The Tragic Secrets of Maxine (Magnus)

Everyone backs away from her. "How do you know?" Izzy asks. "Her forearm." I say. They all see the curse mark. Everyone wanted to be by Maxine. But I would glare at anyone who stepped forward. "I...I knew I had it" Maxine whispered. "What do you mean?" I ask. "I knew about this...curse" she whispered. She was starting to choke up. It sounded like she was gonna cry. "What does this curse do?" Clary asks. "It kills people. I can't control it. They just...die. Whenever I went to a new home someone would die. One guardians friends drown. Another ones sister just hung herse. I can't control it" she said. She was crying now. "Why didn't you tell anyone?" Jace asked. Maxine was sobbing. "BECAUSE WHEN EVER I TOLD A GUARDIAN THEY WOULD SEND ME BACK TO THE SILENT CITY. I'M A FREAK! I'M JUST A FREAK! PLEASE DON'T SEND ME BACK TO THE SILENT CITY. PLEASE I'M BEGGING YOU!" She was in hysterics. Moaning in her own tears. She was hyperventilating. She put her head between her knees and couldn't stop crying and sobbing. It sounded like she was gonna throw up. Alec started walking toward her. "Alec don't go near her, you can get hurt" I say. He didn't listen. He put a bowl under her right before she threw up. He rubbed reassuring circles on her back. "Hey, look at me" Alec said. She looked up. Tears and snot covered her face. Alec grabbed a tissue and wiped her face. "We would never send you back to the silent city. Never in a million years." She stared to calm down. "You're not a freak. Don't let anyone bring you down. Don't ever think for one second you're a freak." Alec said. He pulled her on his lap and she finally started to calm down. "How long have you been suffering from panic attacks?" Simon asked. "A long time" Maxine said. "I can take the curse off you" I say. "Do you want me to?" I ask. She nodded her head. "I don't want anyone else to die because of me" she said. Alec took her glasses and cleaned them off for her and put them back on. "You look so much like my brother right now" Alec said. Everyone smiled. "I wanna sleep" Maxine said. Alec nodded and laid her in the bed. We all kiss her goodnight and I stay in their with her, healing her concussion before she fell asleep.

We all meet in the library. "Ill heal her curse tomorrow" I say. "Why not now?" Jace asks. "She'll be in extreme pain." I say. Everyone goes silent. Alec's eyes go wide. No one wants see Maxine in anymore pain than she been though. "I think you should do it. It would be worth it in the end." Clary says. "Alright. I'll do it tomorrow" I say. "I think we should get some sleep. We have a giant day tomorrow" Jace says. "You guys should just stay here" Izzy says. We all say goodnight and go to our bedrooms. Alec falls asleep quick and is snuggled next to me. I can't sleep because I can't stop thinking about the pain I have to put my daughter through.
