The Witness (Alec)

As I'm sitting on the couch next to Magnus, I watch Maxine in awe as she draws. She looks so focused. It was amazing. Before I realize it, my phone buzzes. Its Izzy.

Hey, hows everything going?

I text her back quick

Fine, Max drew a picture of you, it looks just like you

"Max can I see that picture of Izzy?" I ask. She hands me the notebook and snap a picture and send it to Izzy.

By the angel! That's amazing!

I smiled, I knew she loved it

Hey, did Magnus show you what's inside the box?

No, I'm hoping he does, I'm going to try to coax him into it.

I look at Max then Magnus. They looked like they didn't notice anything.

Good luck with that, text me when you find out. I love you Alec

I will, love you to Iz

Why won't he show me whats in the box?  It could be anything. I hoped Magnus would show me what's inside. I look at Magnus, watching Tv with his arm snaked around my waist. I look over at Max. She feel asleep. She looked very uncomfortable. I poke Magnus and point to Max. He chuckled and got up. He put her pencil and notebook on the table. He picked her up with no effort and carried her to her bed. He came back down and sat right next to me. "What's in that box?" I ask. Magnus freezes and looks at me. I'm starting to regret asking. He takes my hands and holds them and stars rubbing them. He did that when he had some sort of bad news. "What's in that box is just plain horrible" Magnus whispered. "You can tell me anything" I whispered back. He was starting to rub my hands so hard they were starting to hurt. "Does the box have to do with Max?" I ask. Magnus nods his head. "It's... It's..the box... The box is just..." Magnus was stammering. I put my finger to his lips "Shh. It's okay, you don't have to tell me" I say. "Memories. It's the memories the Silent Brothers erased" I sit in shock. Memories? They kept those? "I saw what Maxine saw. Alec I... I watched her birth parents die. It was so horrible and gruesome" his voice was starting to catch in his throat. I pull him into a hug, he's shaking hard. "Calm down" I say. He looks up at me. His cat eyes were so wide. I pull him back into a hug. "Just calm down, everything is gonna be okay." I whisper in his ear. He stops shaking after a mintue and comes back up. "I think I should show you what's inside, I think it's important. I haven't seen everything in the box, I just saw her parents death" he says as we walk up the stairs. We pass Max's room, I peek inside. Curled up in a ball and still sleeping. We pass our room and into a room where Magnus keeps some of his magic mumbo jumbo. I've only been in here a couple of times. He walks over to the box and comes back over to me. "You need to understand is this is what Maxine saw, these are her memories" Magnus whispered. He opened the box and this blinding light came out of it. I blacked out.

Magnus and I are in a small house. A man about my age is in a room, he smiles at us. I freeze.

"Is he looking at us? Can he see us?" I ask. "No" Magnus said.

A beautiful women and a young girl walk in "Daddy!" She says and runs up to him. The women followed her.

"Is that Max and her parents?" I ask. "Yep, Noah and Lacey. Max's real name was Mara.

They all sit in this down on the couch. Ten minutes later they tuck Max... Or Mara in bed. They go up to their room and talk. "Did you hear the rumors? People are saying Valentine never died." Noah said. "Well I hope the rumors are fake" Lacey said. They kissed then a loud crash was heard downstairs. Noah pulls away and grabs a blade. I could see some runes on his arms. "What was that?" Lacey says panicked "I don't know but get yourself and Mara out, I love you too so much" he kisses Lacey and runs down stairs. When he gets to the bottom Valentine is there. "The rumors are real" Noah said. "They sure are" then two shadowhunters came in and fough Noah hard. They ended up sliding his throat. He's dead under a minute. Lacey runs down the stairs and sees Noah's body. She's screaming and sobbing. She sees Valentine and the other Shadowhunters. She sprints but they catch her and start stabbing her. After two minutes, she's dead too. Valentine and his men leave. Maxine comes down stairs. "Mommy, Daddy?" She sees their bodies and lies between them. She's in hysterics. Screaming, crying. She's covered in their blood.

We wake up in the real world. Magnus has sad eyes. I can see why he didn't want to show anyone. He comes over and hugs me. I pull away and sprint to Maxine's room. She's still sleeping but I pick her up and hold her in my arms. "Dad what's wrong?" She asks sleepy. Magnus comes over and sees what's wrong. I look at him and he has sad eyes. "Dad, are you okay?" Maxine asks. I kept holding on to her and never wanted to let her go.
