A Christmas City Full Of Coldness

Friday, June 1 [10:40PM]

The screen fades inside the train, where it's really quiet except the music played recently. Some people there are sleeping including the President and First Lady, some people there are just awake especially the three 11-year-old kids, but few are liking the music and few are not interested listening to that. Speaking of music, the song played recently is "Girl In The Mirror" by Sophia Grace featuring Silentó. Anyways let's go back to the story, as what I was said, some people there are asleep and some people are awake. The screen cuts to Clyde on his phone checking the IG account of him and the "RonnieColn" or in other words, their IG account. Yes, Clyde checks their profile that they have 5 followers and sees that they only have 2 posts there. One post is a picture of them in the train station earlier with the First Lady standing in front of the cashier area, and one post is a picture of them outside the President's house about to leave the town. Then, on the other hand, the screen cuts to Lincoln and Ronnie Anne sitting beside each other, also Lincoln sits between Clyde (his right side) and Ronnie Anne (his left side). Both of "the couple lovers" watch the favorite show, "The Dream Boat" on Ronnie Anne's phone. They enjoyed too much while watching it by smiling, and yet they even hold hands since they're sitting beside each other. They had a conversation while still, they're doing the same thing.

Ronnie Anne: *exhales with low voice* This romantic episode of this show reminds us of our romantic and friendship moments we've had.

Lincoln: (blushes) Awww, Ronnie!

Ronnie Anne: Come on, Linc. Let's keep watching this. *puts her right arm around his neck and her right hand on his right shoulder*

Lincoln: Yeah, I like it that episode though. *puts his left arm around her neck and his hand on her left shoulder*

The lovers had a sweet moment while watching their own favorite show. The screen cuts to Clyde still checking and viewing their "Clincoln Anne McLoudiago" IG account, until he hears a notification from his phone. The notification is that there are now 3 comments on one of their posts in their IG account.

Clyde: (wondering) Hmmm...3 comments on my post of me, Lincoln and Ronnie Anne at the train station. *taps the picture he refers* I wonder who were commenting me...

As Clyde scrolls down to see who's commenting the picture, he figured it out that they were both his dads and Dr. Lopez. Howard's comment is, "Wow, son! You're in a train station with your friends and the FIRST LADY?!", Harold comments, "Where are you and your close friends going?", and Dr. Lopez's comment is, "Did you met the First Lady, even the PRESIDENT?!". Clyde's expression is just normal, he's not reacting to any of them instead he smiles happily that both of his dads and his appointment doctor are commenting the picture. Now, he's telling it to his 2 friends.

Clyde: Hey guys, there are comments in one of our posts in our IG account.

Ronnie Anne: *pauses the episode of "The Dream Boat" on her phone* What? REALLY?!

Lincoln: Oh, come on Clyde, we haven't finished the episode yet!

Clyde: Oops, sorry for interrupting both of you.

Lincoln: It's okay Clyde, I forgive you. We almost finished the episode, it's like 3 minutes left. Anyway, who are commenting our post?

Clyde: *shows his phone screen of people commenting the post of them in the train station to them* Look!

The two "RonnieColn" lovers view who are they.

Ronnie Anne: Wow, Clyde your dads and your appointment doctor are commenting our picture of us in the train station earlier.

Lincoln: And also, there 3 likes in that post too. They're the same people too.

Clyde: *holds his cellphone on his right lap with his right hand* Yeah, but right now I'll better listen to music on my phone. *gets his earphones from his backpack*

Lincoln: You can do your thing while me and Ronnie are still watching "The Dream Boat".

Clyde: It's okay, I may love that show but I just wanna relax in a good mood. *puts his earphones on his ears*

Ronnie Anne: Ok, Clyde. (to Lincoln) Hey, Linc let's continue watching this.

Lincoln: Um, yes. We have 3 minutes left of this episode. And don't forget, we have one more episode to watch.

Ronnie Anne: Oh yeah, let's also not forget about that one.

The three 11-year-old kids are continue doing their own things, just relaxing things.

Friday, June 1 [11:15PM]

The train had arrived to another train station where the "5" need to "go off". As all the doors opened, the screen cuts to the President and the First Lady with the 3 kids going out of the train. BTW, the station the train stopped at is all Christmas-ish.

First Lady: Woohoo! We're here kids!

The President: There's no place like home, instead it's a great vacation!

Lincoln: Wow, this train station is snowy and Christmas-ish!

Clyde: (looks at the snowy ground) And the ground is full of snow! Maybe in the whole ground of this town is full of snow.

First Lady: Yeah, but except the roads and the highways.

Ronnie Anne: (shivers) Hrrrrrh, it's so cold in here.

The screen cuts to Lincoln and Clyde both shivering while walking.

Lincoln: (shivers) Yeah, this feels like zero degree Celsius!

The President: And that's why all of you need to wear winter clothing.

As the President gives them each a winter hat, a winter jacket, a scarf, a pair of winter boots, a pair of winter leggings and a pair of mittens, the three 11-year-old kids wore each one set of them the President gave them earlier. The President and The First Lady also wear the same set of the same things they gave each of the kids.

Lincoln: Wow, this winter clothing makes us feel like having 34.5 degree Celsius!

Clyde: (shivers a bit) Woooh, I don't feel shivering anymore, only a bit.

Ronnie Anne: Thanks for giving us these, sir!

The President: Well thank you, madam. You're pretty cute and beautiful even if you're with Lincoln!

Ronnie Anne: (blushes, scratches the back of her head) Awww, thank you!

The screen then cuts to the "5" walking up the stairs to accept their validation of their ticket.

Clyde: (excited) Woohoo, I wonder what this town looks like and how huge it is.

First Lady: It's quite beautiful and really gigantic as one state in America.

Clyde: Ooooh, this is gonna be interesting!

Still on the scene of them walking up the stairs, it cuts to Lincoln and Ronnie Anne holding hands to each other.

Ronnie Anne: Hey, lame-o! Do you like it when we hold hands together?

Lincoln: (blushing) Yeah, I like it! And it's okay if you call "lame-o" as a nickname. But for real, you call me Linc or Lincoln.

Ronnie Anne: Ok, but for me, it's more fun if I call you that earlier even if I won't tease you anymore.

Lincoln: (smiles and looks downright) Alright...

Ronnie Anne pecks Lincoln in the cheek. Lincoln starts to blush again.

Lincoln: What a sweet kiss you've given to me!

Ronnie Anne: (smiles) Thank you! Let's still hold hands together for another time, please?

Lincoln: Sure!

The couple lovebirds hold hands each other for the second time. After 4 seconds later, the screen cuts to the "5" confirming their validation of their tickets. Each one inserts their own ticket to the "confirming-a-ticket machine" and access it to pass through its gates. The screen now cuts to them on the other side of the train station which is the "lobby", then they went outside of the station and stand against a bus stop sign. When they went outside the train station, the kids shocked in surprise to see a lot of tall and short buildings, lots of vehicles and a huge population of elves and some normal humans and many more in the city. But what exactly is in front of them is a water fountain (with a radius of 6 centimers) surrounded by a round asphalt road (still there are some population of elves, several cars and other vehicles). Also, the kids saw what they're looking at looks like a park but there are buildings exist.

Lincoln, Clyde & Ronnie Anne: Woah!

Ronnie Anne: This place is great!

Clyde: Yeah, it looks like Royal Woods!

Lincoln: But more beautiful and happiness!

The President: Well kids, this is the Christmas city called "Great Town Of Happiness".

First Lady: And I'm be calling Santa Claus, the president of this city!

Lincoln, Clyde & Ronnie Anne: (very surprised) WWHHHAAAATTT?!

Lincoln: How did you know him?

The President: Well, me and my lady met him, his wife, his reindeers, his relavites and his close friends before.

Clyde: So that concludes that both of you haven't been here for a very long time.

The President: Yep, kiddo. Your female guest here is gonna call him to fetch us here with his double-decker bus like in London.

The three 11-year-old kids shocked in surprised again...

First Lady: And since the double-decker bus he has, it contains 2 floors and the whole bus can occupy by a maximum of 24 persons.

Clyde: Wow, maybe his bus is really awesome!

The President: Sweetie, you call him now that we're here.

First Lady: Ok, hon.

The First Lady dials the number on her phone to call Santa. She puts her phone on her right ear to call him already.

Santa Claus: (on First Lady's phone) Hello?

First Lady: Hey, Santa!

Santa Claus: (still on her phone) Oh, it's you! The First Lady!

First Lady: Yeah, it's me. You know who.

The First Lady continues talking to Santa Claus about where she and her "4 special guest friends" need to be fetched by him, of course Santa.

Santa Claus: Ok, I'll be fetching you and your friends there at exactly midnight! See you later!

First Lady: Thanks, bye!

Santa Claus: Bye!

The First Lady aborts the call already and tells the others.

First Lady: Ok guys, Santa Claus will be here at exactly midnight!

The three 11-year-old kids cheered in excitement.

Ronnie Anne: (squeals) Oooh, I wanna see him for the first time in my entire life!

Lincoln: (takes a deep breath) Here we go!

Clyde: (being cool) I wanna talk to him, though!

The President: Yeah, he-he! Well, we'll just have to wait.

Clyde: Ummm, what time is it now?

Ronnie Anne: It's 11:30PM.

Lincoln: Well, as what the President said earlier, we'll just have to wait.

They wait to pass the time until midnight...

Lincoln: Hey guys, how about we'll take a selfie and post it on our IG?

Clyde: Wow, awesome!

Ronnie Anne: Great idea, Linc!

The President: Maybe I can not join in your selfie, sorry.

First Lady: It's okay kids, I'm also not joining or you can let us join in.

Lincoln: Well, we should start with the three of us, then we'll include both of you.

First Lady: Sure, why not.

The President: (puts his left hand on her left shoulder with his left arm behind her neck) Me and my lady we'll just have to wait. We'll also just also look at this whole city we've went to.

After that, the three 11-year-old kids start gathering in one 3-person line while Lincoln (right side of Clyde) raises the camera. Ronnie Anne (left side of Clyde) and Clyde (between Lincoln and Ronnie Anne) are ready to "smile in a while". Lincoln captures the camera by snapping it, then he invites The President (behind Lincoln and Clyde) and The First Lady (behind Clyde and Ronnie Anne) in their selfie. All 5 of them are ready to "grin and win" before Lincoln "snaps it up". They post 2 pictures they taken earlier in their IG profile.

Clyde: Woohoo, that was the best selfie ever!

Ronnie Anne: At least, we had so much fun!

The President: I kinda like it very well...

First Lady: (to Lincoln) Thanks, Lincoln! I hope you guys that, we'll get followers in your profile.

Lincoln: Yeah, I wonder what's happening in Royal Woods...

The screen cuts to Kirby's mansion where Kirby and Lord Tetherby are talking in the dining room while eating. They're the only ones who are in the mansion, no one else.

Lord Tetherby: Kirby, do you have any information for tomorrow's "three-month sleepover party".

Kirby: Yes my lord, it will start tomorrow, obviously, at 2:00PM. Then since it's 3 months, the party will end on September 2 at noontime.

Lord Tetherby: Oh, ok sir! How many people are invited?

Kirby: Ah, one rockstar named Luna Loud texted me that maybe a lot like more than 180, what I mean is like most characters from the show. Or what's more possible, most people in Royal Woods.

Lord Tetherby: Are there any several persons who are not invited?

Kirby: Yep, Luna also texted me earlier that her brother Lincoln is not invited because he went on a vacation with his best, closest friend and his girlfriend. She also texted me again earlier, that she wouldn't invite Hank and Hawk (the bullies of Royal Woods) because, you know, they're so mean, rude and tough all the time, even they do that to children.

Lord Tetherby: Woah, they were just bad as villians.

Kirby: Yeah, but I'm sure they'll change their attitude.

They finished eating dinner and they start to wash the dishes together. While they do that household chore, they had a conversation.

Tetherby: So sir, how many bedrooms for each set of people are organized?

Kirby: Well, there are 12.

Tetherby: Woah, that's a lot of that.

Kirby: But, I'll tell you tomorrow who can sleep in each one except now I'll tell you that both of us we'll sleep in our own one. Because if I can explain for the rest right now, it might take too long for you to know and organized each person in each room.

Tetherby: Yeah, you should tell me about tomorrow because...*checks his watch*...it's actually 11:45PM, so it's better if we sleep in our own room. Feels like everyone in Royal Woods is sleeping now.

Kirby: Yeah, but after we do this.

Tetherby: Ok...

As the two men finished doing their chore or "job", they went inside their room and went to bed.

Tetherby: Goodnight.

Kirby: Goodnight to you, too.

They already closed their eyes to sleep peacefully.

Saturday, June 2 [12:00AM]

The screen cuts to Santa Claus driving in his bus heading to the train station of the Christmas city. Santa stops his bus near the bus stop sign of the station, then he presses a button to open the doors of his bus for letting The President, The First Lady and the "Clincoln Anne McLoudiago" kids go inside. The kids are shocked in surprise and excitement to see Santa for the first time in their entire lives, while The President and The First Lady are so happy to see their "kinda friend" again after several years.

Santa Claus: Ho-ho-ho! Welcome to the "Great Town Of Happiness".

Lincoln, Clyde and Ronnie Anne: (surprised) SANTA!

Santa Claus: Hello kids! (to The President and The First Lady) Are these the three kids whom you invited?

First Lady: Yes, Santa.

The President: Kids, *points to Santa with his hand* this is Santa. (to Santa) And Santa, *touches Lincoln's shoulders* this is Lincoln, *then touches Clyde's black hair* this is Clyde, *then pinches Ronnie Anne's cheeks a bit* and this is Ronnie Anne.

Santa Claus: Hi Lincoln, Clyde and Ronnie Anne!

Lincoln, Clyde and Ronnie Anne: Hi Santa!

The President: *giggles* Oh, honey this is best when the kids met Santa for the first time!

First Lady: Yeah, it was for sure. (to the three 11-year-old kids) Alright kids, in the bus now.

*the three kids shouted altogether, "Yay!"*

After the kids went inside the double-decker bus and sat down on one row of chairs, The President and The First Lady also step inside.

First Lady: Ummm, Santa. Thanks for fetching us her at the train station with these kids.

Santa Claus: Awww, it was just for fun...

The First Lady smiled and sat down in another row of chairs with the President

Santa Claus: Well, all aboard everyone?

The President, First Lady, Lincoln, Clyde and Ronnie Anne: All aboard!

Santa Claus: Next stop, the Christmas park.

Santa drives his bus away from the the train station and needs to find a way to go to the park.

Ronnie Anne: Ummm, Santa. We're not in a train, though.

Santa Claus: Yeah, I know Ronnie Anne but it's more fun if I say that all the time whenever I'm driving a bus. Just pretend that we're in a train.

Ronnie Anne: Oh, ok...

The screen zooms out of the bus, then zooms into the whole city of "Great Town Of Happiness", then fades to black. Hopefully, they will continue their journey on their vacation.

