thumbs at herself* And this girl right here is Ronalda Santiago, but you call me "Ronnie Anne".

Frosty: Oh ok, hi Lincoln. Hello, Clyde. And hi, Ronnie Anne.

Lincoln, Clyde & Ronnie Anne: Hi, Frosty!

Frosty: *giggles* Hi kids! *smiles* Also, the three of you are super cute as teddy bears!

Lincoln, Clyde & Ronnie Anne: (blushing and smiling) Hehehe...thanks!

Clyde: Why does everybody compliments and thinks that we're all cute?

Mrs. Claus: (smiles) Well it's because you three are still young.

The President: (smiles) And maybe young people are more cuter. Even if they have freckles on them.

Guy Elf: (smiles) It's just that we all care about you.

Ronnie Anne: (still blushing and smiling) Well...okay!

They had an awkward silence for a minute, then...

First Lady: Hey kids, how about we go back to the bus and go to our next destination for your tour guide.

Lincoln: Oh yeah, come on everyone! Let's go back to the bus!

*they all start going back to the bus*

Guy Elf: Wait, your riding in Santa and Mrs. Claus's bus?

Ronnie Anne: Yes.

Frosty: Are you, kids, in a tour guide with Santa?

Clyde: Yes, and I don't know which place we all gonna go. But I know the last place we'll go is Santa and Mrs. Claus's presidental mansion.

Mrs. Claus: Oh yeah, I forgot, you kids are gonna sleep at our mansion for the vacation. And also, I'll still tell the three of you why you are joining our vacation.

Lincoln: Okay.

As the "9" went back inside the bus and sat down on the first floor which had a wide space in the middle surrounded by 3-feet-long seats, Santa (which came last) went into his bus driver area. He presses the button which it will closes the doors of the bus.

Santa Claus: All aboard!

*everyone else inside also said, "all aboard"*

The screen cuts to the bus driving off the park, then it zooms into the whole city of "Great Town Of Happiness" and cuts into black. I don't know where will they gonna go next but we will find out!



Again, this was from "Fanfiction.Net", but still I made this story.

The OCs I've made are actually Christmas characters (e.g. Santa, Frosty, Guy Elf, Mrs. Claus).
